RIP #14
24 февраля 2001

# z80 - a story about the channel # z80

<b># z80</b> - a story about the channel # z80
Ars> long time since we did not recall the news from irc, and 
in fact channel # Z80 - so to say mirror the state of the 
Speccy. But there was a time when visitors to the channel so 
alike in professional interests:) And the conversations were 
stsenovye and new games / demos, and even discussed the 
competition was held koderskie ... But Now all of this in the 
past, people nevertheless remained only themes have changed 
little. Asm about nobody says, is that pc-shny as well, mostly: 
beer, girls, love, unix, bots, fuck'em all well and other such 
things. However, the benefit is still You can extract ... At 
least the soul can always take ... :> 

   But for those who remember, it will be interesting to make a 
small excursion into history, it is good that the text of 2 
years ago I are stored securely ... As in the bank:)

(C) Diver/4D aka OrangeFox 1999

   Greeeeeetz all! It just so happened that I have now 
completely tolerable mood, the headphones relish noisy 
synthesizers Astral Projection, and I'm trying to nakropat pair 
of kills for the news RIP'a.

   Well, firstly, what is happening on channel # Z80, that in 
the native grid IRCNet. In general, life on the canal is 
flowing quite measure off and slowly, as much as does the 
channel about eight years (from the stories old-timers), it 
includes a lot of events, but at channel as before: we sit, 
chat. :) Sometimes, when very pripret, produce a newspaper. 
Constantly new people. Something who even go: (but this is 
rare. Better for newcomers. For past half year will be a huge 
number of new People that are very gratified, because the 
development Communication has beneficial effects on the 
development scene in general and groups in particular. Although 
not all positive:), say Fil / Antares, getting to Ineta quite a 
fuck pixels abandoned, sad ... It's better for newcomers. 
First, it Phantom Family in the face of Maddy Vins, (Ars> Well, 
Mad, is not so brand new, now teaches at botovedenie # ME4TA;)) 
Andrew Fer, sometimes stare, and other ghosts:) Mr.Simm, Yeti.

Recently, I was pleasantly surprised by the presence on the 
channel Rum / E-Mage. Not to mention gay couple - Lina / CC and 
Vova Hex. Lina this is generally a separate conversation, a 
couple with his brother Random'om, they are easily satisfied 
with the channel circus:) watch which is simply impossible 
without laughter. Of the newcomers who are still in We ... aha! 
Maxwell of Technology Interactive Systems, also is now very 
frequently, sometimes looks and Faster / TNL. In addition to 
fairly well-known groups appearing on the channel and 
individuals from different parts of Rashshy: the famous Dimitri 
Pyankov aka Hrumer - creator of the immortal Hrust'n'Hrum + 
LaserCompact, CityAce - one of the organizers Spectrum hangouts 
in Vladivostok, ValeraK - not weak zhelezyachnik from not 
remember where (sorry, Valera), he supported local bank, 
intends to establish serial production of Spectrum himself in 
the city - what, eh? IvanGL from Tomsk, Sector of Kaliningrad, 
and many others. To list just is not under force.

   # Z80 is not the only channel on the Spectrum. Constantly 
acting Two: # ZXS (by WWW) and # Speccy (by Dep), why has 2 
channels? A xs, can be all about wars. Sometimes it happens 
here ... All begins with a harmless disputes and 
transshipments, which ends the fact that "offended" just dumps 
from the channel to some time ... And sometimes ... if someone 
from the "offended" are cool patrons, the channel is simply 
fascinating:). Hackers are same everywhere there, including on 
irc. So do not strongly wonder if you are not allowed on the 
channel. Message "Invite Only" suggests that the channel took a 
hacker with a team of military bots as in peacetime, "invite 
only" no one will put on # Z80:), therefore, it seems, there 
are alternative # ZXS and # Speccy, usually have very few 
people: 3-4 people, but it happens and more.

   What are we doing this # Z80? And hell knows what else. 
Normal idle chatter is intertwined with the exchange of news, 
debates and quite serious discussions. For example, recently 
came together as a in a verbal battle Raver / PHT and Marchy /? 
(Marchi, where are you?? I understand, pleasant to contain both 
the CC and 4D, but alas, it is prohibited rulezami both groups, 
so defined!). Tuk here so were they ... and carried. Arguing as 
usual on the following topics: "Russian language vs english in 
Spectrum Software "," lamerizm as a phenomenon "(I threw 
Temko), well and related issues discussed. By connecting to the 
dispute and Mr.Simm, adding a lot of arguments in terms of 
Marchy. Describe the whole controversy is not going to - 30 
kills a log file. Let me just say that finish the job that 
disputants finally understood the difference their goals: Raver 
- sceners, to the bone, sees activity on the Spectrum from the 
scene - all for fun, no commercial advantage, the Spectrum - 
stsenovaya machine. A Marchi, he trader with an eight-year 
veteran, is looking to produce software with viewpoint of a 
regular Russian-speaking users who are not so important and 
interesting scene, how important Russian-language games and 
Russian-language press. That's all business. (Ars> contending 
promised to continue the discussion in St. Petersburg and are 
looking for seconds;)) 

   Ars> [...] What about "free rides" it correctly observed, 
People sometimes comes to the channel in high spirits (Marchy 
I'm here in mind I do not have, he is constantly elevated:)) 
Some times the person plotting such a mess with nick'ami that 
it will simply lead to zameshaelstvo. So, a respect above has 
been repeatedly mentioned Lin'y and Hex'a, their recent now 
possible to distinguish only "to the touch", ie speaking 
irc-shnym tongue / whois'u. Okay, for this, then at least used 
to. But when the recorded logs you find out later episodes such 

 Ppl zhdite chernogo vorona soon:)
<Rst7\CBS> CopperFee: FREEEWARE ???!!!!!!!!!
* Rst7 \ CBS occccen 'skromnij:)

think that's the matter? It was in fact? :-)

   Okay, it's actually not my article, it's better Diver further


   Diver> Even the word about the virtual component. Nobody, 
probably, now about this I really do not remember. Though I am 
myself and not a coder, but terribly it was interesting to 
watch before the competitions. It is a pity to the latter 
component was sent to only one or two of work ... so MacBuster, 
apparently, and stopped his conduct ... 


   Diver> And finally a few words about Scenergy. Have been 
promised two date of May 29 and July 1. (Ars> Prior to CC's for 
sure must have time and then beat all of a sudden;)) Alas, Arty 
miscalculated their strength, and Scenergy was not released in 
the promised time, then he had some cases:), and sobered by 
Monday (June 7) He said that like as from Tuesday to begin 
debugging unfinished. In my opinion, the classic question 
Spectrum scenes of "When will SNG?" can and should simply leave 
without response. When will - when it happens. It's not worth 
waiting for it every day and write angry messagi in fidoshnuyu 
echo or email Arty. Of course, all have already got that SNG 
does not come out, but imho just need to score on him and let 
him come himself, without any hype. And wait and curse - just 
stress yourself in vain to spoil. K Besides, he will fly to 
fidoshnuyu echo for a long time, still ~ 3 meter, this is not a 
dirty finger navel scratching, God forbid, to / IC to arrive.

   Well, at this zakruglyus.Ya not finished, just my hand is 
tired (As one would say teachers standing at the blackboard 
with chalk). 

   If someone did not like something, send me a Fakie on a soap 
- <> or catch me by the tail on IRC, I'm there

dwell under the nickname OrangeFox / Orangee.

   I'm terribly sorry but I can not help without imposing
his musical tastes - the mood to write this article,
was lifted the following things:
 Astral Projection "Soundform",
              "Enlightened Evolution",
              "State of Mind";
 Orbital "P.E.T.R.O.L.",
 The Infinity Project "Overwind";
 Man With No Name "Octopus rmx",
              "Schoneberg rmx";
 Cosmosis "Cannabanoid".

 Goa roxx! (Well, not goa Orbital course, just caught my arm)
 Keep the Speccy scene spirit alive! / In memory of Scooter:)

 See you on / in # Z80, in next RIPz and at CC'999.

Ars> And welcome to army: - Come back, dude! ;)

Official statistics of the channel is

Ars> And now a continuation of the theme of news about perfect
takeover'e channel, which resulted in a while (?)
changed the power of good old # z80:) As you know, all
recent years, a channel controlled by bots from Phantasy. Was
number of experiments, such as: lack of registration papers
for patrons of the channel as it was on XoBot'e, ban
change of topic (advertised in the main site of the channel), 
the ban on use of the Cyrillic alphabet, the ban on bold / 
inverse / underline words, a ban on obscene words and generally 
to freedom of expression:)) Well, in short, clear tops ... 
Though of course, from good intentions to make the channel 
illustrative:) And at the same time more a couple of people to 
enlist in the pht:)) 

I managed to track down troublemakers - Vovu Hexa.

a> So, you can establish the chronology of events? When this
happened and how?
h> the night before last, on March 23 ... Most likely - on the 
sly Splits *. ru

a> How many people participated in the capture?
h> Troy.
a> Is it possible names:)
h>;) 1.YA 2.Steel Drugon 3.Craz aka Craz ^ TNL, TNL -> pht;))
a> So was assembled a good team of hackers;) And you go
This led the tops?
h> I just wrote a script for an appropriate microcosm:) And then
he ... Five clients on my side, five on the second, three on
a> Yeah ... They then were blind performers?:))
h>;) Type of ... And only then led BTC;) is interesting only
what teykover was made a couple of microcosm, and the rest
interesting:) Here's just not taken the channel to the other
servers last night, when he came rava, it seems. Grit and Hooley
bots that much? And I said to him: Do you see + t-t put on a 
life? Botha is not configured ... Dep supposedly feared 
teykovera ... Bots have brought dofiga ... A set of time was 
not ... a>;))

h> They Split at each other and podeopili. Rava so thoughtfully
"Hmmm." And here Craz breccia: optical mi bitch. " I almost 
killed him ;) This overteyk broke ....

a> You just had 13 boats, while pht? ;)
h> Well somewhere six, as usual (before). It is only now 25 in
29;) wall to wall ...
a> used different hosts, or all in one? Through
h> Along the way yes ... No more split, and they were both on 
the, as well as it dosili on the go, then split it and 
nonweak to link it to a *. nl is a stealth;)

a> But the way that bots pht good connection, and what you had 
in terms of ping? ;)

h> In terms of the ping, we had that before / We had no more than a second, and all bots are 
sitting on the depot *. Lv / ee;)

a> A pointovskie? ;)
h> Well, they are Ukrainian, the brakes are still;) Main 
problem - break into *. lv, and then the bots on the server, 
consider ... a> Yes, uran always been a brake on =)

a> What's the feature of the script? + L?
h> No, it just protects from Split, splitopy shoots. This
all that is necessary, as a rule;)
a> And pht whose script?
h> Well, they eggdrops / bitchX, but we have little world ... 
which, definition bitchX, suck;)

a> That is, they have standard collection? Can Dep picking 
something? Or was laziness, because I was confident in his 
invincibility:)) h> course;) This was the main consideration. 
Protecting Dep'a based on confidence in their own invincibility.

a> But teykovera was no longer how much? Three years? Since the 
time of XoBot'a yet? ;)

h>;) trunk is now my boat by the way;) Favorite ... Though 
Ukrainian ;) Simply do not need anyone canal actually ... that 
is, only visitors. And they need not take it;)

a> Well it's not needed? Channel is active:) You can learn Czech
language;)) Have other attempts to capture?
h> There have been attempts;) My same ... but then was the 
wrong time ... It was after them and was raised Wingate 
scanner;) and limiter + l. But it's all my childhood, of 
course, and I hope, Dep understands this;) Because of a serious 
attempt to it will not save does;)

a> This is someone Wingate? This is the same crap! ;)
h> Past attempts were Wyngate and a couple dozen
Connect ... Tried bots zafladit ... bezusrpeshno.
a> And how can zafladit bot, which is directly on the server?
h> Ctcp? Easily. Suddenly he did not have the protection of 
normal? Then he b left on Excess flood;)

a> Type ping yorself! ... :) It's only Ukrainian bots suffered
it:) I like Dep'a was OK:)
h> But he had to make sure ... ;)
a> And here ... These are all failures teykovera not alarmed
Dep'a? :) I think they increased the number of bots;)
h> He put on lok + l and scanner anonymous proxy, it's all ...
a> Knowing they will not do;)
h> From their point of view, nothing to worry about;) Can we do 
and really no chance, who knows ... Time will tell;)

a> Still a bit annoyed People from the abundance of bots on the 
channel:) h> annoying or still continuing? On "our" side, as

You see, everything is in place;) Although they do not 
interfere with anyone - quiet peace bots ..

a>:))) Well, yes, but still in his eyes dazzled:) XoBot was
h> Yeah, the trunk - the first boat, which I learned;)
a> And what to him? ;)
h> I know? ;) Major holders of the # z80, which nicely
to walk - WWW and Glip - are gone, replaced them Dep. Now life
goes by the rules Dep'a, and we both know Dep'a enough to
understand that to get along with him very difficult.
a> Yes, what are you talking about? Dep - a nice guy;)
a> But this we leave ... :) Oh well ... So how do you think
survive? :)
h> How much will;) Not yet poklaynyat me.
a> Kompleynyat? ;)
h> Well, yes:) But the backup is serious enough;)
a> Hehe:) And who was going to write a cart? ;)
h> Dep suggested the idea ... But in the course of stukachestvo 
he will leave for Zilog'a;)

a> Well Zilog - an independent party;)
h> Yes, much too independent;)
a> Well, in general, what people's opinion so to speak on
accomplished the coup? ;)
h> And anyone interested in popular opinion? :) The people in 
most its not understand what desink, so they are just scared

abundance of bots ... Well, many complain that they can not get 
on channel;) there since a ban on *. ru and *. su

a> Explain about desink.
h> When I determined on the same server, but not determined on 
the other ... When two client simultaneously deopyat each other 
... Cplit - is when is hung, when reunited - a merge, and the 
consequences - it desync;)

a> In general, the channel needs more freedom:) And the one-t 
is not enough. Must return ops people =)

h> How? ;) Is true, over time,
a> As what? His:))) audited, so to speak, time:) And
else return vin1251;)
h> Well, yes ... Part of the meaning of this;) part - no.
a> And what else? ;)
h> And this we learn in the next edition of the newspaper;)
*** Session Close: Sun Mar 25 23:31:31 2001

Other articles:

# z80 - a story about the channel # z80

7 Origins - Seven top origin'ov-wise, and not expressions.

Compo - Information about Super Spectrum Game Compo 2001

Marazm - poems Werewolves'a

News - Werewolves'a story about traveling across the country


Post - readers' letters

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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