ZX Pilot #39
11 октября 2000

Demopati - an invitation to one of the most original and "rebellious" Finnish demoparty - The Second Alternative Party.

<b>Demopati</b> - an invitation to one of the most original and
           A L T E R N A T I V E

   Unfortunately, at the time of this
information, it is hopelessly outdated. Although
To be honest, we strongly doubt
that any of our readers will go to
Finland. And we decided to publish this
material only to people he knew
what, where and how.

(R) JUSTINAS (translation)

 The Second Alternative Party Invitation.

   We would like to invite you to one of
the most original and, if I may say so, "the rebel" demoparty. 
Party will be entirely assigned to custom and poorly known in 
wider circles of cars throughout the world computer scene. All

The information in this invitation was taken
with constantly updated information
file that can be found on the official
site of our party:



   Continuing the tradition of the first embodiment,
Alternative Party will be the second event,
who will fight for full a discharge from the traditions that 
came into the world of computer party. Guests who come to our 
party, should not have any objection to or dissatisfaction with 
the main direction of our party. We will carry out

opportunity to show all the best virtues of many well-known 
scenery, and well as those who had not yet become known, but 
inherited a good legacy in computer art;)

   This is a very big opportunity for any car and its fans to 
make a push for well-known gray uniform standards for the 
world. At the Alternative Party, each machine will be a 
celebrity - from the unknown and ending with a good spread of 

   Alternative party, not only formally
carried out, for many they became style



   On the quiet floor of the Student Building Domus Academy, 
located in downtown Helsinki, Finland. For those who knows the 
city: it is the opposite of the building from the site, which 
hosted the Aggressive Party II. 


   Bedrooms, covered "acoustic tranquility, located in the 
space of the building, which will host the party (" Sleeping 
bags and other luxuries not included). 

   Students' Restaurant with low prices
Located on the top floor.

   Clubs and restaurants are located close
from each other.

   Access to the sauna and soul during a party.


   Domus Academica

   Hietaniemenkatu 14

   00100 Helsinki



   July 7-9, 2000.

   Doors will open at 12:00 on Friday and
closed at 18:00 on Sunday.


   100 FIM, if paid in advance.

   150 FIM, if you pay at the time of discovery.

   You can also directly transfer money to account: 142850 - 
45618 (Kristoffer Lawson, Merita) or send them to envelope on 
the main contact address. 

   Also, you may wish to skontaktirovat us with your local 
friends and acquaintances. And also you can offer them to 
translate one main account for all the participants to attend 
our party. 

   If you transfer money to
account, do not forget to tell us email'u your name, account 
code and password with which you can go to the party. If you 
send money in an envelope do not forget to write in the letter 
your name, password, and email-address. When payment is up to us

comes, you will receive a confirmation

   All the money will be spent on expenses
and prizes. Organizers do not have any profit from this.


   Descriptions and rules for competitions. To participate on 
the work group to the party must attend at least one 
representative of the group. More precise details you can check 
on our website. 

ST-01 Music Competition:

   Contest songs, written just on the tools ST-01. Works are 
accepted in SONG or MOD formats. Original disk tools ST-01 can

Download site:

/ St-01.lha

Obscure Music Competition:

   Contest, where the music can and should be
created in the direction of "industrial machinery to a flushing 
toilet". Can be used by any method as long as it sounds 

Source Code Graphics Competition:

   Code source of the work program is made to display beautiful 
graphics. Available languages: Ansi C

(C89), Ansi C + +, Ansi Pascal, Common Lisp,
Java, Perl, Python and Tcl / Tk.

Obscure Computer Competition:

   Since this is a traditional competition, the
prize will receive the one who will bring to the party of the 
rarest and most bizarre computer. 

Demo competition:

   May attend any machine that
planet except PC above 386.


   Second Alternative Party strongly sorudnichaet between team 
members Aggressive Students' organization and division

Computer Art at the University of Helsinki - TKO-Aly.


   For additional information, as well as
with your questions, requests and payment for
Input please nizhenapisannym addresses
and phones. Also send us your
and suggestions on the main maillist.

Main contact:


   Setok / Aggression 




   Kristoffer Lawson

   Asemakuja 3 C 53

   02770 Espoo



   altparty@fishpool.com (discussion and announcements)

   altparty-announce@fishpool.com (only

   For connection, email service Fispool majordomo <majordomo @ 
fishpool . Com> with the file name on the unit <listname> 
altparty or altparty-announce. 


   Channel # altparty at Irc-net.

Contact with the TKO-Aly:


   Joonas Muhonen <jtmuhone@cc.helsinki.fi>



The main contact for placing visitors:


   Q-Funk <q-funk@pp.fishpool.fi>




http://pp.fishpool.fi/ ~ q-funk/alt-party /
/ Alt-travel.htm

                 This invitation is GPL ...

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Games - the passing game HOMER SIMPSON AT RUSSIA.

about different - works with 3.5 and 5.25 inch floppy drive on the Spectrum.

about different - how to search the internet Spectrum software and transfer it to the Spectrum.

about different - a review of existing portal: EWS 1.0, GLUK RESET SERVICE 5.3K, REAL CAMMANDER 1.95, NEOS, MADROM, QUICK COMMANDER 2.6. Scheme 16Kb Kesha.

Demopati - the first full results Chaos Construction'2000.

Iron - scheme of 128 colors at the Spectrum.

Iron - another version of the circuit 128 colors on the Spectrum.

Iron - scheme AutoFire at Kempston joystick interface.

Iron - Answers to questions posed by superzvukovoy card for Speccy - DMA UltraSound Card.

Coding - driver mouse Kempston mouse.

Demopati - an invitation to one of the most original and "rebellious" Finnish demoparty - The Second Alternative Party.

Bithday - Happy Birthday spektrumisty!

Advertising - advertisements and announcements for the sale / purchase of hardware and software for sprektruma.

Credits - the creators of newspapers and greetings to all readers.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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