ACNews #10
29 июля 2002

Cracked by - crack newspapers Insanity # 10 and Psychozz.

<b>Cracked by</b> - crack newspapers Insanity # 10 and Psychozz.
:::::::::::::::::::::::::: Cracked by :::::::::::::::::::::: 

 Echomail (2:5029 / 9.33) ZX.SPECTRUM
 Msg: 6 of 257 Snt Loc
 From: Dima Bystrov 2:5029 / 9.33 19 Dec 2001 23:30:20
 To: All 19 Dec 2001 23:38:28
 Subj: Insanity # 10

Hello All!

Lord? What is happening?
How many times has been written about this buggy opredelyalku 
General Sound, but its all yuzayut and yuzayut!

Track # 57, Sector # 5:
ld a, # 23
ld bc, # 2710
out (# bb), a
in a, (# bb) <- here includes the cache, or ROM ZX Lprint III, 
and following an interruption of IM goes into it.

P.S. The beginning of this sector after the correction should 
be look like this: 


        LD A, # 23

        LD B, # 28

        OUT (# BB), A

        IN A, (# BB)

        JR NC, # 5B13

        DEC BC

        INC B

        DJNZ # 5B07

        IN A, (# 7B)

F3 3E 23 June 1928 D3 BB DB BB 0F 30 July 0B April 10 F7 DB 7B 
C9 ... 

 Echo35 (2:5029 / 35.26) ZX.SPECTRUM
 Msg: 6 of 257 Snt Loc
 From: Dima Bystrov 2:5029 / 35.26 Jun 23, 2002 1:12:31
 To: All 23 Jun 2002 1:21:35

Hello All!

Unfortunately, the authors did not include work on computers 
without Kempston joystick. We do this for them:)

# 6:
offset from the beginning of the file + # 60f8 (from the 
beginning hobety + # 6109)  There were 21 58 27 d9

was af 32 79 82
# 7:
offset from the beginning of the file + # 88 (from the 
beginning hobety + # 99)  was c3 00 7d 00 00 00 00

was af 32 79 82 c3 00 7d
# 8a, 8b, 8c:
offset from the beginning of the file + # 88 (from the 
beginning hobety + # 99)  was c3 00 7d 00 00 00 00

was af 32 8b 82 c3 00 7d

P.S. # 9 correct the same # 8!


   Next on our agenda ZX-Chart # 3. Gluck is the same as that
in Insanity: Invalid poll GS.

offset from the beginning of the first file: # ce86 ($ b + # 
ce97)  There were 21 58 27

has cd 6b cb
offset from the beginning of the second (!) file: # 11b3 ($ 1 + 
# 11c4)  was 48 52 55 4d 20 76 33 2e 35 20 62 79 20 44 6d 69

     ("HRUM", etc.)
76 to 21 cb 30 November 6a 0e 05 ed b0 c9 3c db 7b 28 18

   Big request to the authors of all programs to glitches: 
Please release the buggy program unwrapped! ;]

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