ZX Pilot #35
27 ноября 1999

Event - Report from the Spectrum, Amiga pisishnoy exhibition and sale of Baltic Suscess.

<b>Event</b> - Report from the Spectrum, Amiga pisishnoy exhibition and sale of Baltic Suscess.
       B A L T I C S U C C E S S I


   Hi all ZX-PILOT readers! I decided to write about how the 
event took place with a proud name - 

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 88 d8P 8 @ 88 8 @ 88! August 1988
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   :::::::::::! ::::!:
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   So, was held this event .. Blin,
Well it should, as a "call" ... The festival does not fit, the 
exhibition, too, though ... We call it the Trade Fair. Well,

passed this thing 20th of June in Baltiisk Kaliningrad region. 
But organizers were two members of the SERIOUS MAKERS GROUP - 
Captain Flint and SKalina. From Kaliningrad Sector arrived and 
I, well, and began preparations. By the way, are prepared by 
this "Exhibition ..." entire 3 days ... Well, enough of 
hardship we. Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell about

For purposes of this event: show and story
the new soft'e / hard'e, identifying new talent, the agitation 
of people abandoned their Spectrum'y, to do this thing again, 
well and sale soft'a. Now, that was made of iron: AMIGA 600, 
pENTIUM 100, cELERON 233 Scorpion 2 (both with screws, iBM 
Klava and rats in buildings Minitower, and one even

with GMX'om), and held it all in the computer center of the 
"Success" (by the way, and that's where gave the name "BALTIC 
SUCCESS"). Okay, enough of these arrivals will tell you about 
the events ...

   I will begin, perhaps, to describe the morning
20 day ... Here, we are already at that time managed to 
thoroughly prepare and do the final touches in the room, where 
everything were to happen, and here it is, first visitor, who 
came an hour before the scheduled time for! Because Sector was 
busy with his AMIG'oy 600, then I do not confused and began to 
show him a new soft, mostly toys. This case has taken

we have 40 minutes and then began to flock to the people
I was happy (to be honest, I thought
Because no one will, because last night
held a large tusovka graduates, and
most expected was just this
age)! Well, here I began showing the new
soft'a again, even for 6-7 people. After
this exciting class people divided into 2 groups - one went to 
look at the miracle of modern technology - AMIGA 600, and

the second remains to look soft, but not
only igruhi but demos. And here happened
miracle - come Amizhnik which Mischa (Captain Flint) and Slavik 
(SKalina) so long looking for! Well, Vadim (Sector), of course, 
was This unspeakably happy. Soon began to show

New soft'a, but this time it was Amiga, and it seemed nothing 
presaged much fun, how come ... most ardent supporter of HRC, 
the Baltic-... oops, forgot the name :-( Oh well, for brevity 
call it Lamer :-))) And then began the most fun activities of 
all activities - dispute over the Amiga vs pC! This may seem an 
unlikely and amusing pastime but it was so - I would probably 
never in Life had not laughed so throughout the whole

day! Lot was then pinned, and not all
remember, though, tell a couple of ...

... Lamer: but do you have on the Amiga system
Voice control? > -)
... We are: yes hell knows, maybe there is ...
By the way, so Amiga 600 16-bit and ...
... Lamer: Well, and I have a 16-bit all
... Mike: And what you have a car?
... Lamer: Pentium!
... We are: ;-)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

The conversation goes on for life UPGRADE

... Lamer: ... so I can do at 166 MMX
something that does not make for a Pentium III!
... Me: Well then this regression :-)))

... Lamer: Amiga and multimedia PCs torn off

... I am: but how many times you reinstall
... Lamer: many - to get to know the system and now I even set 
Vindous others (... lamer :-)!

   Well, that's enough, but then I got bored
remember this pTs'shnika. Oh, and all
was recorded on video (Slavik for
that many thanks to him) and takes minutes
90. Now I do not know yet how this will
spread - I'd just rewrite this material to anyone, but this one
Trouble - I have no what 2 Vydac,
and even the first: '(And most likely this
tape will receive all of the groups included in the
CONSTELLATION! ... Well, the dispute with the
lamer has not led to anything good, although he probably was 
afraid to admit Ammie superiority over PC and ran :-)

Slavik expressed his theory about this: he was a man of age and 
is afraid to learn new computer, a PC, he already "knows". 

   So, like on this day ended. Now we can summarize: in general 
on the Baltic Success visited by about 13-15 people. This may 
seem small, but given the fact it was less than half the 
expected (and many are not expected), small size, the

Baltic (although one man still could
there come from Kaliningrad (2 hours by
bus)) and that still failed to
scroll through the ads on cable TV, it is
fairly large number. From these
people: one "Granddaddy" (46 years) decided to start again 
Speck, one guy starts to write music, and one draw, two guys 
zafanateli Amiga and one of them in the near future will 
purchase or 600 or 1200-ku-ku; pTs'shnik learned by Ammie 600 
:-) No one even looked at cELERON and pENTIUM; almost everyone 
saw the new software and decided to stay on the Spectrum! Was 
carried out surveys of the people (for details see - FORM) 

   But what will happen next ... and will continue to
BALTIC SUCCESS'2000! Only in larger
indoors, in the Kaliningrad and, hopefully, with lots of people!

   √ √ - √ √ ■ ■ √ √ √ - √ √

             BALTIC SUCCESS

            hidden part :-)

              EBOLO virus


Vadim aka Sector / SMG ^ CTL
Kiril aka Kristof / SMG ^ CTL
Amizhnik aka Stranger
each Amizhnika aka Artist

   So, it all started on the next
day after the main part of BALTIC SUCCESS. Well, then, we have 
descended from Vadim, right in the morning, to found yesterday

Amizhniku ​​(he, like Vadim Ammi600)
At first, all was quiet, peaceful, copied
software to each other, but when the operation ended, started 
this! It all began, Strictly speaking, even past the day when

Vadim started watching software for Ammi, sent ROM corp'om from 
Voronezh, and "by accident" on the disks was a virus ... Yes, 
the virus is not easy, but EBOLO virus, numbered I and II. And 
then it began operation on a slew of the representative global 
industry (eternity ;-) viruses. A lasted a fairly long time - 
about 5 hours (!). During this process has been so many jokes 
(one each Amizhnika, whom I called them and ARTIST'om 
okazalsyanastoyaschy artist (not a computer, he generally to a 
computer has no any relationship, only to WARLORDS'ov Ammi and 
plays), and so, it was a cool guy and Because of this, the day 
I, as a person otnosyaschimusya to various Amigo PYTsYEMESIKSam 
bad, did not seem lost)! It is a pity that the video camera was 
not then ;-) Russification began Vadimovskogo Work

Bench'a ... This process also has not delivered
me great pleasure ;-) On that day
divisor AMIGAMASHINA without glitches seemed to me
not quite true ...

   Okay, I feel that I will not be able to transmit that 
atmosphere, when the half-day vozishsya in a strange city with 
this stupid virus, which all have zaEBOLil and on the it's all 
at the same time fun and ... and ... and have fun :-)

   Thank God that everything ended well: EBOLO virus no longer 
lives at screw from SECTOR'ovskoy Amiga, and we got home to 
Kaliningrad (city RUL'yaschih) in due time.

   In short, it's time to sum up: the people! Arrange the same 
party is in itself somewhat gorodenaydete Spektrumistov, that's 
for sure! We just have not really come out - We chose a little 
place for (I mean the city) - it would be necessary in the 
Kaliningrad, but just in Baltiisk found suitable premises ... 
The most important thing - it's as much as possible to inform 
the public - announcement around city ​​and in the newspaper. 
Agree - the person rather go to an exhibition and sale, and a 
large crowd, than to any seller ON home, but to attract people 
who have already thrown their Speccy to the far shelf can be - 
large room, lots of computers everywhere show the new software, 
that's when people will realize that early to bury the old man 
he Speccy as he lived, and lives!

   All right, enough with you my fantasies, I'll sleep better 

   SPECTRUM alive forever !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Other articles:

News - news Kovroskogo Spectrum.

Event - Report from the Spectrum, Amiga pisishnoy exhibition and sale of Baltic Suscess.

Event - a survey of visitors Spectrum Amiga-pisishnoy exhibition and sale of Baltic Suscess.

Our Guest - the story Rion'a (ex ZSV) about the status of Spectrum in Apatity.

Humor - Hesereznaya story on the topic of Spectrum.

Coding - code optimization techniques.

We will understand - the passage of downhole toys Snoopy & Peanuts.

about different - Mitchell regards to spektrumistam.

about different - "Spectrum home computers as a class is disappearing. And it is a fact" ...

Hard & soft - bug-free music scheme of connection coprocessor AY-8910.

Birthday - spektrumistov congratulations on his birthday.

Poll - Questionnaire survey of Mitchell / Hardwave.

Poll - "Spectrum or very soon will die as a home computer or be reborn into something else" - respond or lose!

Advertising - advertising and announcements from spektrumistov.

Credits - the creators of the newspaper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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