Micro #08
05 сентября 1998


*********         Poke's         *********

                Gaunlet 1
             Infinite health
                 48489 0
                 48497 0
          Infinite treasure time
                 36919 0
              No generation
                 44887 24
              No poison food
                 36482 0
                 36483 0
      Shots don't hurt other player
                 36985 24
                 44566 0
           Can't shoot bottles
                 38044 0
            Shots destoy walls
                 38050 0
                 38052 0
            Walk through walls
                 44556 0
                 44487 0
                 44405 0
                 44446 0
                 44528 0
                 43394 0
           Stamp on generators
                 45566 24
           Shoot through walls
                 37492 24
       Continue from where you died
                 38769 62
                38770 192
                 38771 0
         No non-generated nasties
                40897 201
                 45566 24

               Gemini Wing
              Infinite lives
                 41740 24
                 40076 0

            Ghostbusters 48 1
              No loss of men
                 40045 0
                 40191 0
              Infinite traps
                 40625 0
                 42173 0
         Infinite backpack power
                40192 167

            Ghostbusters 48 2
              Infinite lives
                 55510 0

              Ghost Hunters
             Infinite energy
                 55510 0

            Ghosts 'n' Goblins
              Infinite lives
                33352 201
               Hyper jumps
                33433 201
                39857 135
                 39858 50
                39859 180
                39860 191

             Giant's Revenge
              Infinite lives
                 24504 0

            Gift from the Gods
              Infinite lives
                 57408 66
                 54459 62
                57460 100

              Gilligans Gold
              Infinite lives
                 52881 0
                 52882 0
                 52883 0
              Infinite time
                 52219 0

             Glider Rider 128
             Infinite energy
                 34973 0
              Infinite bombs
                 34391 0
              Infinite time
                 34818 0
              Disable lasers
                 37441 0
              Infinite lives
                 37441 0
       No direction change when hit
                 37461 0
                 37462 0
                 37463 0

              Infinite lives
                 34139 0
           Unstoppable bullets
                 31288 0
           Nasties die forever
                 31482 0

                 32306 0
              Infinite fuel
                 28564 0
              Infinite ammo
                 28118 0
              Infinite lives
                 31936 0

              Gobble a Ghost
              Infinite lives
                 30597 0

               Go Bear Go!
              Infinite lives
                33425 183
                33538 183

                Gold Rush
           Set number of lives
                28665 num

              Infinite lives
                 47780 0

               Goonies, The
              Infinite lives
                33400 183

              Infinite lives
                 55926 0

              Infinite lives
                 43934 58
               ??? 42110 58

                Go to Hell
             Infinite energy
                 62254 0
                 63275 5

              Grand National
             Infinite energy
                 53375 0

         Grand Prix Simulation 1
             No computer cars
                53152 201
               No mud skids
                 53413 33

            Great Escape, The
             Infinite energy
                41953 183
             No other people
                50475 201
                51243 201

              Great Gurianos
              Infinite lives
                 34962 0

               Green Beret
              Infinite lives
                 41651 0
                 41652 0
                 41653 0
                 41654 0
             Extra fire power
                 46377 8
                 No mines
                 44542 0
                No enemies
                 47183 0
                No mortar
                 46195 0
              No mortar fire
                 46325 0
                 Speed up
                 41998 0
                No bullets
                 44868 0

              Infinite lives
                 57318 0

              Ground Attack
              Infinite lives
                 29064 0
                 36212 0
                 27872 0

                Gryzor 48
              Infinite lives
                 34919 0
           Set number of lives
                33015 num

           Guardian Angel, The
              Infinite lives
                 58978 0

              Guerrilla War
              Infinite lives
                 40872 0
                No enemies
                 48010 0
              No loose tank
                 40593 0

                 58357 48
                58358 118
              Infinite lives
                 65535 0

                Gun Fright
              Infinite lives
                 45834 0
                 47968 0
                 48048 0
                 49250 0
             Infinite bullets
                51715 201
                48224 182
              Infinite money
                43163 255
          Stop bandits shooting
                 47919 0
                 47920 0
           Set starting bandit
                 43154 0
                42082 num

              Infinite lives
                 49171 0
             Set start level
                48156 num

              Infinite lives
                38647 183

              Infinite lives
                 38915 62

               Gyron Atrium
              Infinite lives
                 53922 0
                54354 201

               Gyroscope 1
              Infinite lives
                 52981 0
                 52982 0
                 52983 0
           Roam around at will
                54033 201
         Walk through the nasties
                54354 201
             All of the above
                53887 201
         Hold time at 59 seconds
                 59149 0
                54754 200
                53887 201
           ??? doesn't harm you
                 53253 0
                 53254 0
                 53255 0
          Nasties don't kill you
                 53322 0
                 53323 0
                 53324 0

               Hades Nebula
              Infinite lives
                 49883 0

           Halls of the Things
             Infinite energy
                 32717 0
            Set starting magic
                35923 num

    Halls of the Things (old version)
             Infinite energy
                 32717 0
            Set starting magic
                35923 num

              Infinite lives
                48131 112

     Happiest Days of Your Life, The
              Infinite lives
                 55885 0
                 55886 0

  HATE (Hostile All Terrain Encount...)
         Infinite lives 53246 14

                 25613 0
                 25614 0
                 25615 0

                Hawk Storm
             Infinite energy
                 32166 0
                 35309 0
              Infinite ammo
                 35727 0
                 36607 0
                 37807 0
                 34872 0

            Head over Heels 48
                 43132 0
              Infinite lives
                 42195 0
               Super jumps
                 35315 0
          Super jumps for heels
                 43132 0
           Infinite iron pills
                35314 198
           Set height of jumps
                43134 num

              Infinite lives
                42985 201
              Infinite time
                23902 201

                Heist 2012
              Infinite lives
                 36106 12
                 36190 12

                Hell Fire
              Infinite lives
                 29137 0
                 41697 0

             Hell Fire Attack
              Infinite lives
                 50017 0

              Helter Skelter
              Infinite lives
                 36936 0
              Infinite time
                 42194 33

             Infinite energy
                 24576 0
              Infinite time
                25451 201
          No nasties from swamp
                 27107 0

              Henry's Hoard
              Infinite lives
                 34793 0

           Herbert's Dummy Run
           Set number of lives
                36739 num
              Infinite lives
                 51925 0

           Set number of lives
                44017 num
              Infinite bombs
                54918 183
                44322 182
                44512 182

                Hero Quest
              Infinite moves
                34151 182

              Highrise Harry
              Infinite lives
                 51595 0

                High Steel
              Infinite lives
                30642 182

            Highway Encounter
              Infinite time
                 35125 0
                 37268 43
                 39443 0
                 39412 0

              Infinite time
                 63412 0
        Access code always correct
                 60546 0

              Infinite lives
                34069 167

              Hopper Copper
              Infinite lives
                 28961 0
                 29018 0

               Hoppin' Mad
              Infinite lives
                 40370 0
                 40451 0
                 42569 0

          Horace and the Spiders
              Infinite lives
                27680 167
             No hills level 1
                 25142 0
            No spiders level 1
                 28773 0
       Ropes don't shorten level 2
                 29626 52
            No spiders level 3
                 30070 0

            Horace goes Skiing
              Infinite cash
                 30027 0
                 30762 0
                 30644 0
                No traffic
                 29270 0
                 29009 0

              Horace, Hungry
              Infinite lives
                 26426 0

          House Jack Built, The
              Infinite lives
                 26822 0

             Howard the Duck
              Infinite lives
                 57213 0

     How to be a Complete Bastard 48
            Infinite "energy"
                65356 195
                 34582 62

          Human Killing Machine
                 35061 0
              Infinite lives
                 40519 0
              Freeze enemies
                 39830 0
             Harmless enemies
                 38647 0
                 38772 0
                 38748 0

              Infinite lives
                 31557 0
                 31769 0

               Hunchback 1
              Infinite lives
                 26888 0
        Set number of lives (0-18)
                26903 num
                24760 num

             Infinite energy
                 40716 0
                 41375 0
                 40723 0
                 40724 0
                 40725 0

              Infinite lives
                 53804 74

               Hydrofool 48
                 25883 0
                 25887 0
                 25891 0
                 25900 0
                 25906 0

              Infinite lives
                 58011 24
                 59155 24

              Always qualify
                 61756 0

                 Hypsys 1
              Infinite lives
                 55019 0

                 Hypsys 2
              Infinite lives
                 55320 0

                44588 201

                I, Ball 1
            Infinite missiles
                 45188 0
              Infinite lives
                 49165 0
                 48790 0
                 49483 0
             No gun overheat
                 49781 33

      I, Ball 2: Quest for the Past
              Infinite lives
                 45392 0
              Infinite time
                 38009 0
                 43612 32
                 43619 33
                No nasties
                36664 201
                29674 201
          Set start level (0-48)
                43410 num
       Set number of bombs (0-250)
                43366 num
              Infinite bombs
                 39920 0
       Set num of fireballs (0-150)
                43394 num
             No timed blocks
                 35327 33
                 35338 33
           Set number of lives
                43384 num
              No keys needed
                 45601 33
          Set number of bullets
                65343 num

             Ice Temple, The
              Infinite lives
                 63132 0

          No nasties on level 1
                34549 200

              Ikari Warriors
              Infinite lives
                62384 190
                 40618 0
                 36991 58
                 37797 58
                 37638 50
                 40272 0
              Infinite ammo
                39917 183
            Infinite grenades
                40076 183
              Infinite fuel
                 40618 0
              Infinite tanks
                62384 190

          Into the Eagle's Nest
              Infinite ammo
                 36640 0
              Infinite keys
                 40512 0
              Infinite hits
                 41136 0
              Infinite lives
                 41440 0
      No death from shooting explos
                 39946 0

               Iron Soldier
         Infinite lives 54221 33
              Infinite ammo
                 54437 0

       Island of Dr. Destructo, The
            Set lives player 1
                41763 num
            Set lives player 2
                34837 num
              Infinite days
                 42517 0
        Infinite lives (player 1)
                 39136 0
           Immunity (player 1)
                 39119 0

         It's Only Rock 'n' Roll
              Infinite lives
                 41423 0

          Jack and the Beanstalk
              Infinite lives
                 56110 0
                 56115 0
                 56116 0
                 56388 62
                 56389 27
                 56390 0

             Jack the Nipper
                 44278 58
                 44285 58

   Jack the Nipper 2: In Coconut Capers
              Infinite lives
                 43251 0
            Immunity 41222 50
                 41229 50
                 41297 50
                 41330 50
                 41444 50
                 41576 50
                 41696 50
                 41763 50
                 41797 50
                 42314 50

                Jail Break
              Infinite lives
                 50651 0
                50817 201

              Infinite lives
                 29848 0

                46186 201

            Jet Bike Simulator
              Always qualify
                27156 201

              Infinite lives
                 25020 0
           Set number of lives
                25373 num
         Only 1 fuel cell needed
                 26075 0

            to be continued...

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Fido - ZX Spectrum и FidoNet в Запорожье


Адаптация программ к TR-DOS - Часть 3

Железо - Турбирование 1818ВГ93

О разном - Слух о Mortal Kombat 1024kb. Состязание по Virus II. О вскрытии Зеркала.

От редакции - О будущем газеты


Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Necronomicon - Почему писатель Г.Ф.Лавкрафт утверждал, что ему принадлежит авторство "Некрономикона"?
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В этот день...   12 ноября