Info Guide #02

Journal - On the sad future of the magazine.

<b>Journal</b> - On the sad future of the magazine.
          And again, the bad news ...

   No, I do not want to produce more journals.

   Due to the fact that the second issue of the journal
was delayed for half a year behind schedule on my
laziness, the information in it is hard to call
.("... fresh sturgeon and if the second freshness, it means 
that it is rotten! ") 

   After releasing the first issue (as you
Remember, I proclaimed there cry) I decided: if
there is a person (not one I Ryazan!)
before you log it, and he will become a correspondent ... But 
such is not found. Of course, I asked CyberDemon'a on this, but

he obviously wants to be himself a correspondent ... But he is 
a man not a random, he has released three magazine!

   Other friends of mine, who scored
for the year, amicably settled down to work and nothing
I now will not help. JOHN / Invaders
went to the army; BASIL / Invaders hit by a car and lay in a 
hospital; Yuri Sviridov bought PCs and nothing else thinks ...

   I recently wrote off one friend binder "Polesie." So there 
such as the Simpsons have ever written. And about the graphics 
too Article squeezed (and not just anybody, and Monarch).

And some other minor topics ...

   A Framing listalka is already in the Born
Dead from the very first issue ...

   And then, remember that the yard
1999 (not 1995), and quality requirements of magazines rose 
slightly. For example, is considered bad form not to use upper 
memory (> 128k) and mouse ... 

   And I at this time all sit here and invent
New Projects ... How are you, for example, such
idea: STPRO song recompiler? (To reduce the size of the song in 
1,5 times?) I've already invented the format! Or, we know that 
by ZX still do not have a normal render. Can

it would take ... (By the way, Help, both in 3D
COOL set the plane of gray colors, and erase objects 
(sootv.ikonki not work either and a double, or treble click on 
any fire'om) ") or a graphical editor Multicolor regimes 
5,8,64,256 colors? 

   Oh well ... until I throw cry a second time:

PEOPLE! Do not let the good work (s) Abyss
Wasted! HELP least MORAL! MY
Hangs about 10 PROJECTS! PIDS KO
To me all who live in Ryazan and the indifferent
By SPECCY! (Although I did just three years ago
was completely indifferent to it ...) No,
Better way: ALL who have a ZX SPECTRUM WITH
Drives and free time (at least three

   If it passes unnoticed, the magazine solemnly closes. 
Perhaps, but it is unlikely that he will turn to the newspaper.

(It's very simple: take the most fat frame-
listalku kills with 140 and shoves it in text!)

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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