ACNews #10
29 июля 2002

Press Release - Nuts komentiruet some topics zattronutye Nemo in an open letter.

<b>Press Release</b> - Nuts komentiruet some topics zattronutye Nemo in an open letter.
========================= ====================== Press Release 

from Nuts (12 feb 02):

 I have to inform you that the parcel received today. That's 
just  read the Open Letters.

 Opinion big - I do not know whether to write it all, and why.
 But we want to emphasize certain points.

 People on the ES1840 (and other XT) worked in the year 2000 and
 continue to work until now! That, IMHO, is comparable to
 work in ISDOSe - full distort and brakes! " But none
 However, you can work ....

 All disputes such as:
 ZX vs PC
 PC vs MAC
 Fido vs Internet
 Windows vs MSDOS
 Windows vs Linux

 Based, at least partially on one fact. The said fact is I'm 
here  recently read in a magazine. Inasmuch as the magazine was 
PTsshny (Pure  for Winows / Inet users) - it might not exactly. 
But!  Written there, that these disputes are based on trite 

 "I'm here I can configure Linux, but you Lammer - are using 
Windows  - Which is very easy to configure - that is done to

 And to put linuh, you should come running to me, a steep
 Spices to linuh - to lick my ass and treat me
 Beer, so I came down and helped you shalt Linux
 configure your!
 In short, you're stupid - and I'm smart! "

 Tam, of course, is not in these words were written, all that I
 thought:, having read Nemo. There just beginning to be 
mentioned  theme of a deep psychological understanding of texts,

 published in various magazines - like, they have to read 
between the  lines and even more - a deep understanding of the 

 And here I am, though, and do not consider myself a man 
surface, I think,  that deeply ponder is not necessary. Surface 
must all  understand. And then people catch up blizzard, down 
from a deep  philosophers, as you type, analyze. What goes 
commercials - all  glubokozaumnye people such as normal, 
intelligent, and not  very much, and do not have at all? Oh, no 
- just let in ONET  Philosophy fog: you supposedly do not 
understand, "then a big  policy is implicated. "Or maybe it is 
I am a simple man and  naive :)...

 Pro-commerce at Speke. Again hinder the work and passion. All
 same with the toys started, and writing complex system software
 - Fun, too: if it is done for yourself and for free.
 A commerce - a commerce! A person should not just
 Amateur organize, and analyze the needs and
 queries of potential buyers - marketing deal. AND
 in the first place - to estimate how many people are capable 
of for your  soft money to pay and how much they may deem 

 After all, really need the programs is very small, very many 
people  copy for the collection or just watch and delete. And 
for  it - the money to pay?

 And to really need the program - also have options: Always
 You can find a free program that you have done for
 entertainment and not for profit.

 Moreover: the platform and the software we brazenly rub: 
Advertising and  and beliefs - that "the signified - rulez! 
Specifically, in our country, and  Spekovskom range of these 
beliefs are similar to the character  Criminal: some are very 
worried about the wrong ALL  other people: what or very small 
differences from his views,  ideology, platform, operating 
system, nationality and sexual orientation.  To discharge the 
same allegations polagaetsya answer form: "And yours is a% b $ 
m?  Jump - and it will take. "And in that spirit. Only now 
people we all  polite, you see, intelligent, and to such a 
showdown, and so  more mordobitiya not get it.

   I do not know - in some circles, and how often such 
dismantling of such 

   detail from the bazaar go into physical actions, but also to 
discharge the same 

   seems to me very real. City or something, we have a ...

   Chemical ...

   All this garbage should be published in a press realties. But

   enough and other other hexagons - from the same Nemo.

   The said Nemo, incidentally, likes to put the blame on 
"Kriven'ko little hands" - 

   although what is really trying to do serious business (all on

   money transfers), while market conditions are not taken into 
account. Can not interfere 

   patriotism and commerce - the guys are doing! But Gates has 
taken into account 

   - Scored at all and amassed money. He also rubs his

   products, and has a lot of fights - only with a

   denyuzhku and authority (again - Crime) permit them

   always the same.

   But Nemo nationally respected, and Gates - see oridzhin. 

   In a letter chosen by RND - but as the topic came up!

   Personally for me this bedyatina so to speak. Just yesterday 

   decided to write the score Traubla - even though the loader 
in it 

   no one will correct. But - I did it for ourselves and for

   own entertainment - and the rape itself (through

   By append) I do not intend, even for money. As I like this

   thought, well I once was, and Speck was again - rulez,

   and having all sorts of new projects ....

     And I read all these letters (rather cursorily), and so I

     again get sick from it. Maybe it is, of course, from the 4 

     with a window in the middle - Busy, type ... Or, was

     deep thinking about the psychology of people who came to

     disappointing conclusions, and fell into a depression ....

     Just think - in the summer because I wanted to buy a 

     screw! And I wanted to buy a Corvette and UKNC - for

     collection, or even write software - to show their rulezzz 

     At the same time - in every way interested in discs,

     dreamed navorochat Traubl ....

     Now, of course, I ask: why is one of the submitted

     discs written ORDOS (For RADIO 86RK) and could not

     fuck sample thereof dos. But he already nafig I do not

     surrendered ... I was not interested in anything related 
to DOSami and 

     anything associated with Traublom ....

     It remains only to throw it out the sources in the network 
- so 

     the project finally died ....

     That's what leading up NemoVSKIE letters ...

-Sincerely, Nuts

Shouted nick mastday and Bill threw cakes

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Press Release - Nuts komentiruet some topics zattronutye Nemo in an open letter.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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