ZX Pilot #10
31 мая 1997 |
We will understand - A detailed report on the passing game DIZZY-7.
Let us? DIZZY 7 CRYSTAL KINGDOM DIZZY CODEMASTERS (C) 1993 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ (C) VITALY KAZAKOV LEVEL 1. 1. Coin (GOLD COIN) should be thrown into a well, but not necessarily 2. Weight (WEIGHT) - to put it on a button close to moving up - down the platform. 3. Go to the DAISY in the house (through a window), and there take the whip (WHIP). 4. Take another dumbbell, and apply it to the screen DENZIL'S HOUSE. 5. Use the whip on the screen TREE TOP (where you can not jump). DIZZY caught the whip on the branch, and you can jump to another site. 6. Go to DYLAN'u and take the newspaper. 7. Next, go left through the clouds, and there take a screwdriver (SCREWDRIVER). 8. Go to DENZIL'u, and give him a screwdriver. Instead take Wrench (SPANNER). 9. Once again, talk to DENZIL'om and he'll give you points (PAIR OF GLASSES). 10. Glasses and a newspaper give grandpa DIZZY. 11. Wrench, apply near the generator. 12. Go to the DORE, she will treat you cake (CAKE). 13. Pie let the elephant, he will give you an umbrella (UMBRELLA). 14. With the help of an umbrella pass the waterfall and take him Diamond (DIAMOND). Brilliant cast into the pit. 15. Talk to grandpa DIZZY. LEVEL 2. 1. Take fish food (FISH FOOD) and let him fish. 2. Take the wheel (STERING WEEL) and BLU TAK. Apply the helm the right of the captain. 3. Take the scissors, needle and thread and a piece of cloth (PATCH). On MAIN SAIL screen shoot sail (Scissor third rope on the left). Then stand next to the hole and sew it applying the fabric. 4. In DENZIL'a collect a flag and use it on the screen CROW'S NEST. 5. Take off the tape (STICKY TAPE), saw (SAW) and plate (PLANK OF WOOD). On the screen, apply THE HULL PLANK OF WOOD, under hole in it. 6. Speak with the captain, he'll give you BLUE PETER BADGE. 7. Give BLUE PETER BADGE Freddie, he will give you a map and a telescope. Map give the captain and the screen CROW'S NEST, where the flag look through a telescope. LEVEL 3. 1. Take the fins (FLIPPERS) swimming underwater. Take Lantern (TORCH) before jumping into the water, otherwise you will be in darkness. Swimming under water still needed cylinders oxygen (OXYGEN TANKS). 2. The screen UNDERGROUND apply pickaxe (PICK) near the wall. 3. The screen OIL PIPE (where the pipe thinner) apply the pick. Begins to drip oil into a bucket OIL CAN. 4. Pail with oil, apply on the screen THE LIFT. Stand on button and zapistite elevator. 5. Descend into the cave and talk to my grandfather. He sits down in the elevator. Treasures (sword, cup and a helmet), apply under the grandfather in an elevator. Stand on the button and start the elevator. 6. Pops up and talk to my grandfather. He will give PUNKTURE KIT. 7. PUNKTURE KIT, OXYGEN TANKS, and all the treasures you will use on screen QUEY SIDE near deflated rubber boats. 8. Apply the boat valve (PIN). You fill the boat with air and go on a voyage to another world. LEVEL 4. 1. CRYSTAL give custody to the first screen, he will leave, revealing passage. 2. Take all the treasures and put them in a bowl catapult. 3. Take a parachute with him slow down the rate of fall, and you can take the sword. 4. Ice (BLOCK OF ICE) drop into the water and take the cup. 5. Salt apply near frozen crown. 6. Put the treasure near the gnome in the order: bowl, crown, sword and talk with him. EVERYTHING!
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