City #13
29 мая 1999 |
Likbez - a full description and full disassembler ROM (part 8).
-------------------------------------------------- LIKBEZ -------------------------------------------------- (C) P. Yu Fedin FULL DESCRIPTION + FULL ROM Disassembler TR-DOS 5.04T (5.03) For professionals And as for those WHO WANTS TO BE. continued The format of the file descriptor Bytes 0 - 7 - file name. Bytes 8 - the file extension. Bytes 9 - 10 - Codes and arrays address Haulin ki, for programs in BASIC - the length of file for data files: Byte 9 - the block number in the file Byte 10 - any, TR-DOS always tired establishes 32. Bytes 11 - 12 - for arrays and codes - the length of the file programs in BASIC, the length of programs, data files - the length of the recorded portion of the block. byte 13 - length of the file in the sectors. Byte 14 - Number of the first sector of file. Byte 15 - number of the first track file. Format Descriptor disk (sector 8 track 0) Bytes 0 - 224 - not used. Byte 225 - number of the first free sector. Byte 226 - number of the first free track. B 227 - Disc Type: 22 - 80-track double-sided, 23 - 40-track double-sided, 24 - 80-track single-sided, 25 - 40-track single-sided. Byte 228 - number of files on the disk vmes those with erased. Bytes 229 - 230 - the number of free sectors. B 231 - always 16 - a sign prinadlezhnos Tee drive to TR-DOS. Bytes 232 - 243 - not used. Bytes 234 - 242 TR-DOS fills in byte 32. Byte 244 - number of deleted files. Bytes 245 - 252 - the name of the disk. Bytes 253 - 255 - not used. Errors in sub-TR-DOS Fatal error: Errors PEEK POKE - impossible to work with files with the expansion of B and D. Also, do not lzya to work with the last seconds torus of any file. Error PEEK - after the finish sector many bytes of the following, as specified in the low buy those file length. This error is about hoditsya when used under program 15635. Errors MAGIC - spoils addresses 23552 and 23553. If the address is 23304 238, then to port 32765 downloads Xia number of 23388. Makes 20 attempts to write to disk with Zach leennoy slot. Error RUN - run the code correctly files. Error PRINT # - When creating a new unit fi la Porte buffer, which is why may fail or CAT # LIST #. Error RESET - puts at 23,746 to Mandu RET without a system variables TR-DOS. Failed CAT - If the number of drives 23801 and 23,798 different, something happens anything. Positioning error - not taken into account the rate of transition substituted drive heads. Other errors: Error selecting drive - not checked drive type, if a variable 255, and if change it, then drive type will always be redefined lyatsya. Error reading address marker - Ignore the error flag Be is taken from 23,761 instead of 23,831. Error of all COPY - spoiled variable 23840, and with COPY S - still 23,839. Errors GO TO - Border color is taken from the 23624. To preserve the length of the name file using the screen, although this is not necessary. When downloading files page by clicking Tie A BREAK or response to the question grew Retry, Abort, Ignore? leads children for anything. PRINT # mistakes and INPUT # - after the question Retry, Abort, Ignore? or pressing BREAK will children anything. Failed to configure disk - not checked the possibility of using Use the drive to require emom mode. Completely non correctly processed DISC ER ROR. Error READ ONLY - when trying to write a 40-doro zhechny disc 80-track dispersion kovode message is right correctly, but in a variable 23823 instead of an error code will be copy variable with the type of drive. Error BREAK - BREAK when you issued with communication BREAK INTO PROGRAM instead of BREAK-CONT REPEATS. to be continued ...
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