City #01
08 марта 1998

Beech - short story "Intimacy-act."

<b>Beech</b> - short story


  He simply had nothing to do, wandered into this little shop 
with a low-key sign "Intimacy", gave bill in a store, because, 
on the door hung a sign: "a shop, the price for entry so much." 
cash register, short klatsnuv, squeezed out a check. 

  He is not looking put the check in his pocket and proceeded 
to inspect large shop windows. After a half-hour examination, 
he felt that his knees flow pesky trickle of sweat, not chump 
brews, and horseradish - is worth. 

  Saleswoman stood silently, watching him and listened to the 
contrary, the buzzing flies. In fact, it It was found that in 
her store live fly. 

  Just today, broke the tape and therefore
was forced into silence hung pretty dusty shop watching 
vzmokshim bespectacled, so she dubbed for myself, this is the 
tedious visits, although there were no points on it and it was 

  And he examined with great diligence for the regiment
shelf and increasingly felt completely ripe idiot. Seeing a 
giant falloimmitator, for some reason black, he suddenly 
presented that a member This is almost half-meter length - it's 
his term, and that dryuchit it, right in the moment, this 
saleswoman, placing her close to him backwards. 

  She that would somehow have fun (on the ball, in
working hours!) began pick out from behind the window
lattice preprotivnuyu this fly at the same time without any
"Rear" intent openly turned to him
attractive dimensions of your ass.

  He'd just carefully examined already following the regiment, 
this time - with all sorts of attachments and rings for the 
term, and kept glancing at the ass saleswoman, who was shaking 
like a pudding at every movement. 

  In his mind there was no thought at all, not
to mention the rear when he asked hoarsely
question in the direction of a gelatinous ass:

  - And you can consult about

  - Of course you can! - Said the saleswoman, and not
Turning to the buyer "view from the front."

  And he still, without a "rear" of thoughts, took a
this time its rampant member, dumped it on
glass counter and asked the saleswoman:

  - You, please, advise me something
Here on this issue ...

  She turned, looked around the nondescript peasant saw his 
penis, and dropped the ruler of astonishment, that just tried 
to kill a fly. 

  Member, exposed in his pants, looked even
a little more famous "Jack Blake, who
she occasionally liked to regale her feminine nature.

  She stared blankly at this pulsating, alive
embodiment of her restless dreams, as a member, provocatively
surging, reflected in the glass surface of the counter, so she 
had the opportunity to contemplate this wonder of nature in two 
ways. From This fantastic spectacle of her cheekbones reflex

clenched, his face marked the nodule, and flicked the heart and 
increased, and each blow was given to him in all the remotest 
corners of her body, she even felt that her eyes climbs out of 
orbit in unison heartbeat ... 

  In the end, she made an effort, ascended suddenly swallowed 
saliva and whispered: 

  - Allow me polyubopytstvuyu?

  Women's curiosity - not a vice, and with these words
She grabbed his dick with both hands, bent
and covered the mouth of his head, take it in her mouth was
just because it has repeatedly done this
with her beloved "Blake Jack", and thus
she could open her mouth very wide, at the limit of its 

  "Bespectacled" silently watching her actions, he
a denser stuck his huge prick in her mouth and
gave her free rein. It is one
hand intercepted his penis at the base, a member of
from this has become even thicker, head nalilas
blood and swollen, her jaw spread like a jack,
and he was still being felt felt her teeth and tongue to
his foreskin.

  The other hand it makes frictions, fingering
velvety skin of his trunk, feeling under the palm
swollen veins. She wanted to make the movement more and
head poskolzit lips on his head, but she
could not do it, because really sat very tight in his mouth, 
head, make at least kakieto motion prevented her teeth. "Pull 
them to hell, removable dentures put "- flashed in her mind

Crazy idea.

  After a couple of minutes, "four-eyes" began to pour out, 
staring at the ceiling and quietly howling with pleasure. She 
felt the sperm fills her mouth and realized with horror that he 
can not swallow not a bit, after all, "Blake Jack does not know 
how to pour and she was unable to work out this "trick".

  She, like predatory fish, into the jaws of which came
too big a production, I felt that the sperm,
overflow her mouth, began to pour out and rolled down
on the lower lip, the chin part of it flowed to
neck, bra, and a part - was spreading turbid
a puddle on the counter. Such exotic sensations
she felt the first time in my life!

  Once she was able to pull a member from his mouth, then
once locked inside the front door, hang out
"sign Rediscounting." Securing the way from
unexpected visitor she again opened it,
turned to him and arched her back to her waist, feeling like
member penetrates her vagina, deeper and deeper.

  He was the first man in her life, which could
fill it all, as she had dreamed - is dense and without

  He firmly grabbed both sides of her giant ass and with a 
force stretched them in different directions hard fuck 
salesgirl, was surprised to discover that all of its members 
placed in her vagina. At intervals of approximately ten minutes 
he was able to finish four times, while not removing the never

member of the quagmire of her vagina.

  Sperm his three orgasms vzbilas and turned
a white foam. With each stroke of a member from the vagina
pushed out this piece of foam, and flown apart on
small pieces, falling, like large flakes of snow. When he 
finished the last, fourth time, then realized that, finally, 
natrahalsya to satiety. 

  Her vagina is sad, the last time hlyupnula,
when he pulled out a giant, and his
end hung a long drop of semen.

  When they are washed and poobchistili with a foam and all
other traces of their copulation, she realized that he had to 
neesamy native people on this whole wide world. 

  He thought about the same ...

  .. You think he had to buy something
in this store? Yes, he did not know that his
provincial town has a store of intimate accessories. Just 
yesterday, he ended the year mourning over the death of his 
wife, and this morning He left the house with the intention of 
zakadrit currently partner for the night! 

  And now you think that all the end of the story?

  And it's not the end!

  Exactly one day after events already described in
sex-shop, a small commotion occurred in
dental clinic, they have a scandal stout lady, who demanded to
in one sitting once removed twenty quite
healthy teeth!
And now - everything!

Other articles:

Editor - A new free newspaper for kompyutepnaya ZX SPECTRUM.

Iron - I want passkazat its komp'yute, those izvpascheniyah, kotopye I These ppodelal ...

What, where, how much - on ppogpammnyh of products of caught me puki last week.

Smiley - a compilation of anecdotes.

Beech - short story "Intimacy-act."

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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