Impulse #03
09 декабря 1998 |
Coffee - on / off Beepera in Tasme
III. As ON / OFF BEEPER in TASMe. It just so happened that there are people who computer does not recognize the sound. Some consider it too primitvnym to enjoy his or her hearing organs. Another computer sounds like the sounds around them peace, violating their creative process. Still others perceive sounds in a completely different frequency because of the severely damaged their eardrums, which naturally affects the quality of perception, and respectively, at the level of satisfaction. Authors TASMa went against all those who, for whatever reason can not tolerate low frequency sound BEEPERa emanating when you click on any button. Was provides the option of TRIP sound and its reverse inclusion. 1. To disable the sound in TASMe necessary program menu, a loud knock nut on the dynamics of your Spectrum, settlement le to carry out a test which checks its performance. 2. Upon successful completion of the test to continue work, otherwise the same main menu, kindly click on the button "B" to disable BEEPERa maloispol acterized programmatically. To enable sound sporovozhdenie to caress your auditory organs, just do the following: 1. If BEEPER been for quite reasonable when ranks turned off by the professional Nogo first method, you should take the no less professional, and took from nimble, soldering iron and other vital not crawled terms in the right hand solder and screw the broken-off speaker at a a place where he stayed until that time, when you apply in relation to him physical violence. In the case of a successful soldering (at vinchivaniya) beautiful sound will again be gently caress your hearing and sex bodies. 2. In case of disconnection BEEPERa maloispol acterized by the software, make the action consequence, the reverse switch off, ie, Nedo kumentirovannym and freely dangling finger flip on the above described Noah button "B". And the perfect sound support TASMa heard again Ba Shimi sensitive ears.
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