DonNews #17
30 апреля 2002 |
Project - is a new environment / system Operetsionnaya SinOS from Disabler: programming examples.
(C) 2oo2 Disabler / DPL Disabler Production LabAratory Presents: `-1 - Introduction Hayushki, people! With you again Disabler and regular program of DPL. At this time you have the opportunity to oprobyvat the work of a new shell for writing programs. Its structure This system is similar to MustDie'95. The program structure so as very similar, ie you create a window with the text options, or prompts, and then describes the reaction to the choice of a specific option. `-2 - System Requirements To run the system must: Required: ■ 128kb of main memory (Ram) ■ 16kb additional memory (Cashe) ■ TR-Dos 5.03 with the team IN A, (# 1F) Desirable: ■ System SetUP v2.04 ■ Kempston Mouse ■ 32kb additional memory (Cashe) Ideal: ■ 1024kb static ram + turbo 14mHz no wait! ■ 256kb of additional memory (Cashe) `-3 - Structure Program for SinOS consists of three main parts: 1. File descriptor, which consists of ID-String'a accessories file to the system, program name, address, major launches. 2. Descriptors windows. 3. Set of reactions to choose from. ;------------------------------------------------- -------------; Example file for SinOS v1.00 ;------------------------------------------------- -------------; (c) 2001 Disabler Production Labaratory ;------------------------------------------------- ------------- DB "SinOS v1.00"; ID-String file DB "Name bend!"; Guess ... DW adres_okna_install DW adres_okna_second_open ;-------- Format Descriptor window ------- DB Y_koordinata_okna, X_koordinata_okna DB razmer_okna_po_X, razmer_okna_po_y DB "Zagolovok_okna, 1; <- HA CLED.CTPOKU DB 1; <- HA CLED.CTPOKU DB "Tekst option # 1", 1 DB "Tekst option # 2, 1 ; .... .................... DB "Tekst option # N" DB 0; <- KOHETS OPICATELEY Option DW Adres_protsedury_'open ' DB y_koord_poloski_ # 1, # 1 x_koord_poloski_ DB dlina_poloski_vybora_optsii_ # 1 DB marker_optsii_ # 1 DW adres_ # 1 DB y_koord_poloski_ # 2, # 2 x_koord_poloski_ DB dlina_poloski_vybora_optsii_ # 2 DB marker_optsii_ # 2 DW adres_ # 2 ; .... ................. DB y_koord_poloski_ # N, # N x_koord_poloski_ DB dlina_poloski_vybora_optsii_ # N DB marker_optsii_ # N DW adres_ # N DB # ff; <- Konets descriptors selection DB marker_'close ' DW adres_'close ' FAQ: Q: What is the>>> adres_okna_install <<?? A: Address the window that opens only once, at boot program. Q: What is the>>> adres_okna_second_open <<?? A: The address of the first (main) window. Q: What is the>>> adres_protsedury_'open '<<?? A: This is the address of procedure to be invoked immediately after open the window. If the do not need it, instead it can be write TO_RET, where TO_RET - mark on the team RET, ie TO_RET RET Q: What is the>>> marker_optsii_ # N, adres_ # N <<<??? A: This determines the token response to the selection of options. # 00 - OPEN the following window 'adres_ # N'. # 01 - 3akryt the current window and return to the 'ADREC_ # N' for updating it. # 02 - 3akryt current and open a new window 'adres_ # N' # FE - Byzvat procedure 'adres_ # N' Q: What is the>>> marker_'close 'adres_'close' <<?? A: This is an analogue of the marker response to selection, but operates at about Mahe, ie when not selected any of the options and pressed selection button. - Example of a simple program for SinOS - DB "SinOS v1.00" DB "Test Program ..." DW w_inst DW w_main w_inst DB 3,3,5,17, # 57 DB "Program Installer", 1,1 DB "Program has installed", 1 DB "-----> Yep <-----", 0 DW install DB 6,3,18,2 DW w_main DB # ff, # fe DW to_ret w_main DB 3,3,5,17, # 47 DB "SinOS Test Program!", 1,1 DB "Reinstall Program", a DB "Exit to SinOS", 0 DW to_ret DB 5,3,18,2 DW w_inst DB 6,3,18,1 p_exit DW 0 DB # ff, # fe DW to_ret install LD HL, (23773) LD (p_exit), HL to_ret RET ;----------------------------------- Now some useful information for writing programs under SinOS: ■ All the reactions on the choice of ending the command RET ■ Program assembled under the address # C000 (49152) ■ size Program # 4000 (16384) bytes ■ Programs are loaded into the page # 14, # 16, # 17 ■ It is advisable to Cashe to hit the Reset button ■ If you press the Reset + Symbol Shift, then SinOS open a window, the address which is specified at 23,728 (reaction to the NMI) ■ If you press the Reset + Any Key (except SS, Enter) you can get into mate Cashe, if you have it 32kb. ■ If you load the command RST # 10 is available kernal. Accessing kernalyu this: RST # 10 DB function You have the following functions: cls EQU 00 - clearing the screen without changing the attributes of IN: - OUT: - fill EQU 01 - fill the screen color IN: A - Color OUT: - paint EQU 02 - filling in a single byte of memory IN: HL - address of the beginning BC - unit size-1 A - byte fill OUT: - fone EQU 03 - generation wallpaper IN: - OUT: - window EQU 04 - opening the window without saving the background IN: HL - window handle OUT: - window2 EQU 05 - opening a window while preserving the background IN: HL - window handle OUT: - pop_win EQU 06 - Restoring the background under the window IN: - OUT: - pop_all EQU 07 - Restoring the background under all windows IN: - OUT: - print EQU 08 - print line, 00 .. 0D - end of line IN: HL - address of the text DE - address on the screen OUT: - xprint EQU 09 - Print Text, 00 - End of Text 01 .. 0D - end of line IN: HL - address of the text DE - address on the screen OUT: - down_hl EQU 10 - conversion of the addresses in the screen below the line IN: HL - address on the screen OUT: HL - restated address down_de EQU 11 - analog down_hl, but de IN: DE - address on the screen OUT: DE - restated address de_adr EQU 12 - calculation of addresses in the screen IN: DE - coordinates in the familiarity OUT: HL - address on the screen DE - address attributes cancel EQU 13 - call box on the principle of clicking on the choice IN: HL - address of the window A - handle 'open' OUT: - last_hl EQU 14 - inversion of the current band of choice IN: - OUT: - fl_hl EQU 15 - change the color of window title IN: A - color of title OUT: - get EQU 16 - saving the background under the cursor IN: - OUT: - put EQU 17 - drawn in IN: - OUT: - rest EQU 18 - Restoring the background under the cursor IN: - OUT: - read EQU 19 - reading of sectors IN: HL - Address DE - track / sector B - number of sectors OUT: - write EQU 20 - recording sectors IN: HL - Address DE - track / sector B - number of sectors OUT: - get_xy EQU 21 - the cursor location in pixels IN: - OUT: HL - coordinates of the cursor `-4 - Author, Rights Author of SinOS v1.00: .................. Disabler / DPL Copyright: ............ Disabler Production Labaratory Distribute: ................................ No Limits `-5 - SetUP v2.04 You've probably already asked the question, what is this SetUP??? So, this sort of thing that allows you to configure the hardware performance of your computer programmatically. And now more detail about what can SetUP: 1. Selection of types of ROM, provided that the Basic and Dos is in a different ROM. There are other four main ROM (from BASIC), and two with Dos'om. Personally, I like this: Number Zero First Rom Half Half # 00 Quick Commander Basic'2000 # 01 NeOS v1.0 Basic'2000 # 02128 Basic/91y 48 Basic/91y # 03128 Basic/82y 48 Basic/82y DOS # 0 TR-Dos 5.03 for Honey Commander DOS # 1 TR-Dos 5.04 turbo 2. Switch up to eight switches. Seven of them support SinOS and one backup. I've done this: Lock 48kb rom ......... Nop - disable zero bank ROM Emulate rom by cashe .. Nop - emulation of the bank's zero-ROM with using a zero bank Cashe Write to cashe ........ Yep - you can write to Cashe Entry to cashe by ..... NMI - Button activation Cashe (NMI / Reset) Set black border ...... Yep - Forcing BORDER 0 Devided bright ........ Nop - change bits for the Flash on the brightness paper (for separate brightness and Ink Paper) Tactes per line ....... 228 - line size of the screen horizontally ticks (228/232) ■ SetUP activated when Reset'e in Cashe. ■ off when writing to the port # FFFF or when the Cashe ■ Port Settings - # FE77 ■ Port ROM - # FF77, where there is a feature: lower four bits choose one of four ROM, ie zero allows the sample, the remaining bits should be equal to unity. Fourth bit indicate the type of ROM Dos. `-6 - Contact phone numbers Phones: 8 (928) 91-33-007 Andrew (Disabler) 8 (903) 40-22-186 Andrew (Disabler) 8 (863) 2-404-905 Mike (Mick)
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