ZX Pilot #38
31 мая 2000 |
Topic - A conversation with renowned artist Fil / Antares proizoschedshaya on Chaos Construction 2000.
T E M A I I (C) JUSTINAS Chatting with the Antares from Moscow, more degree with Fil'om. Justinas: How long have you been doing to Spectrum'e with graphics? Fil: Well myself Spectrum I have somewhere from 93 , was still the 48 th, that's when I started myself to try as grafista. First My picture was drawn in the editor CoriGraf (?), Spanish, old ... And he worked with the tapes. Then he bought a Scorpion, sat nearly a year without a monitor, and so nothing could bring to life. Then a black and white monitor, and I began to torment the Art-Studio. Tormented her with a joystick, with I drew him only one picture and realized that so it will not go further and moved on to the keyboard. With the keyboard I am suffering to 97-year, ie all the work that were provided on Enlight'96, all were painted on the keyboard. Well look there Strictly speaking there is nothing, it was the first attempts to do something. Then I got a mouse controller and ibm-keyboard, and I began to actively use the mouse. Well began to draw a mouse, but there are pictures that never saw the light, they should enter into our megademu Imagen (?), But time was lost and we decided to not release as it is in the form of code blocks and stayed. By the time the work was not bad, but now of course we should not think about her release. And those old pictures, they also produce is not worth it, they do not that level. That may someday may be would do something like my picture pictures for years, but it's when and pictures will be more, and I've got some good pieces of 7, but only about 10-12 screen'ov, which can be much else to exhibit. It is this CC'shnuyu picture I drew in a break between exams. She is a little on the Extremely (by Teeray) is similar, but I immediately I say this not out of Extremely redrawn, is in 97 th year, when I tried to PC to paint in Photoshop, zababahal yourself 800 * 600, I thought cool, with Spectrum passed, now put yourself in 1916 million colors and draw a cool picture. But nothing good, I did not work, but the idea of the image was still. I do it then printed and brought to sisopnik that I think the winter 97-year was, I brought it Show Progress'am, ie Mic and its Fux seen and can confirm that it is neither from not sketched. On the Spectrum it right transfer failed. Well, in short, in this my picture was postponed only by a person and the rest has come gradually during drawing. Well, as usual, not always get what you intended. Well, here as in this picture, I first drew face, all over again drawn the lines, contours, well then, all filled with filling, attributes of color are placed just ink'om, and then to these transitions are made smoother transitions, so part of the picture is drawn. Then I begin to think what would more to the picture pririsovat. Here, in this case it would be better to paint the sky, well, in general such a background, in perspective this curved. I painted the sky, all sorts, too, again, lines, textures and colors, ie, All of this principle. I drew this picture, well, about two days, the first day I painted a basis, but on the second day of the completion of the picture. J: Unlike other gfxer'ov you quite a long time, for example, Enlight'96, has observed the good work. F: Unfortunately all the work done to 97-year, were sketched. True srisovyvaniem do almost everything For example TeeRay, took first place in the Enlight'97 with picture X-Files. Here is the Work like a sketched or skonverchennaya, well, I suspect either he immediately converted it to Speccy, or spechatyval on paper first and then make rubbings. But the fact is that there jpeg'i on the PC, and many people have already seen. I also worked srisovyvaniem with books mostly, well, like the one picture, Wolfhound. By the way, is also a very interesting technology transferred these images, though, I think she's every grafista own, but I have is this: taken tracing paper, placed on the original image, outline, outlines, pencil, Then it is placed on tracing paper notebook sheet, thus obtained the "attributes". Well, put a bright greed in Art-Studio, draws all the lines and back on to the method: fill, texture, color, shading, texture, color, etc. Well then, make rubbings I'm tired, it's certainly good, but all still in my conscience began to play, and 97-m year I had a PC, and I'm somewhere in the year went the wrong way. I drew a picture, but I did not even know whether it is worth it to someone to show. But the attempt was unsuccessful, was made is not what I wanted. Therefore, I decided to wait until the PC, to accumulate experience in the elaboration of ideas and images decided to put on the ZX for CC'999 picture. Moreover this time there is little, I am learning and because the PC is absolutely no time. Well, all drawing on the PC is completely different from the Spectrum, so it is very just so hard to "go." J: Plans for the future ... F: Well, here's how CC'999 over, even in This year the party will be in Kazan, CAFe'99. Most likely I'm on the Spectrum there is also something A draw, and if I did not overcome laziness and if I do technically get something to draw, I expose what Something on the PC. Well, here in the end, looking today's competitive works exhibited at the pc-gfx-compo, I realized that from our artists best, apparently, until Terror. Well Ash'evskaya picture, too bad, but, Unfortunately, there are also some bugs. J: What is now engaged in Antares? F: Well, from my point of view, Konex'a have their own point of view, but it is fundamentally different from mine. The situation was releasing Ecstatic Dub, we started doing demos Devotion. The beginning was conceived as a Power Up, it's cool effects, plus a 4 * 4-animation But all the effects were awful like Ecstatic Dub, so that if we continued to this case, it was better if it was called DeMouy Ecstatic Dub 2. Ie deme was obtained, clearly differed level coding from the previous demos. I am therefore something all it immediately lose one's attraction, but I'm not ceased to want to do, but I realized that nothing worthwhile will come of it. Then, just happened that I again went to school, and Konex could not with me skontaktirovat and it was decided to postpone demoy. Well and then request the graphics I have done as far as he could, but, of course, is that I gave him - It sucks, I admit. But at least that he could no longer finish, I give him something else and repainted. But then he did not wanted to do. He graduated from the institute, the His work, then he, as I understand, she is, with the work, he comes very late and, in short, he has time are left on the coding. Now He generally with a power supply that something had happened. He says that there is only "to solder two wires, and everything will work, and he starts coding. But these "two-wire," he solder has about a month. In general, in the near future from us hardly anything happens. Justinas: A general in Moscow, as the case with Speccy? Fil: Tough question. Just here was time, I was on the PC, Spectrum, I did not throw, but somehow it gave him less time. Well, in generally say: groups that were doing something in Moscow, now do not do anything. Well, for example, Progress: Fux married, he swill have almost no child is even; Mic organized a musical group ANRS, in hoi polloi "enrezami" call them:) Rom works in publishing, but what I like I do not know whether the guard, or even kemto. Seeing how things are in the Antares, I thought not to do with whether I Progress'om something. Oh, and began to talk Rom drive, Rom hit on the idea that we should demo make sure, to shake Fux'a three-dimensional engine. But it's not like that subsided in Rom, but he apparently also have no time, work, and Fux also did not want do. J: That was when? F: Well, recently, almost somewhere after FunTop'a, somewhere in the winter. While I do not know what they want to do and whether they want to they do. Therefore, both ideological and Progress collapsed yet. I like the Rom have ideas, Fux can nakodit anything but Mic'u music on the Speccy write it does not problem now is all the more heavily involved with music. But now apparently they have no whether the time, or spirit, did not even know. J: And what about the ZX-Net'om? F: Pro ZX-Net better ask Wlodek Black'a just my Scorpion went away somewhere, I gave it to EA, but he is still someone gave it to. In short, I'll come with CC and it will take Conversely, it is c-dos modem, and I was look around the network. And so I basically sit on the Internet if access Freestuff catches on channel # Z80 and sometimes # Amigarus appear. J: Are you going to leave the scene in soon? F: Good question ... ;))) I like a PC, Spectrum, I do not, ie I sit on emulators, but you know, emulators it's not real, and point out there are square, and well imagine how the picture looks on the PC 'Shnom monitor, it's terrible. And if the emulator is bad to adjust the brightness and contrast, it'll go all crazy. Spectrum I'm not going to throw, why ... Well, I met the spirit and the work produced here at CAFe I hope to draw not only on Spectrum'e, but also on the PC. Emulators, of course, sux, but I probably will have to work in them, as on the Spectrum I have no monitor, so the real, probably does not will draw. But here I am now finished school and start college. Time bulk, and therefore 5 years on the Spectrum I More precisely sit. And, incidentally, what I have now won the first place, it does not mean anything, because the work was really little. So I do not Spectrum I think throwing in five years, will porisovyvat and see which projects will be in the future, may, with some team work well, or will be working as a freelance artist. All the same, no matter who draw, the main process itself, the idea itself. J: The course whether you're on the state of Spectrum Affairs in Russia ... F: In Russia ... I sit on the Internet, download magazines, even here with a good Wlodek'om relationship, I'm here to translate the scanned pictures Nicron'a. Here is the truth, my scanner, why do I need, but to scan and transfer pictures, I do not know. In the graphical view I had, unfortunately, do not use. That's from Wlodek'a is all the information about affairs at Spectrum scene. J: Well, in your opinion, on the stage progress, regression, or stagnation ... ;) F: But this broad question ... But in general on the scene say this: now reached the stage a level where it is difficult to something conceptually embody. Formerly there were all sorts of scroll'y, attribute of the plasma, etc., ie effects of two-dimensional, and based on the coolness of coding. Most demos do coders. How do you cool effect nakodish, so you and enjoy. Now, the encoding developed so that nothing new coding to bring anymore. Now save the idea. Therefore, in my opinion, are the ideological need to develop. Well three-dimensional, two-engines and all. Well Where next? Practically nowhere. And what You can do a bunch of objects and fly all what we see now on PC / AMiGA scene. Around and on the Spectrum is the situation. Well For example, Dema 98-year Refresh. There's 3D engine, lots of plates, objects and everything. Looks, of course, cool, but purely due to the fact that this has not happened. At Spectrum's see how things are, but I it seems that gradually, as the PC, will things were. Well, for example, work on Real Masters, I do not remember whether to use there is a 3D engine, but the animation was there for sure. But I think on the Spectrum have to develop this 3D technology to do like assemble a block, well as on the PC, ie engine is written to him to substitute objects, textures, set the plate - flew. But not a single 3D engine man lives, we need another idea. Well, for example, we have a Rom drive was idea to make a three-dimensional room, her hang such pictures, you fly through the room, in the center stands a pedestal, with a hand with anything else =), well, some object, well, again, 4 * 4, you fly in the picture, well, there all sorts of effects such as tunnelchikov can be something else new to come up with. Well, that is, you fly there a lot of effects and flies back into the room. Well, so intended. But I do not know, of course, is Do so to do, like this fly around the room - it is not original, I think, is AMiG'e already long ago been done, need to think of something, I think, his own. It is hard to imagine, of course, ideas do not enough ideological say cork. Technology reached that level, realize that the ideological quite hard. Justinas: What do you think was Chaos Constructions? Fil: From an organizational perspective, here is a On the one hand: entrance, the show works - I do liked it. Well, then, that organized a pass visitors several times shown a picture, though the work was quite little, though time is not very comfortable, only then exams are over, and here once, and party. It seems to me to CAFe should be more work, if there any living creature go. People over the summer even have time to something to do and set. Although because of the small number of papers can be objectively something assess it in terms of graphics and music. Demo, apparently, simply no one has done, so it was so little work. And the fact that the projector worked color only on the AMIGA / PC, it is certainly large puncture organizers, well, for example, gfx-compo all the pictures in black and white. All this, of course, it looked awful. And on TV was too much exposed whether the brightness, or contrast, in short, all image lubricated. And one TV with the right edge of the stain was there apparently handset village. That was 4 on FunTop'e monitor, and all were all wonderful seen. Of course, the monitor does not yield better projector, but I was afraid of the projection from the fact that would be the point of healthy, well, just like on the emulator, but even more, and terrible would look, but it turned out really nothing. The only thing that's bad, it is what was black and white image, this can not be done, and even some sort of a band of screen constantly traveled. But the organization FunTop'a all still a little bit better Of special la, it's by far. [Suddenly appear other members of Antares - Konex and EA] Justinas: How is Antares? Konex: How do you see winners! Well, that is, the winners :) But the case is normal ... J: What do you do? K: We are looking for a new grafista, since Fil'om we have a problem. He had forgotten how to draw, unfortunately. We and Eternity Industy ry links. They want us to provide the graphics. Because our grafist like it ... finally grow lazy in the last two years, half the picture, and then, since his quality. Justinas: In your opinion you have earned first place right? EA: I do not know ... But I think that yes, because everything I've heard the rest exhibited was crap. K: Well Mouzon "I must to win in music compo" 98-year, he's better than this. E: Well, of course, that I wrote two weeks, but this one about a week. And in general Mouzon on the components needed for about two weeks to write. Every day. J: Not necessarily ... K: In short he Mouzon, he abruptly ... J: Well, what else Mouzon, in your opinion, were worthy. E: I was drunk, I do not remember ... J: And then you can objectively evaluate its Mouzon? K: And I'll tell you what Mouzon more or less. 1-st (Apocalpse by MMCM / Sage), 6 th (Birds by Push) and 19 (Find the vacant place by Noise / Phantasy), in addition to the 21 th (By EA). J: What are your plans? K: Yes we have lots of plans, we would have a toy done if we had another 2-3 encoder and 2-3 grafista normal netormoznyh. E: We've got even a single encoder Not now. K: And not a single grafista. E: And not a single musician ... Nobody at all there ... K: A musician as it is, but the music still No demos for ... E: Music is always normal, at least case in terms of ... K: Yes, that's a Mouzon is, one would gather that DeMouy (Devotion) as soon as possible. J: To communicate with Antares, we can write at the following addresses: Fido: Andrey Sokov 2:5020 / 689.405 2:5020 / 689.100 Inet: zxnet@iname.com subj: 500:95 / 405.5
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