Optron #15
24 июля 1998 |
page stories - Pioneers of the Fatherland Spectrum.
Pioneers home Spectrum (C) Sergey Filimonov After a conversation with one of the developers Spectrum for the first otechestvemmoy element base and Yuri Dmitrievich Dobush publication in the sixth issue of "OPTRON" article, "So, who's first?" we, frankly, thought that the editors wallow heap of letters, responses, feedback, and even protests. But the almost complete silence on the matter did not expect. Nevertheless, continuing to develop this topic, we interviewed Oleg Starostenko. Working together with Yuri Dmitrievich, he actually brought Spectrum of light, gave him the impetus to life. Regarding this meeting, we were lucky that it took place at all, because Currently, Oleg lives in Mexico, and arrived in Lvov briefly on personal matters. The conversation was in an informal setting in EDO estates. In addition to our staff has attended this oganizatsii, among them - Edward A. Marchenko, and this time for meetings. > Good day. Oleg V., tell us please, anything you remember about how to develop a Spectrum in any way. I would also like to know about your Personal uastii in this work. RH> Work was pretty secretive, even until the last moment not all devoted to were aware of what is being done. And at the very end, when he was ready to copy chip ULA and the question arose about how to connect to TV could bring people into current affairs. > Why was secret? Afraid of what? RH> The problem was that, in parallel Several cities have done so. Unfortunately, we were the initiators of this idea. Many wanted to copy Sinclair, and most close to that reached the Balts. Y They had almost everything: CPU, RAM ... But was not here this chip itself ULA. I was told by Gene Natopty, who was involved with them because served as technical director. Baits came close to it, but decide could not. They worked hard, but we all as they walked. > So if we were the first? RH> We were the first. Yes, the problem was that even its not really tell, work to do. There was such a danger that it may leave out of control: as long as All was not over, even a small idea in the same Baltic could solve the whole question, and they could have time before us. AND even say that Gene, for the Jura Dobush it was all some kind of currency, which then it was possible to operate to get something else. Sinclair for them was like some kind of step, because it already there was 8086, and they were increasingly turned to the development of computers IBM, which at that time had already begun to appear. > And you personally, what role was played? RH> My role was limited to administrative functions. The first sample in the form of payment I received. They're done, but no scheme, no explanations - all they had in mind. In Overall, the technical part of doing Zhenya Jura, then, when it was connected to TV, joined Edward. My participation lay in the fact that I was "sitting on their neck" and made to sketch some diagrams, so that later it is all put in order. Soon kindled the first cards, including, debug, - here that I had to do. In debugging process should have been a lot of work, because at first proposed a scheme, then another. There were minor problems: it does not go, do not go. The first board was about thirty bridges, cuts and etc. As always, the board was illegally - had to negotiate with KB, so they divorced, and then pasted (the old way manufacture of photomasks - SF) After this, three months later, the first four boards. Natopta told not to do much, because they were afraid that they would not have gone somewhere. We wanted to keep the monopoly. (How come this is out of control, I say I can not. Most likely, a Eugene, because that he had some dealings with the Baltic states, Moscow, Novosibirsk - he needed it. Cost someone to offer and instantly go away: it was enough to show the scheme, and then everything went we go: modifications, etc.) One of the boards made we started, but since there were many corrections had to adjust fotooriginal. A new fee, which also had a whole slew of "moments" - somewhere something did not go, something of self-excited, had something to resolder, rearrange even. In general, the more "raw" stuff. For us it was a "development initiative" and, as I said, a kind of currency, for we tried to get the same chips 8086, the software for them, since then Natopta and Yura began to engage IBM. More has always been a problem of memory: RAM, ROM, and thanks to our design could go to Novisibirsk get free PZUshki. > You promised to tell more, as Sinclair appeared in Novosibirsk. RH> I remember that just the question arose that were necessary for IBM PZUshki RF4. Their made only in Novosibirsk. In Kiev, produced only "half": RF41, RF42, and we needed was complete. My wife had relatives in Novosibirsk, and I agreed on a business trip. It was winter - January and February, 30 degrees below zero. For the first three minutes I froze his ears until reached the subway, so then with "dumplings" and walked. The most interesting is that before leaving on a business trip I have supplied scheme, I even had a "live" card. And so I came up with this fee to the company, with the certainty that there are interested in this, that they will help us. I spoke with everyone who is involved in such developments, but they were not interested. They do not even knew what was going on. Natopta even gave me addresses of people who could be show this documentation, but they are also so and were not interested. > So how, after all, Sinclair got there? RH> Hard to say. In principle, it is very simple: come someone with a working board, included, and it cost a person see "Jumping Jack", as he immediately "light up". We have since then computers as such, was not, and here it is - the first impression ... When we first hooked up to a black and white TV, the first game, which we saw it was "Jumping Jack". And when they saw this man jumping, was "a sea of delight! The next game was a "Harrier", but in color. And he flew ... In our group There were five or six people, and everyone wanted try: "Give me, get back, let me sit down ...". The keyboard was collected mikrikah. Image - on such a small TV, "Electronics", in my opinion. When you connect to TVs so there was a problem: they had to apply color difference signals. It is only then appeared Elektron, which had net RGB. K it is much easier to connect. The next game was "Firebirds". When you look at the TV - there is some button, and then something jumps - it was so impressive that people are just rushed to the computer. People without relationship to the electronics, all ages immediately lit up: "I want it." And they have made every effort to have a computer. It was a rush. First prevalent as time and these were the most "Jumping Jack", "Harrier", "Firebirds". This article, we once again want to tell our readers the truth about the "birth" domestic Spectrum, that those who took part in this. After all, shame that For example, the same "Novosibirsk" option fairly well known, but about "Lvov" for outside Lviv few people know, though, with According to Oleg Vasilyevich, when we Spectrum has been in Novosibirsk about him not even heard of! Still we would very much like to interview Natopty Yevgeny Paton, motion, According to eyewitnesses, the largest contribution to the creation of Spectrum. At the moment he natoyaschy live in Belarus, but we promise our readers that whenever possible must arrange a meeting with him. I would like to individually thank Edward A. Marchenko, not only for organizing this meeting, but also for his constant Editorial assistance in the restoration of historical justice in relation to Domestic Spectrum. Also thank Andrew Stegnitskogo for technical support.
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