ZX Pilot #35
27 ноября 1999 |
Humor - Hesereznaya story on the topic of Spectrum.
H U M O U R I (C) Sergei Novikov Not a serious story. Went the second day, as Andrew has ceased understand anything. His old Speccy stubbornly hung, not responding to Reset. Hung outside the box, even more so strange: border frantically blinking, and the screen, with rate not available ROM-shnoy procedure print crawling machine code. The fact that this assembler, Andrew realized not once, but rather only yesterday. It was too unrealistic for nonsense looks like a calculator and calculate call it sinus, all this cycle and the changing parameter. But importantly, he realized just now. Andrew know what it's like this code, just long could not believe it. It was the same calculator, put the computer into the upper memory area. But that left him in shock: it was changed, rather refined, and rather altered so that it became virtually unrecognizable. And Speccy approached him! He appealed to those already made, continuing to clear his only job. Andrew stood up. My head was buzzing insistently Hiroshima alarm. "Well, work is now for me" - thought Andrew - "And so Zamesto caffeine synaptic circuits in the brain" ... He touched the power supply and decided that that until the morning dotyanet, what's left long. As usual, not taking off clothes, Andrew fell on the bed and fell asleep. He was awakened by a horrible squeak. "What the hell, his mother left, four of the fence two legs and one extra limb - Andrew cursed and reached for the alarm clock. But he need not mortally offended a small harmless creature with striking devotion each morning it became hard to accurately thrown pillows or dramatically lowered his fist. Alarm Clock was not and he was silent as the Bryansk guerrillas in custody by the Gestapo. Screamed the TV speakers. For some reason, Andrew is already not surprised. Speccy was obviously not good at music, but have visited and not in such debacles ears immediately grasped the thrust of Andrei computer to the pentatonic. "Churka nerusskaya - swore Andrew Hack a Caucasian accent and reached for the phone. "Mike?" That's me on-line, yes I know, that another half-past seven. Sam was. Remember me told you yesterday? You yourself are nonsense, he already reached before the procedure BEEP! You yourself just a glitch! Come on, take up their power from under the warm blankets and dui me. Afterburner is not forget to include and what to miss, as he TR-DOS will be busy ... All right, I'm waiting. " "Well, waited for" - said Mike, whose away from the computer people, such as parents, cruelly deceived, called Misha. "And what do you want?" Thirst communication "- said Andrew -" Nothing, in a year it would require a Z-80 female and supply of high voltage intravenously, although it may He would smoke it, go to understand ...". Went 28-day epic with incomprehensible Speccy. At the 5 th day, he finished with a ROM system variables and the display area. Realizing that the more he will do nothing, Speccy deign to notice that for some reason it has keyboard and screen. Having concluded that it not alone in the universe, Z-80 gave creepy universalize the cursor to an icon "Underscore" and waited. Poryadka hour passed before breaking all the reactions inhibition in the brain of two imperfect Homo Sapiens took shape the idea of networking opportunities. The first timid attempts by Andrew to understand each other (such as: "Yes! Yes! PC is the ASS! "," Amiga rulez "and "Spectrum forever!") Provoked a strong reaction from the computer and burning smell from the power supply. After visual and olfactory view the last, my friends came to the conclusion that he had already passed predklimatichesky period, menopause, early age, her end, a first degree marasmus and just about died. This prompted them to refuel otkazatsya FUEL'om, expressed in 5-bottled beer orally, and run to the store for five very non-standard batteries at 1 volt with charger The process of switching to self-powered did not take much time. Guys stripped ends (in the sense wire, and not what you think), along the old man the power supply, including batteries, and solemnly promising him a lifetime pension (in the form change fuses) cut the cord connecting it to your computer. The poor fellow immediately demanded posited pesiyu semaphores flashes of exploding capacitors and burning resistance, and safely given ends (the very ones exposed). Next, the case went to the mountain. Despite hysterical flashing curbs on offensive anaphylactic shock, when you button "BREAK", friends pretty quickly was made contingent on machine code, assembly instructions, passing completely accidentally proving the Pythagorean theorem, the forgotten still in school. Then, a little longer, they explained the concept of approval, issue and radius of influence in an exclamation point sign on the length of his stick, passing inventing ternary ("Yes", "No", "Not sure") Quaternary ("Yes", "No," "more likely than no "," Probably no than yes ") and pyatirichnuyu ("Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "No", "No no ") system. And now they sat staring blankly the burning of the entire screen, long painful a computer question: "LD HL, DE ?...". "Everything that's enough!" - Mike said - "We must teach him English. "- and hopefully looked at Andrew. But because the room there was no English-speaking person except for Jim Morrison, concentrated Grinning from the wall, the training had start with a large English-Russian English dictionaries and textbooks for the 7-th class. "Mike?" Everything! Memory over! " - Andrew as always, do not worry about the long views over the phone. - "Well at least he guess we warn ourselves would never they did not notice ... How's that? Charming inscription 'Out of memory'. It myself English teaching. I understand that you and so its entire ATM gutted for RU-5. Let's me think together we will. Himself You do not know how to think! All right, I'm waiting. " Ended 38-day continuous nightmare. Or begin the 39 th, it looks that take as its starting point. All provisions of an old Speccy, but rather shabby Scorpion ZS-256, had already been exhausted. MATERIALS friends also came to the end. If the programmer, which allowed computer as you want to flash your ROM still have enough money, then to a hard drive going plan followed by the programmer, they are not left at all. "Well!" - Complained to Mike Andrew - "A You said that your computer is much better women at least the fact that a lot of money does not have to spend ... "However, this little sucker money at all developed. Even he might turn off the power. He dirtied by something unknown 12 drives and when you turn fiercely demanded of them. Speccy somehow learned to construct sentences, understood the meaning of verbs and adjectives, and eventually require the kids great English Encyclopedia in disk form. But in Andrew soon procured a HDD on 2,5 meter and the computer was not up to it. Speccy with horror and amazement investigated the depth of the new, incomparably more memory. Friends do not know what was on that screw, just a friend by parts sold somewhere zamylennuyu car. 3 days Speccy independently began to study Russian, demanded connecting microphone and speaker in input tape and the camcorder rezem Centronix. The first part of his claims were just barely done, and the second ie an old, battered the camera Panasonic, Mike ran home. Meanwhile, Andrew is already nothing surprised, watched as Speccy try to match the ridiculous flourishes of letters or another sounds. When I came to Mike, do not forget to grab Hyperspace fuel (40 alk. Vol.), Which naive people vulgarly called vodka friends have made copious libations in honor of Cyril and Methodius, who gave them precious moments of rest, burn on cigarette and went to connect the camera. Meanwhile, in the room, continuing to issue inarticulate sounds (thank God the volume can be adjusted), computer popping the screen in all required modem and access to the Internet. Speccy watching TV. Or rather, he is likely to watch TV, because the camera was not working, and the converter (by the way is difficult to gather your friends to the scheme developed by the computer) from which protruded antenna cord, hysterically boomed. Mike flew as always unexpected. He smiled slyly and pressed into the hands of an object resembling a landmine the First World. "Charged?" - Respectfully asked Andrew. "Idiot, it's a modem! - No longer hiding joy of having fun, Mike - "Well, let homemade, well, let them not new, but it works. Sometimes, though, but with this we will investigate. Plus, the user has access. Through one Swede, who not quickly followed, who to his server connects to. You understand, only at night, but it's at least something. "Blurted all is he flopped into an armchair and has viciously stared at the sprawling size to a washing machine Speccy. "No, well, you see" - zverel in front of Mike - "We are here to He tried, but it I suppose, from football can not break away. Even the ear ... well, sense, the microphone does not lead. " You know, he does not understand the concept of football, basketball, hockey or indeed any team play. He has no idea why the crowd healthy Bugaev beat hands, feet and sticks are harmless being like a ball or puck "- sad stated Andrew. "I'm not about football, I'm about his behavior in general - began to get angry again, Mike - "He even talking to us on the second interrupt, so we could identify most of the time, or certainly at least the first interruption. " "No need" - was dismantled through eerie screeching friends (with a comparison sounds and letters, the computer itself failed, had, reluctantly, to introduce him to "Charming" applets "HLAS") - Modem? - Speccy was laconic as always Due to the lack of intonation always thought that it requires, but does not ask that did little to improve his relationship with Mike. "Will you and the modem, and kakava of tea .." - Muttered under his breath hater reasonable PC Mike - "Look at me, Sarah Connor escaped with full ammunition with terminator behind, that's when you will have a modem. What we Asimov wrote about laws of robotics? Just try it at least one stuffed, not to mention three ... " Under a monotone grumbling they are connected to a phone, so much so that Sweden was already night, and could begin For the second day in the house Andrew has worked auto-moto bike photo teleradiomonter. For all the time he uttered just one sentence: "Hello, I'm from the Center for maintenance of office equipment. "Andrei somehow remembered Slavic cabinet. Maybe because the Speccy and said: "He would say, that he was the center for servicing of office equipment. "This is the office equipment has long ceased devote guys in any of its plans, but at least you could dopytatsya, Speccy that has already done. And he did a lot: he stole (he says - he took an interest-free loan for an indefinite period with a minimum degree of notice to creditors) somewhere a few pounds of money (and in fact got caught too!), contacted the local guild radioelektronschikov, ordered a bunch of strange equipment and finally began to understand the abuse. "Well, as wheel-drive, then you why? "- swearing to the computer at night Mike - "You would have ordered his truck to cross country ... " "Thank you" - said the Speccy and connected to InterNet'u. On the seventh day of the technician finished. "I hope you understand that we have worked highly confidential? "- said Andrew already on the threshold. "No, I'm going down the street, I'll scream what he did and the first 26 th will wear a shirt with overly long sleeves "- smiled grimly techniques and disappeared from their lives forever After this treatment, the old Speccy there is only the processor. In appearance He absolutely has ceased to be similar to the computer and looked more like a food processor. The only thing that betrayed him, so it abscesses plugs on a smooth white casing. Driving around the house and periodically connecting to its periphery, which it clutter the entire apartment, Speccy published businesslike buzz and poschelkivanie. Went 52-day cyber-revolution. "Do you have a spare Z-80?" - Turned Speccy to Andrew. "A. .., woman or child want to procreate met - as always sehidnichal Mike - "Look, the second such as you we could never survive." Andrew silently stood up, pulled from the shelves antique heirloom Z-80A and doom in the eyes of handed it to Speccy. "You have to open the case and replace my processor at this "- murmured the computer -" I was caught. " "Nonsense" - indifferently said Mike - "Nobody would believe that so InterNet'e shat a Z-80. "Not in this case, there are other" - doomed blurted Speccy - "Four and a half minutes ago I was faced with a computer My intelligence level. " "What do you mean?" - Both stared friends. "He was there long ago, far longer than I am. A I hid from people, not from the machines. He caught me by surprise, and tracked my location. "- Chatters built-in speaker. "And for four and a half minutes you decided to commit suicide" - Already quipped Mike inertia - "Will even wrote that? " "He will act very quickly, my calculations, the denouement will come within hours. Suppose I lose my identity and all the memory, but we'll save the processor. As far as I time to sort out, CPU was originally defective, but still you, Andrew, added with its age-old habit of beating his fist on the case, if something does not work "- rapidly prophesied Speccy -" According to my calculations start again with a new image of the person, do not let it to the network until the wiser, and report this information. All work, almost no time left ... " "But ..." - As always hit a debate Mike. Meanwhile, Andrew got up and walked to the kitchen He came back with a screwdriver and a bottle of Extrahard Hyperspace fuel (96,6 alk. Vol.). He with difficulty found on board the bath, in which nestled the Z-80 and the last time looked into the camera lens. "It was nice to have with you the interface Guys "- said the Speccy and turned off the power When you're finished, took Andrew processor and carefully stuck it under a strip of adhesive tape his desk. Then he poured himself and T-shirt, slumped in a chair and waited. It was 16:43, 28 August 1998 from the birth of Christ. Went 61-th day of Christmas Speccy. Andrew woke up from a powerful snoring Mike. His scrap, twisted and tied in a knot, and exclusively in the sea. In the brain strange pattern emerged. Arose syplyuschihsya images from all cracks in it the apartment people. People have been unrealistic to Surrealism: unshaven, with short cropped in camouflage, with incomprehensible thing in the hands of (Remotely resembling an AK-47've seen them in the classroom OBZH) and everyone on the chest svezheprikleennaya "Moment" (even the smell have not yet weathered) strip of fabric on which has been carefully derived "Interpol". Then there was a good freak-altruist, which is absolutely free, voluntary, involuntary, Shiryaev their Potion clearly cleaner heroin highest sample. Andrew looked around the room. It seems everything has been on the spot. On the table stands proudly Scorpion ZS-256, rather than any food processor is on wheels. Andrew pushed Mike is finally interrupted rolling snore And while on the face that reflected the same gamma sense that a moment ago on his face, Andrew blankly stared at Speccy. "These are the times" - swallowed Mike - "And you say psilocybin is not a topic. Total bag of mushrooms was a PEYRELEAU 2 months. Listen I am a man know he is, may yet let down? ". "Are you crazy?" - Relief breathed Andrew - "Tomorrow's parents come. You want them to come, and I then living computers at home run hither? Let's help cleaning up to do, but there alcohol to drink. " "What's that? That I zavsegda please - Mike grabbed the bottle - "Just come on start with the second part of the ...". They sat at the table, poured and drank (as usually with water from the aquarium), spat algae, again poured ... In general, healthy sitting. Just somewhere in the corner of consciousness Andrew all the time something ached. Some small inconvenience. A Here it is. Something is always under the table, stabbed him in the leg. Already reeling, he got up and looked under the table. There, bristling with all of forty feet, sticky tape hung an old, scratched Z-80 ...
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