City #13
29 мая 1999

Beech - The Adventures of Shtiplitsa and one another in ppiklyucheniya Bopmana.

<b>Beech</b> - The Adventures of Shtiplitsa and one another in ppiklyucheniya Bopmana.

  Shtirlitsa adventures and other adventures Bormann


  - Hey, in header, come - Nikita affectionately called Lysenko.

  - What? - Lysenko came over and took off his hat.

  - How's the corn? - Khrushchev spat on the floor and
drew closer fly-bitten plate of sandwiches.

  - Increasing - Lysenko drew a mouth with stale black teeth 
and neighing at something differently. 

  - It's good - he said Hrushev. - And this ... as
it ...? Shtirlitsa planted?

  - That I do not know - a singsong voice said Lysenko, and put

  - Fool you, - said Nikita Sergeyevich - You
this ... arognom, in so all should know! Find out and report 
back ... 

  - Who? - Asked zonked Lysenko, feeling that he really a fool.

  - Well, someone - Khrushchev said, with relish poking his 
finger in the nose. 


 To capture Shtirlitsa was sent a special detachment
Special police of eight people. In
led squad was a major, whose name nobody

  - I do not envy it ... as it is ...? Stirlitz -
happily, like a small dirty dog, "said
sektretar Nikita Sergeyevich.

  He did not know that he is not, and Stirlitz had every reason 
not to envy him. 

  - How do you? - Nikita stood in the doorway -
Come here, come out for you ... - His eyes shone with the 
Secretary General of the victorious triumph. Behind the door, 
pulling his neck, stood by KGB and impatience played with guns.

  "Main Gott, Came ... I have not passed the latest encryption" 
- thought the secretary. He threw on the floor gifted favorite 
Fuhrer Schmeisser, who wore in his bosom, and, rolling his 
eyes, left the office. 

  Khrushchev triumphed. So hateful
intillegent he was defeated and sent to the camps.

  - Do not be afraid, - himself the leader said, rubbing
short sweaty hands.


  Stirlitz indignant. He expected any Bormann
ropes, even a hemp rope, but such dirty tricks he could not 

  Russian intelligence officer made a wry face and a 
contemptuous indignation, and threw a big way to the bank stew 
about wall.

  Cow fat slowly spreads the wallpaper in red

  - Scott! - Stirlitz punched the wall, the second bank. This 
is referred to Mueller and Pastor Schlag. Pastor, sitting by 
the window with the first in his life caught Rybina (anything 
that is dead), cringed. 

  - Scary! - From the impact of the third bank wall cracked. 
Borman, eavesdrop on the other hand, squeal sped.

  "It's time to slip away" - thought Stirlitz .- "All around 
people This pig colon. And after all, I Stirlitz

or Stirlitz? "

  As always after a brilliant operation, Stirlitz burned on the 
details. Specifically, at the moment he could not decide where 
it would hit the road. 

  In his native Russia for some reason did not want. Perhaps
cause of this discontent was the beloved homeland
leaflet Bormann. Especially, Stirlitz did not know that
a new beast appeared during his absence, and
how it can bite.

  Stirlitz lit "Belomorinu" and decided to move in

  He did not know where they are, but I saw a couple of times
theirs currency (once at Canaris, and the other at the 
Schellenberg). Dollar Stirlitz liked. 

  "I wonder where are SyShyA?" - Thought

  Globe Ukraine, presented by Goebbels, was unable to
give an answer to this rhetorical question. Russian
scout looked out the window and noticed a bald spot Bormann
brilliant from the evening haze.

  - Borman, come here, - the voice Shtirlitsa not allowed

  - Fighting shalt Stirlitz? - Bormann knew that
from a Russian intelligence officer can not escape. Chance
five he had - from the corner, nothing suspecting, seemed to 
Pastor Schlag, humming under his breath, "we Pioneers, the 
children of workers. " 

  - Pastor will not help you, - said Stirlitz generalized way, 
but Bormann, showing the pink child's tongue disappeared. 

  - Hell, - an oath Stirlitz .- Hey, pastor, podika here!

  Pastor trembled, but still came up.

  - Listen, you fat, maybe you know
where this damn America?

  - A. .. in ... in ... - Pastor, trembling, made idiotic face 
and mumbled something unintelligible. 

  - Clearly, you can get out - said Stirlitz
holding up a leg for throwing a kick.

  "No, well, everything yourself!" - Thought irritably
Russian intelligence officer.

              to be continued ...

Other articles:

Editor - I found some relics IBM PC, skopee only 286 RAM, 1024 KB.

Iron - Pseudo Turbo for Scorpio (acceleration 3%).

what-where-how much - in the Central Univepmage on tpetem floor otkpylas new section padiotovapov.

Smiley - crazy jokes.

Likbez - a full description and full disassembler ROM (part 8).

Beech - The Adventures of Shtiplitsa and one another in ppiklyucheniya Bopmana.

Music - Lipichesky nome.p the plate HARD DAYS NIGHT (soloist P. Makkaptni).

Advertising - Ppodaetsya ppintep MC 6337. Hedopogo.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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