ZX Pilot #42
09 декабря 2005 |
Our Guest - Memoirs spektrumista from Dzerzhinsk - Nuts.
H A R T O S T L (I) (C) Nuts Zhist NUTSa during active spektrumizma development in Russia and CIS countries. Instead of an epigraph: They say up to 40 years to write memoir - is sinful .... The most difficult thing in my "memoir" - is remember what year I became interested in computers. I remember exactly that it was connected with my journey into the Moscow in the year, so commercials 1991st. In addition to any gifts (water gun, puzzles, posters with "ninja" and Piggy, and Stepashko - naturally from "Good Night kids "), I bought several books, including including "Going Microcomputer", Part 2. I remember lugging these books on bridge above the Moskva River. It was a terrible heat. A glyuknuli and we decided that the bridge is very short :) As I first this thing! - Memories nightmare! So, this book is in an understandable form told about the BASIC language, there is even mentioned differences Spekovskogo dialect from the sale of other 8bit computer. Reading all the (very entertaining it was), I decided that it's cool and what I need komputer. Was this summer. And in the winter-spring of next year, I get my first Speck - in the implementation Dubna-48k. Very interesting PC - the processor was chilled, commercials up to 2.5 MHz, and All ROM plowed, so did not work non-standard cassette loaders. But Arkanoid-2 was just perfect. I have since the early days Busick wanted to study and stuff. But numerous friends only wanted to play. How to hobnob been viewed a lot of toys. But Busick and takes time. The first serious work in the Busick was the result of the death of cassettes favorite toy of Bubble Bobble 2. I then not too bad sec Busick and tried to make her a replacement. And used the UDG schedule. Before the original action is not have lasted, and was not fully completed yet. I also was fond of every kind graphics. I do not know how to draw and do not know how, but made it a lot. I've always wanted make a sharp image editor. The first and only full-fledged version has been bungled by Busick. Called it a miracle programerskoy my thoughts (you only Imagine!) The BAT. Was this prog and splash screen, painted it the same: some sort square bat with triangular ears. I do not remember what I stuffed into this editor, but it was crammed VERY much. In addition, I gathered a collection of screen savers. Lumped and navydiral 315 pieces - in 6 cassettes. Until now, these tapes are not zayuzanymi. In all these activities helped me (Hurt) a few people. Only one of They have reached the stage of development of the Pentagon and TR-DOS, as well as the IS-DOS level User: Mikhail Gusev. Around the year in the 1994th, he began active ideas to make cartoon. Draw he did not know how. So the only thing that we have successfully done - Animated Screensaver by Cauldron 2. To the I'm fine pore yuzal LDIR of Busick. In result of a witch with a screen saver active interfered with a broom in the boiler. Also, I had relizerskuyu activities. My initials "P.A." perfectly fit in circle diameter of 20 pixels, all yellow color. So there was a "P. A. SOFT". Unreleased were President, Arcanoid-2, Art Studio (I did the normal selection of controls). These releases were used the ability to display custom Busick font stretched 8 times the height. With them the same has occurred and the first Trouble - such a conclusion not worked in one of the clones Speck one of my buddies. All this research activity was carried out on all the same Dubna. She remained in working condition and still day. Lack of tape recorders and cassettes also not observed. Initially, I used SEKAMovsky RF adapter. Then he switched to the tube B / W TV, already LF. And finally assembled a cunning scheme and connected to a color already on the telly RGB, in good quality. This started my zhelezyachnaya activity - it is to this day is mainly desoldering various wires and cables. Was just created (not by me) and connected (by me) wonder-joystick on the basis of P2K: five buttons arranged in a cross iron box. "Corporate" plastic stick was broken with the active game of Beach Head. Then, instead of the plastic lever was machined metal - and also works well. Some time after the purchase Speck, I felt love for the upgrade and I wanted something cheap IBM compatible. Under the guise of this well IBMsovmestimogo for a decent but reasonable Price was acquired XT-like clone PC entitled "NIVKI. He was a terribly interesting: a huge, armored, with three fans, one floppy drive, no screws, lots of connectors and ports. She was 736kb DOSovskoy (PTsshnye experts understand) memory. As I learned much later - special disbanded its nearly two-fold. I and could not connect the screw - then seturA was not. I write about this devayse sufficient detail, as he played a fairly a big role in my life Spekovskoy. In - First I connected it to the same TV. This led to solder great switch ZX-CGA-EGA-> TV. Later it allows you to switch RGB signals from one of 5 sources. Secondly - the development of PCs. Development almost was not. I certainly learned Norton. But games I've got very little. There were all sorts of incompatibility. And most importantly - always something it is not in the module kontachilo drive, so that run the car was pretty difficult. Thirdly - more on that later. That's how I lived. Looked Gamez. Climbed into them from Busick. Then learned pi write code from Busick and started programming in machine code without Asma. The greatest achievement in this field was the idea writing a sprite editor. Machine and insert the code worked increased pixels by 8 times (attributes) and reverse conversion. It was scary like Sprite Master 5.xx:) Cursor and set-points of the removal was made of Busick. I even started to use a disassembler InfraRed48. But as time went on. In the second quarter of 8th grade I transferred to another school. He graduated from the course user PCs. Partying to the pore, we as times with the above Mihanom Gusev. In the second half of the 1 st class (ie is in the early 1995go), I joined the courses training at the institute. It was there (in the first day) I met with MoonWalkerOM (now Zeebr, converted from Breeze, and before that he was ForemanOM, and to this by someone else) and WerwolfOM (cool artist). The group also included AloneIndark, Raven, and (theoretically) BlackAngel (he did not know about it). I joined them under the label of Master Home Computer Group. On the same course went further and FRODO with a friend. Just Volcker to once again to persuade me to buy the Pentagon-128. In the spring the same year as such and was purchased along with color monitor. Thus began a new phase in my computer life. In the beginning had to modify the monitor, because he had not held shots (did it was not me). Then I adapted his miracle-TV-switcher at this monitor, and the third Comp. Based on the boxes on the device Speakerphone pile were two mid-range the speakers, koi are to me to this day. H A R T O S T L (II) Diskette I started actively collecting sistemki. For the software had to travel to the nearby town and I worked "Johnny mnemonic. Began to study the AFM in TASMe and MASMe. Together with Volker we have made a cool release and Russification GoToHell. Idea was to make economic game "Good maneger - dead maneger". I made a menu with illuminated points, while Walker - stuffed menyuhi and integrated intro, with a running line. Were still Smak Megademo (which I do not participated), and later - Fast Bread (written text-only scrolling text:). Unique spatial my significant work in of MHCG was arkanodopodobnaya game I proposed to build a boot, and that Walker was made. Walker even cared about the prestige and image of our group. He was constantly kicked me that I should do something (could difficult). But he advised me of an order to change pogonyalu. Just one of my buddies told me about a movie whose name "nasal" interpreter translated as "Nats with shift "(maybe it was he himself invented). On RTR this movie a couple of times displayed under called "Crazy." Judge for yourself (Check) with some dude me my otassotsiiroval buddy (friends call!). And I did not think long and announced his new pogonyalu. A little later, at school, I Olympiad met with Time KeeperOM and another petition, which we are currently successfully attached. We also met with a group of KZS (about the name I coined funny: RGB - KrasnyyZelenyySiny - GLC). In particular, it includes Ice'and'Green (Then SpaceMan). When we all went to college (1997 year) mass koderskaya work went to a new level. In the autumn I met with ORGANISMom, VirtualBoyEM (now Woland) and other companions. Later, there were and Bear, as well as the Terminus, and Mayor (Shorter MAYOR - and how it's written there, I no never seen:). It was after reading ORGom (almost immediately) followed all sorts of permutations STSENOVYE, intrigue, regrouping, union and separation. They continued quite a long time, sometimes accompanied by mass gatherings on the further mass associations (all city). As a result, the only change Teams from KZS separated people Meeting: FaceOff Association, PowerProject, EYE-Q. In addition to these three, FES managed to get the same in composition MHCG. In such a mess I personally deal with difficulty. But, leaving MHCG, I'm so in any of these groups are not entered. Going to college was marked by buying a PC from Volker, amigo y Frodo. A importantly - will have access to the Internet. Thus, we have access to placer fresh software, and Time Keeper - also began to actively correspond with people. Summer 1998go is a serious event in my life - buying 486go. I managed to buy it shortly before the crash on the 11th August, a very tiny amount, to Besides, I could buy more housing for HRC, as planned to gather complex itself. The formal reason for buying PCs were Education (Autocad, Fortran) and race schedules - I repeat, I am not a very good artist. Charts this (porn), I caught a nemeryannom quantities, but it had never been used. The game NetWalk FES use graphics, catch MAX.KLM / KZS. But there were two applications for this 486. First I began to study emulators alien machines, and especially - formats their disks. Second, I finally was able to to join the flow of software from the Internet. Before that I only had enough crumbs. And now I captured several megabytes of files and began to sort them. In the latter, helped me, no matter how Strangely enough, my "Nyvka. The fact that this 486 was a proprietary IBM PS / 2 "white" building. A problem was that there was a screw drive is 3'5 "and the CD-Drive 4x. By increasing place just was not there. But I made a terrible sly: connect null modem cable two COM-port, set the appropriate software, and used the "Nivki" as an external 5'25 "drive. Initially, I wrote software to 360KB floppy disk, copied its terrible IBM Copy, glued back and rashobechival. Benefit, Time Keeper to the pore wrote Internet to ZX converter. Then I began to use Cardinal'ovsky MS <-> TR and converted a disk of software at a time. After some time I decided to use the remaining idle housing. just to the pore, I stopped to get a scholarship :) The last 30rub I bought the building deuce, got multikartochku and vidyuhi. Appeared an external drive, but on it I could already use HOBET'u. Later on it appeared the screw. The story of his obtaining very funny. To the pore Bear worked in a computer store, located in two steps from the hut BODY. Director of his former work is decent enough Spektrumschik years. Here he gave Time KeeperU this screw (31mb, RLL) with the controller (rather specific) for "connecting it to Spec. "After a while we exchanged with him in my (MFM, 21mb) remaining from "Nivki" - I had never hooked up. This screw has an intermediate buffer and additional storage of my precious source. About the Keeper should say a few more words. In those days, he is like me and Bear hanging out of the Authority. He lived those days with my grandmother. So, in the winter Kiper wore a kind of hat type this ... as it is ... porcupine! In sense, it was so lush, hairy (I I do not know from what). Well, my grandmother and nicknamed him "hairy hat", then - just a "cap". And yet, this hut was a place of wonderful ORGovskih phrases. Type "ORG: Hang Bill Gates! For eggs! Nuts: On Interrupt! "or" FES: Manavt (SpaceMan) tore this Mouzon, and learned how to make this sample, so he tore up the hair on my ass - So it's easy. Nuts: And what he fought then? ORG (non-kerf): What, what - MagickOM! _pauza_ Ah, you're asking about your hair? " I to the pore (Fall 199go) has already started TRAUBL write, and follow the story of his creation described in detail in the enclosed supporting documentation. What Spec? Unlike many other stories, this will not narrate a pile of burned VGshek. My first Pentagon suffered a couple of drawbacks: buggy INT and that there is a drive (or more precisely with controller) was going on, that sometimes all this thing is buggy. In the process of repairing it, I suffered physically for life. I gave it to the repair of private spice, but I wish I did not do it! Complex it is not repaired, simply pulled the wires and drive have earned. But in the process of visiting of the SPECA I am very powerfully faltered and mordyakoy vdvinulsya the dirty asphalt. In result of one tooth was a couple of millimeters shorter. Still, this Pentagon then ill still memory. I discovered this bit is an original way: buggy prog Screen Editor and buggy it specifically for operations with the drive. I found this place, and found one byte which periodically buggy one bit - as a result of treatment went far beyond # 3d13, as intended. This RUshku, as well as INToobrazuyuschuyu chain of my father and resolder. And the comp worked long time. But the drive controller does not give up. He zaglyuchil again and nobody could fix it. Luckily I managed to get another Pentagon (traded on the little black and white TV). Buggy keyboard was repair. INT And I did not dare to touch. Controller floparya at Stump this also liked vzbryknut, but it was not fatal. At this the Pentagon, I worked until recently. And I have it periodically then dragged TimeKeeperU then ORGu dacha - for writing the demos at a party. His Pentagon Kiper periodically as palil. Last Kiper disfigured and my pentagon: INT straightened and tucked it into PTsshny housing (in late 2001go). By that I had a pore practically no longer included. Also, I bought it Volcker General Sound. It was then Pentagon I had, I gave "popolzovavshis" his BearU. Later (early 2002go), I gave him and the Pentagon. In addition to this bear I owed some more money (finally can since ancient times). From this we can conclude that I am nothing do not see listed. That 's the man This Bear - each with his work (at least 3) were dismissed, and even he grandmother was his employer. I had a few amusing wheelbarrows: "Vesta" - non-operating, the EU 1840 - understand how and Nyvka "parts, UKNC - External CD Ice'and'Green recently have I picked up and connected to your Spec. But later we pushed HRC (by the way - is also beginning to grow into amusing details). But this is - is another history. The last three years (2000, 2001, 2002) we no longer gather in the summer at the dacha of the Authority - When he had to write DeMouy. At the 2002nd , the cap went into the army, was not BearA. Our last Stsenovy funny happened already without their participation - this is the name of the demos on Kafe02. Name came our joint efforts. Org as he said: "We will teach you to be afraid of the twenty-first demos - this is it Tolkien dungeons Moriah remembered. A I abruptly realized the title: Demo21. Although a variant: Berlin38:) The story continues. ORG again live in grandmother. But on the table, where his Speck, is already the HRC. In short, you know ....
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