ZX Ferrum #02
26 апреля 2004

Authors - the authors of the paper.

<b>Authors</b> - the authors of the paper.
                          Write more often!

                        Editorial address:

e-mail lektronny: demon_zx@fromru.com

zx-net: 500:8462 / 128.14

p0cht0vy address: Russia, Kursk region. n. Cheremisinova,
st. 8th March, 7 square meters. 2, 306440.
Terentyev, Dmitry Vasilyevich.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------
             In preparing the facilities involved:


                        Terentyev D.


                        Terentyev D.


                        Terentyev D.


                    C-Jeff/brainwave + mimic

                          Kyv / triumph

                         Authors of articles:

                        Terentyev D.

                        Filio (Valery)

                   Materials from the site Scenergy

                    Materials from the site Chrome

               Proceedings of the journal ZX-Element # 1

                       Special thanks to:

                     all write reviews

-------------------------------------------------- -------------
                     Brutally tortured to death were:

                          Alasm v4.44

            (My first and final assembly)

                            STS 6.2

                       STS 5.6 remix AlCo


                         (Thanks AlCo)

                        Modern Word 2. "

             (Text formatter is not in ACE)

                           Hrust 2.5

                       (Main and entertainment)

                            HFE 2.0

           (Pulled the font itself was too lazy to draw)

                            PT 3.57

          (Not a musician, but music spekovskuyu adore!)

              MagOS 2.3 lite for Pentagon1024/512
(Rulez! parallel work MWorde and ACE and to exchange

          data via the drive! for it is thanks to me)

                            BV 2.19

                     (Ivan Roshchin indefatigable!)

-------------------------------------------------- -------------
                  Carried out experiments on animals:

                        Pentagon 1024kb

                          Write more often!

Other articles:

Entry - Out of this number was delayed, but the fact were objective reasons for ...

Wheel - letters to the editor by C-jeff and Trident'a from St. Petersburg.

Iron - reset circuit in the "Gluk Reset Service".

Iron - locking scheme buggy ports on the Scorpion and Profi.

Zhlezeo - Cheap stereosilitel on two chips.

Iron - MIDI interface for the ZX-Spectrum-compatible computers (continued).

Iron - Chrome - an Italian clone of the Spectrum!

Iron - Spectrum handheld: ZX-Pad - opinion.

NEWS - The company Zilog introduced 28 January nucleus of the new operating real-time systems RZK.

Authors - the authors of the paper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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