Odyssey paper #07
17 марта 1999

Music Page - the song "Black Birds" - Nautilus Pampilius.

<b>Music Page</b> - the song
 Music Page

 Black birds / Nautilus Pampilius

1. Black bird flies to the moon


   Black birds - nightmares


   Spinning, spinning all night


   Looking around my daughter

   Take all my gold

   Take all my gold

   Take all my gold

   And fly back

   We do not want your gold

   We do not want your gold

   Rusted thy gold

   And everywhere it stains

2. Black birds of the children's eyes

   Vyklyuyut black beak diamond

   Diamond will carry a black claws

   Joining in the eyes of a black doll


   Take my kingdom

   Take my kingdom

   Take my kingdom

   And take my crown

   We do not want your kingdom

   We do not want your kingdom

   We do not want your kingdom

   And crown thy Maple

3. Take then my eyes

   Take then my eyes

   Take then my eyes

   May they continue to not see you

   We do not need your eyes

   No longer need your eyes

   Have already visited in your eyes

   And all that we need to take

Other articles:

From the authors - It is possible that we still will support mouse.

News - Coming soon to Triumph: Miracle # 03, Robbo the Comix Game, X-Files magazine # 03, Puzzle game, Battletech, etc.

Waiting Room - Harley Davidson talks about his strategic game.

Impression - impression of the game Shock on the PC and the disk "1500 source.

Algorithms - Just about 3D programming: 3D coordinates and normals.

Pricelist - How much does video card on the PC in Armavir.

Music Page - the song "Black Birds" - Nautilus Pampilius.

From the authors - the creators of the newspaper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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