IzhNews #09
05 сентября 2000


(C) RTD / BrC

   Hello, my friend. I had my way into your world
was long, and this does not stop
is the purpose of travel. I'm very busy,
but at the request of Collector Virtshakhry (he
also extremely busy), I'll tell you about programs that have 
recently appeared in the Earth, as it is called in our 
environment, world.

   By the way, the collector, telling you about
approximation of blocks in the last time, did not disclose
fully their essence, because it is simply impossible to do, man
language is too poor. I'm just some caveats.

   Virtshakhra tried to give you YOUR
perception of psy-essence "Rubble", but it is a common 
biological being, Like you, however, with expanded scope

perception. Block - an interpretation of the information his 
brain, obtained by "Touch" of the lower layers of information

field. Remember, he even used your
"Computers" to better study them. This
process, he commented, I will not dwell on it. You correctly 
perceive the "clumps" as "computer programs", but this is only 
a small part that makes "Creator". Basic and more complex block

formed from the unconscious (in most
cases), emotional activity "author" (also a program, mind you), 
programs exchange with the "user" (subtle psychological 
interaction, but not only) Programs self-defense (this function 
uses not only the object-system, but each of its programs, 
except perhaps that "computer programs" because it depends upon 
the "internal" processes "Creator"), cooperative programs with 
other systems and others. I will not go,

time to hurry. Your head is still swollen?
Ordinary people hardly delve into the flow of information that 
requires deep thought, therefore turn to things more simple,

understandable for you. I'll try to describe "soft" (not 
surprised, I know your speech "zagibony") with your same 


(C) Capry / STALL, 2000

The size of the "material" part: 20 sectors.

   Beta program for creating
library files. Apparently, the stitches marked files into one 
and stores him.

   Indicators are not made, perhaps even
something. May be useful for programs ZX
AMP, which is able to work with these libraries (with the usual 
muzonamifaylami too). 

   Sorry, I did not identify. An observer near you "parallel"
three-dimensional world in the direction of strengthening the 
laws of magical interactions Rashshr TreDahher. Continue. 

          ZX AMP 1.00

(C) Capry / STALL

Requirements: 128k, AY or YM.
Size: 453 sec.

   Beautiful (looking) player Mouzon, has "pointer" interface.
According to the authors he is able to play
any music file (including packaged or from the library). Such a 
possibility is realized by podzagruzhaemyh modules (depakerov 
and players). To feel comfortable, it is necessary

have a minimum of 10 units of such modules.

   So, the main drawback of the version
program, which I describe is
complete lack thereof. Apparently, the author
rushed to release their offspring, adding to
him only a few (about 5) source
modules. To ensure that they have earned,
needs to be done long enough (for the tincture of the program) 
work. Would be better if it had done once he "Creator" rather 
than each user and then spend my time. I did not bother with 
setting up, remembering the existence of Hyperion and Best View.

   However, I think it's a matter of time, and
the author will appreciate our many modules. A
choice Mouzon was in X-player
and Hyperion. Here too there.

          SPRITER 1.04


          SPRITER HELP


Requirements: 128k
Desirable: AY, Kempston Mouse, 256k and more
Size: 350 sec.

   "The program allows you to edit
sprites, ready to cut the screens, invert, move, rotate around
axis, to create a mask for the sprite, draw
lines, circles, filit solidom and other sprites ... and all the 
music. " (ASM, ST, ST Pro, PT 2, PT 3)

   The program also allows you to combine sprites in animated 
groups (up to 50 groups), and total no more than 255 sprites.

Interface (which is probably characteristic of the group STALL) 
is pleasant, however, smacks of Windows (on PC). In fact, there 
spraytike very comfortable "grid", where the dot indicates the 
location of a pixel, and the square (2x2 pixels) - the angle of 
familiarity. Sprite editing on a scale x4. 

   Now note the shortcomings. No textures
(Available in the Sprite Master 5. 11), no re-undo
(In SM 5.11 undo is not at all), the maximum
sprite size 32x24. Apparently, no
has the choice of the type of sprites (Line / Symbol,
Fixed Line / Symbol) in SM.

   Worthy representative of the sprite editors.


(C) Pixel / BrC, 2000

Requirements: 48k.
Size: 17 sec.

   Creates a list of files to Hrust 2.1
(I think, a list of suitable and Laser Compact 5.2). The 
process is as follows: allocate the necessary files, create a 
list (button "C") and clicking on the "F", save it to disk. 


(C) SPECTRE, 2000

Size: 56 sec.
* Support for high memory (> 128k).

   Colorful Cmdr. Files of different types
highlighted in different colors. More
everything depends on the extension. Convenient
distinguish texts from the codes, BASIC, or music. Its name is 
quite justified, access files and work with them occur

very quickly.
Here are its features:
 - Run file, Run 48k, Merge.
 - View screen, text, Play music.
 - Copy files, Rename file, Move, Name (of

 - Check, Restore, Format disk.
 - Keep / Restore Cat, Show files info from

  0 trk.

   Buttons 1-4 - drive select, 5 - 0 to re-read the track.

   Unfortunately you can not view the 768 - and
2048 Fonts, and music, if you load it,
ceases at the first key is pressed.
No disc doctor.

   But in general, convenient, beautiful and fast. Yak

      ASCII GFX MAKER 1.00

(C) Art-top/Galaxy Group, 2000

   A very useful translation program graphic screen in text 

   Works with a length of 6,912 screens and 6,144
bytes (ie, standard, nezapakovannye screens with or without 
attributes), you can load their 64-character fonts (there are 
even file where the font is a symbol

of paired chunks 4 * 4, arranged
naturally, vertically, from the use of which is obtained by 
"ochankovka" screen in text format).

   Presence and ability to set the parameters of the text: 
whether or not the end of line code # 0d and / or # 0a, task 
manager code (the next byte is followed by color code), whether 
this control code is placed at the beginning of each line, 
whether general text color and other settings.

   From the downloaded font can be chosen
characters that can not be used
when translating an image or its part in
text. It is noteworthy that can prevent
convert any portion of the picture with
up to a rectangle of 4x8.

   In addition to not exactly user-friendly interface
(That kursorchikom will drive past the desired option,
then, you know, the procedure simply off the characters
(Incidentally, there is a button on / off an entire row
characters)), I confess, I did not immediately realize that the 
choice of the screen for conversion, we do not select it, and 
then that should be banned for broadcast. Conversion speed is 
not very high, but This is understandable, because the program 
selects character, similar in shape to the corresponding screen 


(C) Delirium Tremens, 2000

Size: 41 sec.

   Arihivator-razarhivator files. Archive
is a file. hrp. I've been looking for a button to release of 
files, it was "Graph". On my XT-keyboard so elusive, and unused 
buttons in the program a lot. Discrimination however. Cs +9, 
but I'm not in the "Mortal Kombat" play.

   Not all files are unpacked, so
waiting for the next version.

   Not too dry for you, my style? Case
that I find interesting in you
programs, nothing worthwhile for themselves. But
Collector of them very much, it is more
impressionable. Probably because more
close to you in its essence. In addition,
he collector, interested in everything, including
including biological and computer programs.

   Virtshakhra - man, though he comes from
another world. He seeks and transmits the information the 
observer of his world, now time works for you.


(C) Delirium Tremens, 2000

Requirements: 128k.
Desirable: 256k or more, Kempston Mouse,

            color video monitor.
Size: 473 sec.

   Yes, it seems that Delirium
Tremens work tirelessly. Thus,
BGE-2 Meet.

   The appearance and interface changes on
themselves have not experienced (at least visibly). There are 
new modules (plug-ins):  - Burial Laser Compact. Packer screens

  without leaving the BGE! Several ways na
  forgings (from fast to quality, but

  terribly slow). In the packed screenshot

  There is a place for the title picture.

  Saving as a depakerom and without.

  Screenshots can be bagged to preserve or

  read from the disc with subsequent unpack
 - Wizzard1. Per-pixel displacement of you
  tain sections of the screen. You can allocate

  any area of ​​the screen with "domain
  Cove "in different forms. Surgical accuracy
  sequence is not always achieved.
 - Spline 3. Construction of the arc. Arc sets
  Xia three points that could be mixing
  schat on the screen by holding down "Space". Freeze

  on the screen by pressing "Enter" no coc
  tavit labor.
 - Spline 8. Building a more complex curve
  curve performed similarly, except

  reference points anymore.
 - Rule. Defining the middle between the two

  given points.
 - CoordXY. Point the box to the desired

  area of ​​the screen and get its coordinates

  and memory addresses that correspond to it.
 - Sprite Scanner. Search sprites.

  The principle of operation is similar to the program FDE

  (Files Dump Editor), ie changing size
  algebra window displaying the contents of memory in the 
boundary   graphically format, you are looking for a visually

  spraytiki, which can then throw

  on the working screen editor. Discuss,

  razumeestsya not specifically sprites, and then

  What you see at the moment on the screen,

  while in the scanner.
 - Optimisation. Dear me, the function

  optimization was thrown from the menu

  "Screen" in the modules. She repainted empty
  Tide familiarity, assigning values ​​to them

  attributes of the last familiarity containing
  zhaschego "on" pixels.

   Of the internal functions directly
Editor's divided into the following improvements:
 - Work with the RAM-disk on machines with parallel
  myatyu 512k or more.
 - Ability to draw lines in the regime

  uvenicheniya (x4).

   Despite the obvious coolness BGE 2.00,
remain unfulfilled zoom window with pixel precision
(Re-Scale Window of Art Studio). What else
to wish for? Not packed double screen
(Double-screen). Unfortunately, I do not know of any
One viewer capable of viewing
double-screens. Perhaps because they
not packed and occupy too much
disk space. But it's time.

   Surprised me set the cursor speed: it can be "racing" to the 
unspeakable "Speed". High speed is achieved

by increasing the step change of coordinates arrows (in the 
menu settings as much as three points, not easy, no doubt). In 
step 36 pointer was just flying, but about the hit in the right 
menus had to forget completely. In option "STEP", however, the 
increment value may be a three-digit! Joke writers? ..

   Still, the verdict is: so far out of the competition.

   You do not think that I, being a native
three-dimensional world, I do not have direct access to
the fourth dimension. Another thing is that my
impact on him is severely limited. All
I have access to several shells
Global fields.

   Three-dimensional creatures that you have named
Snusmumrik inhabit one of the perpendicular to your 
three-dimensional worlds and are reasonable semimagic live 
objects. Their degree of intelligence can not be compared with 
yours, you think different categories, Yes and the laws of the 
worlds are very different. They call themselves Barreoyon'ami. 
More precisely, in such a concord is transformed their name 
when transferring it into your measurement system (same order). 

   The most interesting thing that they (Barreoyony)
inextricably linked to your world, because
that one dimension (the fourth) in common. AND
you, and they see three-dimensional beings, but actually it is 
not. You have four (or more), although it themselves not aware 
of. Do your worlds chetvetoe dimension in common, but three 
others are rotated relative to each other, remaining 
perpendicular to the fourth. Sorry, got carried away. 

   So, "Snusmumrik" - this is exactly
projection of "your" programs at three other
measurement, but with the same fourth (ie,
connected with your world). When designing
many of the properties of your programs vary
and may in fact be the direct opposite of the world. "Material" 
shell, ie, that knowingly do you people do not

projected unchanged. Does not change only the uppermost part of 
the program extending to the highest (according to your ideas) 

   The most developed individuals Barreoyonov
found a way to overcome the boundaries perpendicular to the 
worlds without losing their "I" and even preserving the 
"appearance" thing quite subjective. For example, you will 
recognize them as the pink animals, though, with strange 
behavior. Still wonder how you managed to see "Snusmumrik" 
appropriate IZH-NEWS! Or at You have hidden abilities and 
skills, or I do not know what to think. Notice how

mood changes are reflected in the newspapers
it at a reasonable creature? Now think about how their 
attitudes are reflected in the newspaper. Add to all that is 
associated with even one, "a newspaper" may be great variety in 
different worlds perpendicular (I reviewed it Barreoyonov 
because you found them yourself, do not knowing it). Plus 
another substance, formed by other sistememi your world, 
projected along (and not only) of different dimensions at 
different rotated of other measurements (not necessarily in

quantity of 3 pieces) ... And so on. Add only that some of the 
"Snusmumrik" really were in your world, in Africa. And the one 
that corresponds to IZH-NEWS, alive and well, as you know. Then

that he disappeared from the "view" does not mean
that ate it suddenly surfaced other systems, dubbed by you (not 
easy) by vandals. It's time to call it a day, think, and 
Suddenly vandals - the projection you? .. 

   Everybody, everybody, I'm going. And so it stayed on here.
If the head is swollen - it was good. Purified
and will be operable for "umyh thoughts."

Other articles:

introduce - rampant computerization continues to suck money out of naive lamer, new in listalke.

News - News from Izhevsk groups: X-Team, Power of Sound, TRG.


PCCC - the story of "Power of Sound" (Part 3).

Club - Do Izhevsk spektrumistam club or a place to gather?

Adventure - Guide adventyurnym games (Part 3).

Nonsese - the procedure and a description of the algorithm the effect of the Flame (Fire).

Tsvet.met. - Analysis Vozmozhnst expand color capacity Spectrum: Flash Colour and prototype circuits Gigascreen.

Present - the application of the newspaper: Grand Prix Simulator 2, Pusher6.02, scheme Flash Colour.

engine - advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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