ZX Pilot #38
31 мая 2000

Topic - A conversation with one of the organizers FunTop'98 and editor Nicron - Wlodek Black'om from Moscow.

<b>Topic</b> - A conversation with one of the organizers FunTop'98 and editor Nicron - Wlodek Black'om from Moscow.
   Chatting with one of the organizers FunTop
'98 And editor of Nicron - Wlodek
Black'om from Moscow.

   Justinas: What's your opinion, how did the first day Chaos'a.

   Wlodek: I think he went on such a good and solid triple. Ie 
vobschem something all that meant - had become, but feels some 
what a rush in the organization, or simply imperfections. In 
any case, as a demonstration of the work could be better and 
all the same ... 

   J: Technique ...

   W: Yes, technically. At the same time
Competitions were held, the winners were revealed,
Well, apparently, for the coming year
These winners will be the first among the elite.

   J: It is hoped FunTop'2000?

   W: Well, I think that hope is possible.

   J: Ie has already been decided and preparations?

   W: Before the first day, I said
that he would like to answer this question
the end of the first day. Here
This first day is over, and the opinion of the people
in general is that people continue to look towards FunTop'2000. 
Consequently We will issue untwist. Promise, of course, can not 
do anything, everything comes down to finances, which, after a 
17-second August was tight, but we'll do that.

   J: When can we expect the first news,
first rules'y?

   W: Well, somewhere, probably by mid-
fall closer to winter.

   J: Well, if Random organizes CC'000,
as if soorentirovat people?

   W: Opinion Random'a we probably know
after a few hours, I think he is
You can even ask if he did not say
I think anything in this offensive there, if
ask not opposing FunTop'u and
just ask your future plans.

   K: Yes, Wlodek, go out on stage, say
about FunTop'2000.

   W: Well, you know, first here with this
scenes of this claim would be simply indecent towards 
organizers CC. In the press, I declare that after the first

Day views of the people still continues to move toward 
FunTop'a, so here I am say we'll do that.

   J: As with the ZX-Net'om in Moscow?

   W: ZX-Net faring in the state of the
equilibrium, which is almost never violated any
in the direction of flight, or in the direction of flow. ZX
-Net now consists almost entirely of creative people who have 
something do on a stage or produce magazines,

or engaged in professional programming. Network suits their 
creative and professional results in a extent, it is certainly 
satisfying and pure requests hobbies. Just recently, as we 
know, there was an echo zx-net-books, in which collected lovers 
of literature. This here is an example of such an abstract 
application ZX-Net to meet the public Some amateur queries.

[As it became known later, Wlodek and not
set about organizing FunTop'2000 and teamed up with the 
organizers to help CC'000 handling written correspondence compo

-Works, probably in Moscow will no longer be
party: (A pity ...]

Other articles:

News - News from the Kovrov spektrumistov.

Topic - A Conversation with Justinas'a SerzhSoft'om of Shadrinsk and Firex'om / Mayhem from Tula proizoschedshaya on Chaos Construction 2000.

Topic - A conversation with renowned artist Fil / Antares proizoschedshaya on Chaos Construction 2000.

Topic - A conversation with one of the organizers FunTop'98 and editor Nicron - Wlodek Black'om from Moscow.

Topic - SIR-X'a reflections about the sorry state of affairs with Spectrum software.

Imagination - Twilight of the Gods (the original idea of Igor Bogdanov).

Iron - describes the new sound card for Spectrum DMA UltraSound Card and its comparison with the DMA Sound Blaster.

Coding - write a simple news ticker.

Coding - write an unusual news ticker.

about different - Organism'a letter about the plight of Spektrumistov outback.

Hints - Passwords for games: Tower Pod, Clocks head Cracker.

Advertising - rekalama and announcements about the sale of Spectrum Varese.

Credits - the names of the founders of the newspaper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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