ZX Pilot #01
24 ноября 1996 |
We will understand - A detailed description of the game LASER SQUAD
Let us? (C) Dmitry USMANOV "... Corporal Heavy bent over the prostrate corpse of the android Barker. Broneplastikovy charred suit, a polarized glass helmet blackened and covered with a network of small cracks from the heat. There are signs of heavy laser - only it leaves such a horrible tracks. And the murderer could only hide in one place: where the corridor partitioned - bright green automatic door. Corporal brought her muzzle of his high-caliber machine gun system Marsack, and bullets with a dry crash smashed the plastic door. Minesweeper Dyudi confused: only that he felt securely protected behind a door, and Suddenly she, splashing his shrapnel fell down, revealing view Dyudi dark muzzle puleneta hand in hand fighter Lazarnogo Police Department. Machine gun barked again and sapper Dyudi in tatters, the former supreme moment ago, a bulletproof jacket degree of protection, spun in the same place and fell to the flooded blood tiled floor ... " This scene is quite possible in the best, in my opinion, strategic game for the Speccy to date - the game LASER SQUAD. It was written for IBM-compatible machines, and then moved to the Spectrum, why did not hurt, but management even changed for the better. Game features high-end graphics, interesting plot and well-designed algorithm. The game's plot is as follows: in the future to deal with dangerous gangs of criminals, was created paramilitary police special forces unit, called "Laser treatment, which performs the operation to destroy the notorious villains, for their crimes have already received several death sentences countries. Here's to you and this office will be in command. In this game you will run separately by each fighter, not great groups. Because of this, the battle takes a special touch: You For example, you can not see the enemies before they do not see your soldiers, and the field of view, they have limited, as any man. All the same fixtures remain visible for You, you look at the battlefield with a bird's-eye view and can indirect information about the movements of the enemy (open the door broken glass and furniture, knocked off the wall and shot pictures etc.). Pay attention to the quality multicolor graphics in the game - it has not changed after the transfer of IBM. But back to the game. After downloading you will be offered one vubrat of the missions ... So, you've chosen one of the favorite missions, management, number of players (1 or 2) and difficulty level (for one player), and finally find yourself in the arms room. Each of the soldiers need to issue body armor, "0" - no generally is no defense to "4" - the most powerful protection. Change of body armor: "Up," "down", "light" - the selection. Be careful - you can choose the body armor only once. Each body armor has its advantages and disadvantages. Fourth - most durable, but it is heavy and expensive (the number of remaining assets You credo is shown in the upper right corner), and the first, despite its ease and cheapness, can protect only on low-power weapons. Options vest shown in the table to the right of the soldier. Once all the soldiers appear bulletproof vests, the game moves to the next stage - you need to distribute weapons, which abound in the game. M 4000 AUTO GUN - easy to medium-caliber automatic, in-store 20 rounds. MARSEC AUTO GUN - large-caliber machine gun - best weapon for the assault - 2-3 bullets stitch any body armor through. In store 20 rounds. SNIPER RIFLE - sniper rifle, hit very accurately and powerfully. Indispensable for strelbe from a distance. But shooting is very expensive - only enough for 1-2 shots. Shooting Queues impossible to store 12 rounds. MARSEC PISTOL - powerful derringer. Shoots only single shots. Good for shooting in a "stop", but with Proximity penetrating power of bullets falls sharply, it is very inaccurate. In magazene 8 rounds. L-1950 LASER GUN - Cheap laser light, require little energy for the shots. You can apply it against the light body armor, but if the enemy flak jacket in the fourth degree zaschety, then Your laser will be more like a harmless flashlight. In Store 40 energy capsules. HEAVY LASER - heavy powerful laser. Its pluses: 50 energy capsules in the chamber, the lowest energy for a shot at game and the highest killability. Cons: it is heavy, expensive and very inaccurate. ROCKET LAUNCHER - rocket launcher. Kills everyone within a screen destroys the stone walls and tear off a tile from the floor, but ... Only one rocket to it, Unit Stake weapons is very high, and if you miss (with a rocket launcher that is possible) and the shell falls into wall next to you then ... See above. AP 50 GRENADE - plastic grenade with electronic fuses that must be installed before throwing (option PRIME) by the number of plies (ie: "0" - grenade explodes right after you finish your turn, "1" - You go, then the enemy and - explosion, etc.) So, the grenade can be used as a time bomb. But with a grenade must be handled carefully; throwing it, we must keep in reserve as a minimum of 24 action points, otherwise it could explode in your hands. But the opportunity to kill the enemy hiding around the corner, making this weapon is very attractive. DAGGER - dagger. Melee weapon. To kill someone dagger, you need to come to him and keep going forward. Do this, and not life shot, very difficult, that makes a dagger ineffective weapon. The most vulnerable part of the body armor - are the seams between the dorsal and lateral plates - there will be the best result. In the manner described above, we can fight with other species weapons in the hands and even without it, but the result will be worse. M 7000 BLASTER - built-in battle droid blaster in the first mission. According to the destructive power of reminds HEAVY LASER, but much more accurate. In store 32 charge, recharge in the field impossible. EXPLOSIVE - explosives that are issued for blasting doors Laser treatment to fighters in the third mission. Explosives equipped with fuse, like grenades, but the blast from explosives in 6 times more powerful, and indeed it is so heavy that it is better not to throw, and carefully put the (DROP). Each firing weapons may also be purchased and ammunition (by analogy with the name of the weapon). In the menu of arms control as follows: choosing a movement "Right" or "left" the right weapons, you fail the cursor to the soldier, and - "right" - to add one more instance of this weapon the soldier, "the left" - Remove "fire" - go to the airdrop. Disembark troops LASER SQUADa can only be done by red and yellow squares with the letter "D", while their opponents in purple and black squares with the same letter. When landing all weapons that are in them, already loaded. After landing in front of you, a menu appears: 1. Change Control 2. Burn the game. 3. Download the game, postponed earlier. 4. Check the record. If none of the above you do not need - press "Fire" and the computer will give you information about whose turn, some progress on the account and how much is left up to the computer declare a draw. The following is an account of each of the opponents. These menus always will arise at you throughout the game at the end of turn. From the screen saver you are transported back in the game. Point to Soldier, you are in the main menu that looks like this: 1. SELECT 2. INFO 3. NEXT UNIT 4. SCANNER 5. END TURN 6. CANCEL Consider this option in more detail: 6. CANCEL - this feature exists in each menu and the means back to back one step. Next, I will omit this option. 1. SELECT - exit the menu control a soldier: he starts blink, and appears on the right: the title and name of the soldier, the number of Energy (ACTION POINTS) at the moment, the arrow in the box shows the direction of gaze fighter. Slightly below the state moral warrior: it can vary from SUPER B - the best to flashing alarm PANIKED (panic). Panic could seriously affect the combat capability of the soldier - it becomes much vulnerable, can throw their arms and make unpredictable movement. The best remedy against panic - parutroyku shoot enemy soldiers. Following is the index of physical condition, measured from the SUPER B to FEEBLE (frail). If a soldier FEEBLE - hence his need to rest a couple of moves and he is again ready to fight. Indicator WOUND (wound) shows the number of injuries and BURDzagruzhennost soldier accoutrements; OBJECT - shows the subject in the hands of the soldier, TERRAIN - something on which it stands. PROT - Protection areas. In the SELECT soldier can be moved: "Right" - clockwise rotation; "Left" - counter-clockwise rotation; "Back" - a step back; "Forward" - a step forward; "Fire" - exit from the submenu SELECT: 1.1. END MOVE 1.2. OPEN / CLOSE 1.3. FIRE 1.4. LOAD 1.5. CHANGE 1.6. DROP 1.7. PICK UP 1.8. SCANNER Here: 1.1. END MOVE - exit menu. 1.3. FIRE - again menu: name of the weapon, the amount of energy quantity of ammunition. Below, the characteristics of fire: 1.3.1. AIM SHOT - aimed shot. 1.3.2. SHAP SHOT - Shot without thinking. " 1.3.3. AUTO SHOT - streltsba queues (at least 3 shots). 1.3.4. THROW - throwing things. In this mode, the map is changing, and you can choose to cross the target for the shooting. If X will not in the field of view of a soldier, then there is the inscription "NOT IN FIELD VISION ". Under each type of shooting two indicators ACC - the probability of hitting the exact center of sight (in percent). APS - amount of energy expended in one shot. If you throw the object straight into the hands of a soldier who nothing, it's most likely to catch this last subject, and its energy does not change. 1.3.5. END FIRE - a cease-fire. 1.5. CHANGE - In this mode, the soldier can change weapons, which he now uses. On the screen appears all sposok available to the soldier items triangle marker on the left Notes object currently in use. Indicator AM - the number of remaining ammunition. WT - Weight weapons, SZ - destructive power. 1.2. OPEN / CLOSE - opening / closing all kinds of doors, hatches and so on. In order for this option appeared to stand facing the door. 1.4. LOAD - load the gun (only appears when there ammunition). 1.6. DROP - soldier puts a subject who is in his hands, on the floor. 1.7. PICK UP - raises the subject of men having sex, energy costs are very large, depending on the weight of the subject. For fans throw back grenades thrown at you: to raise grenade without checks are much more expensive than with her. 1.8. SCANNER - displays a detailed map of the battlefield. Here soldiers are indicated by flashing squares LASER SQUAD, a crosses - visible at the moment opponents. Large square - an area in which the cursor was at the time of the call card. 2. INFO - this command displays the details of the soldier. UNIT - the name and rank of the soldier in the picture you can see the type of weapons, the strength of body armor on all four sides. This is followed by a histogram: WEAPON SKILL - Skill in the use of weapons; CLOSE COMBAT - the ability to melee; AGILITY - felicity; STRENGTH - strength; CONSTITUTION - the general condition of the fighter; ACTION POINTS - the number of remaining energy; MORALE - the morale of the soldier; STAMINA - endurance. A remarkable feature of the game "LASER SQUAD" that Each soldier represents a unique personality: for example, a girl HARRIS weak, but aptly shoots, and phlegmatic Ebony ANDERSON - coolest of all - insensitive to pain, tough, strong as an ox, but can sometimes mistakes and awkward to drop a grenade without checks directly under his feet. When playing with a computer can immediately determine which of the soldiers the enemy is brave and smart (BLAKE), and who - is cowardly and slowpoke (NELSON). Droids are much stupider than men, although they are not brave occupy. 3. NEXT UNIT - go to the next on the list of the soldier. 5. END TURN - the end of the course (you will be asked to confirm the decision.) Some of the subtleties of the game. 1. If a soldier after the move is about 30 action pts, it will be ready for the unexpected appearance of the enemy in the field view and be able to respond. In this case, shows: "SPOTTED BY <name>" and moves to the enemy. In the SPOTTED can only shoot. When you exit the menu, move again transferred to the opponent. 2. First, your opponents are simply patrolling territotiyu, moving on difficult routes and wasting all the energy. But, as only thunder first shots, the picture changed markedly - enemy soldiers begin to move with short dashes, saving energy to you "zaspottat" (see point 1.). Brave rushing to place shots, cowardly - on the contrary, cautious remain in place and looks around. You this tend to nothing, so do not shoot anywhere, for the sake of pleasure. 3. On the battlefield around you all kinds of furnishings. Many of them, such as monitors, all sorts of canisters and gas cylinders, have a remarkable ability to explode on contact with them. Use this fact - if the enemy is at the one of these items, they often get charged with the udovnee such a subject than to punch the protection of body armor. 4. If a soldier kills an explosion, all the ammunition - cartridges, grenades, bombs - detonated, increasing, however slightly, the blast wave. The same applies to ammunition lying on the floor. In this wonderful game you can fully apply your Talent commander - Forward, soldiers LASER SQUAD!
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