ACNews #03
25 июля 2001

Soft - the implementation of listening to music while editing in Modern Word.

<b>Soft</b> - the implementation of listening to music while editing in Modern Word.
/------------------ TB to work with Mouzon ------------------
                                                    ) ∙ ¢ ¢

           Memory Modern Word is dedicated to ... · R ~

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   At the insistence of the public had to introduce an option 
for listening to music during redaktirovaniya.I Never mind that 
the free memory there are only 8 bytes;)

   Played everything! In addition to ASM and Born Dead PT3 
player. But carefully following the instructions set forth 
below, you will be able to tame these two naughty format:)

   For example, this AC Edit'u attached 2 tracks by Dj.
Ironman (PT2.4) and one tune by an unknown author Phoney Phrase
(PT3.x). That is to say, for every taste;)
1) The easiest way to get to play with Mouzon player. For this, 
he loaded (in the M button on the menu Load) at # c000 in page 
# 14, and if it looks like something an executable 
(t.e.soderzhit at # c000 manual or DI LD HL, x), then it is 
initialized by calling this of the point # c000. 2) To start 
Mouzon without the player, you must first install the 
appropriate player. How to do it, see paragraph 1). Mouzon no 
player is determined to expand, which he did not  Load 
address is taken from the player, if he looks like a player 
(ie, begins with LD HL, x). The problem with PT2.4: its 
magnitude, compiled without the player does not play this same 
player, so I advise compile with the player and the player 
otrezat.Chtoby translate Mouzon it back to the editor, use the 
Accept Corp's PT2.4 decompiler. To play modules from PT3.x 
desirable to have a player that supports all the plates. By the 
time of writing this article those I do not know, but there are 
players that support to 2 tablets: Based on PT3.3 (ST 'PT, by 
Max / Cyberax / BDA, Deja Vu # 9) and based PT3.5 mini player 
(ST 'ASM or PSC, by me;). The second They just glued to Mouzon 
Phoney Phrase (author, answer me!) 3) with Mouzon player can 
pack (just for this and checked DI:)) Depacker should be with 
the band # 6000 - # 8000, otherwise He has a chance to wipe the 
editor, ( 4) Mouzon no player can pack ... although ... a wild 
idea: can a player before initializing shove DEHRUST (1.3 or 
2.1, at optional) and knead the appropriate compressor modules:)

   To fully meet possible to stop the music, so you can 
understand how shitty without it;). Well, that Ext / Y works 
both ways:))) 

   Interrupt handler looks like this:


      LD A, # 14

      LD BC, 32765

      OUT (C), A

      LD HL, IMPG

      PUSH HL

      LD HL, # C000

      LD A, (HL)

      CP 1933

      RET NZ

      LD L, 3

      SUB (HL)

      LD L, 5

      JR NC, $ +3

      INC L

      JP (HL)



   Plaque interrupt is at address # 8000 and has a length of 
257 bytes ( -------------------------------------------------- 

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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