ZX Pilot #10
31 мая 1997 |
AMIGA vs PC - The main features of various models of Amigo.
AMIGA vs PC Hello, dear readers. We are very pleased that at This time you looked at this interesting section of our newspaper. Many of you after reading the previous file numbers ZX-PILOT, probably had many questions about this unique, friendly and easy to use PC - AMIGA. Today we will acquaint you with the basic features of different models Amigo, a Mad Max from the ZX-Format'a will try to answer some your questions. A500 - the most common model, which replaced A1000 in 1987 and produced until October 1991. As asked one user PC, - "The keyboard can see, and where he computer? "himself fit inside your own computer keyboard. In a typewriter 512K of memory and processor M168000 on 7MHz. Hard drive, and most other devices dock side of the connector system bus. Accessory Shoe intended to set 512K of memory. Built-in (880Kb) 3.5''floppy drive. Version of Kickstart 1.2 or 1.3. Adding another 512K of memory gives the car a so-called "Slow" (slow) memory, can be add up to 8 MB of fast (fast) memory, which CPU runs at maximum speed. A2000 - virtually the same as the A500, but the system unit separately from the keyboard. Intended mainly for those Amigo users who wish to expand their opportunities, without going outside the system box, which establishes the expansion slots of the system. Version of the 2000C has a 1MB memory Standard postavke.Postavlyaetsya with the hard drive as standard configuration. CDTV - the combination of A500 and laser disc player. Not widespread, despite its original related nadezhdy.Predshestvennik big game variant Amiga CD/32. A3000 - a professional version of the Amiga. Central 68030/25 MHz processor. The first machine with a KickStart version 2. System unit separate from the keyboard. Gorgeous, though an expensive computer with a built-flicker suppressor (Ie node suppress unwanted screen flicker when interlaced). A500 + - improved version of the A500, produced from October 1991 by June 1992 Shipped with megabytes of memory, an improved soprotsessornogo option set, built-in clock and Kickstart 4.2 and 2.1. Very nice replacement for the A500. A600 - released in June 1992 as a model, come on replace A500 +. The smallest (in size) of all the Amigo. Keyboard curtailed due to the absence of additional keys. Instead connector system expansion has PCMCIA - slot, intended for connection of flat cards, which contain usually 2 or 4 MB of RAM. Soprotsessorny set and memory - the same as that of the A500 +. In contrast, provides installation of internal 2,5''IDE hard drive. After nakotoryh alterations can be set and 3.5''drive. A1200 - the first of the "real" Amigo. Has the so-called AGA (Advanced Graphic Architecture - Advanced graphics architecture) soprotsessorny set to radically improved capabilities. 32 - bit processor M68EC020 (14 MHz), many new high-resolution screen modes (Maximum - 1448h566), palette of colors to 262000 16 million, 4 types of video outputs (analog RGB, TTL, RGB, low frequency and radio frequency PAL PAL), a great OS 3.0 and etc. Comes standard with 2 MB of memory, but if you do not want to just playing with toys (which, incidentally, on Amiga 7000) it is highly desirable to add an expansion card with at least 4 MB of fast-memory, then can rightfully consider themselves vladelzhem already serious kompyutera.Imeet internal IDE-connector to connect 2.5''hard drive (you can after some alterations to install and 3,5''). The best option home PC today for those who are not accustomed to throwing money. A4000 - a professional version of the "real" Amiga. Processor 68040/25.Kstati, Motorola of the inherent modesty, does not mention that 68,040 runs at twice the internal clock frequency, ie actually 50 MHz. Comes with a chip-memory 2 MB + 4 MB Fast (limit - 128 mb). Memory can be expanded by standard SIMM-s. Machine in the initial state is in 3 times more expensive A1200, although the graphics and sound they are the same (if not give light weight A4000 different extensions). Ideal for computer the owners of cable TV studios, artists, composers and programmers. In the near future we plan to release a more powerful Amiga computers based on RISC-architecture. Although that is quite enough. In addition, there is a wide choice of accelerators uvelichevayuschih performance existing models in standard configurations. ° ° ° ° ° VDV> You cite a lot of technical harakteristik it well, but it's taki znat would like to view the Knower of people in sravnenii Amiga with other kompyuterami and best pristavkami in for games (it is no secret MM> Best - Best pristavki worth the money, I am not referring SEGA, SUPER NINTENDO, DENDY ... Besides kartridzhi (some gamers can not stand to see for some time PLEASE WAIT, LOADING ... with CD-based consoles) are nemalo, although multi - millionaires samy raz. Nay, some pristavki priblizhayutsya on graficheskoy performance of SGI, but they only pristavki ... ;) VDV> that almost all za rare exception, pokupayut computers primarily for razvlecheny) a tak HOW Amiga-media computer, then to him it is primarily prvda not it? Itak, where the same all-taki better grafika (not animatsiya, a kartinki)? A takzhe in sravnenii Amig'i with Seg'oy (tak HOW I have no idea sklko flowers at SEGA, but as the judges saw and if I znal opinion spetsialista, I could about what predstavit takoe Amiga). MM> Ha date, there are 3 graficheskih Architecture Amiga. With emphasis sdelan nA samuyu last, kotoraya obespechivaet compatibility of top-down with more starymi realizatsiyami. Here they are: OCS-Original Chip Set, used for long nA first time mashinah and had 32 color registra that allowed otobrazhat kartinki in 32 Colors (without ispolzovaniya Copper), a tak same treatment HAM6, which otobrazhal nA ekrane 4096. Palitra imela razryadnost 12 bits, which is prevalent made in its all 4096 colors. Later in the OCS was dobavlen mode EHB - or Extra Half Bright, which allow otobrazhat 64 Colors. Tak HOW Register ostavalos 32, additional 32 Colors poluchalis dividing the intensity of primary colors nA large screen (Half Bright). OCS obespechival razresheniya srokam to 320 in 32 Colors and HAM6, and EHB, and 16 colors in razreshenii 640, on verikali razresheniya from 200 to 512. Chip memory is the volume was increased za period modifikatsii OCS with 256K to 1MB. In 1990 byla vypuschena A3000 with slegka Modified Chip Set which nazyvalsya ECS (Enhanced Chip Set), it was all HOW tak about the same, and OCS, but he could adresovat 2MB memory is and was Ultra-high razreshenie 1280 on the line with 4 me tsvetami.Nekotorye changes kasnulis Blitter (heart grafiki), which could now peresylat gorazdo large memory is chasti za raz. With the advent of A4000 in 1992, which was predstavlen samy advanced since sozdaniya Amiga Chip set. It was the AGA. Advanced Grafix Architecture, was a revolutionary advance skachkom with respect to ECS. It poyavilas 24 bitnaya palitra (12 ECS) and in any razreshenii could ispolzovat 256 colors and a new mode HAM8, allowing otobrazhat 18 bit grafiku (262144 Colors at the same time in any of razresheniyah palityr 16. 7 million.). What kasaemo games, then in the OCS and ECS for two nezavisimyh planov game was available for 7 colors (Dual Playfield, Each time a plane can be a game to 7 colors) a in the AGA this pokazatel increased more than large screen raza! 16 colors in the field of play. It sounds frivolous, but if you still add an some clever tricks with Copper, then the colors will be more and planov more, tak to krayney least be kazatsya. For convincing, go and look at somebody from friends igruhu (NA rasschitannuyu OCS) Lion HEART (Lion Heart). This is a typical HOW klassichesky example without a huge zatrat (PC) sdelat all plavno and with a bunch of planov. Generally, if the right in the forehead, then in principle staticheskie kartinki nA True Color sVGA and A1200 are identical (anybody can tell HAM8 of 24-bit?) VDV> A takzhe for music, I would like znat one: HOW is proigryvanie Moose coprocessor muzona (HOW nA Speccy - nado vsegda kidat dannye it new or is there kakoy a better way, naprimer muses. sam, etc. takes the following dannye, a CPU only izredka kidaet his Address New muzona?) MM> Paula - the voice of the Amiga. Rabotaet extremely simple (I of sound). There are 4 kanala direct dostupa to memory is (DMA), by which carried vyborka of memory is with a certain period ocherednaya portion dannyh. Vyborka dannyh sound has a greater priority than the processor, a time of sampling must end nA kazhdoy line television rastra. Za raz vybiraetsya 2 Words (One word 16 bits). Period for kazhdogo kanala programmiruetsya potsessorom through registers Paula. In addition, nA Each time kanale there is a volume control razryadnostyu in 6 bits, along with 8 bitami zvuka daet dinamichesky diapazon 14 bits (from a CD 16-bit). Programmirovanie tunes by the processor, and zanimaet lot of time. Tak dazhe nA 68,000 with 7Mhz modules skompilirovannye TrackerPacker 3, proigryvanii zanimayut only 3 rows rastra (if schitat on hakerski). VDV> Tak, going dalshe: no secret of the fact that many of the range, what to buy - AMIGA 1200 turbo or Pentium with a bunch of pribambasov and I HOW predstavitel takoy rasy, soul gravitate to the exotic Amig'e, but constantly see new GAMES by IBM (tipa FANTASMAGORIA, etc.) and want uznat, a vybrav AMIGA, get-I nA it is not ostanemsya, we again otstayuschih - HOW nA Speccy (Prosba not vozrazhat, HOW is not bitter, but that's all pravda ponimayut.) MM> Amiga Commodore after krizisa vstala nA feet, and not hurries to the tomb. Ha she writes programmy, razrabatyvaetsya iron. All that nA Speccy already davnym - davno not delayut. In connection with the This burying Amiga ranovato ... MM> In principle, the same samoe unlikely, we can obtain gorazdo better. Of course, nA bare A600, or A1200, it is unlikely to be rabotat. VDV> Tak glavny question here is: Tough Games still write under Amiga and IBM (with the worst kachestvom), or just under the IBM? MM> Write and by then, and under another, glavnoe elsewhere: in a nas strane malo who zanimaetsya dostavaniem softa. A if anyone zanimaetsya, the meager masshtabah, and his vkusam. At the HOW time for the PC all and sundry prodayut software that not having appear nA prilavkah Zapada already popadaet to nashim lovers. But takoy situatsiya long stay can not. All repeat HOW to PC. A few years nazad, all begali with XT and dostavali something HOW Games vesma questionable kachestva ... Wait and see ... VDV> And another thing: I do a lot of slyshal programmnye emulators IBM, tak Here's HOW the same emulated SVGA grafika and emulated, whether SOUND BLASTER? MM> Yea, there are emulators programmnye PC. Naibolee worthy of nA them today is PC-Task 3.1 (because of the above circumstances do not know whether the next version). It emulates Computer nA baze 286 protsessora without FPU. Tak also emulates sVGA up to 2Mb, and mouse. Thus do the same is able rabotat napryamuyu with PC HDD. Author PC-TASK obeschal continue razrabotku add an emulation 386 and 486 protsessora. Tak we are waiting, sir. A nA A1200 with Blizzard IV 1230 nA 50Mhz it over the dough (CHECK IT) emulsion 286 nA 30Mhz. Naschet Blaster not pripominayu, although it may be. In addition, there are nA Amiga More kucha other emulators. Naprimer, one of vydayuschihsya it emulator MAC. Ha A4000 with 040 emulsion Quadra900. ZF> According to recent reports there has been the PC-Task, supports 486. ZF> According to the latest information - even Pentium. VDV> Next question: kakoy monitor needed Amiga. MM> K Amiga fits any monitor, either on Spektruma (Dazhe TV) or sVGA. A bit disappointing, but may sVGA rabotat only under operatsionnoy system, while HOW usual monitor anywhere. There is a way out: Multisync with chastotoy rows of 15 Khz and above. It will rabotat anywhere and in all rezhimah. VDV> Well, the last and samy glavny question: where it is sold formally (in Moscow, of course, will not go - I za her in St. Petersburg, Russia)? MM> Poka we sami za Amiga we go to Moscow. We go to the firm SAKO to address: 1 st Dobryninsky lane., 8. Tel / Fax: (095) 237-85-62.
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