05 марта 1999 |
INTRO - Создание К. Синклером компьютера ZX-2000.
_ May be начало... _ Я посмотрел на небо. Что может быть более неизменным в любом мире в любое время? Лежать, чув- ствовать, как засасывает, тянет бесконечное небо... Как перево- рачивается мир, и вот уже не ты валяешся на спине, расслабленный и ленивый прищуренно вглядываю- щийся в бездну, а вся планета лежит на твоих плечах, и ты дер- жишь ее над небом. Последний и единственный атлант... "Звездная тень" Сергей Лукьяненко "Крепитесь люди - скоро лето!" Ну вот и еще одна "зима" закончилась, а сколько их еще предстоит... Новый номер - новая радость жизни :) Что-бы вам такого поведать на этот раз, даже и не знаю. Хотя парочку инте- рестных моментов я все ж пожалуй и нас- кребу: - Фирме "Zilog" этом году исполняется 25 лет со дня своего основания! - Сэр Клайв Синклер недавно объявил о своем намерении к 2000 году создать ZX-2000 превосходящий по скорости P-II в 10 раз !!! Во как! - My new computer will be 10 times faster than a P2! Clive reveals the ZX2000! (typed by Craig Rothwell & (C) Frontiers magazine) I want to design another computer because I think I can make a decent job of it. I've started work on a prototype already. It's a competitor to the PC because the modern desktop computer is about a bad design as possible. It really is appalling. It wastes memory on an unbelievable scale and it slows down an extremely fast CPU with cumbersome Routines and programs. I think theres a huge room for improvement. I want to create a computer that completely portable but also totally functional so there is no compromise. I want something that is going to cost 10 times less than a current notebook PC and have a huge battery life so You won't have to keep recharging the thing. The trick is to get the power consumption so low that you just stick in a couple of batteries and replace them a month later. I've been spending a lot of time looking at display technology, because that's one element that I haven't got. I need a very good, low cost display. I think I know how to do it, but it is an terrific amount of technology but I'm working on that very hard at the moment. In order to do the sort of computer I want it has got to be very very low power. We designed our own CPU and its an extereamly high performance one, we had prototypes of it sometime ago and its blindingly fast, About 10 times faster than a P2. It would have to be manufactured using a specially developed semi conductor process. I've been talking to a company in this country and were at a fairly advance stage. It's an ultra RISC chip, which has an 8-bit word, and it has 16 principal instructions. I don't want to go into too much technical detail or bamboozle you with jargon, but this little blighter Will be incredibly fast and very efficient.
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