Born Dead #02
04 ноября 1998 |
new world of sounds - High-quality digital audio AY - dream or reality.
NEW IN THE WORLD OF SOUNDS AY - 2 (C) MONSTER / SAGE GROUP High-quality digital sound on ordinary AY - - Dream or reality? Continue our discussion of quadrupeds Moscow spektrumista Oldman'a titled "UltraSound4x3 metod for AY chips". After careful examination of the theoretical and practical results by Dmitry Grigoryev revealed the real reasons low efficiency of the method. The first and most fatal - simultaneity O ports AY sample sampling, which is an insurmountable challenge. In Finally, we hear while playing is not only synthesized by the three channels of higher quality signal, but each channel separately, which is nothing but noise! And as I have mentioned in the previous issue of the newspaper, I was able to reduce the time between records in the AY data ports, but unfortunately the noise level was unchanged. Second, and most harmless in this method poser - Medium sound channel in the AY (I've got it "B", some "C" because of the different connection schemes) is reproduced at 30% quieter than the extreme channels. (In my card from Cervus Elaphus Company (Moskow) from AY, such as most common in the years of prosperity Speccy, Channels smiksovany that way.) Noise is inevitable in the method and the third reason. When listening digitizing the stereo equipment extreme sound channels "A" and "C" sound separately, and obtain an output signal, which is the sum three channels, not really! The result of all my arguments, as well as learning more buggy Dennis Sotchenko method (which except for the digitization of high frequency, we hear the whistle with an amplitude directly proportional to change in accordance with the deviation from the real values of the sample) is the new method is very high quality playback of digital audio, entitled: Middle Channel Correction (MCC) (C) 1998 Monster / Sage Group Main advantages and features of MCC: - An almost complete absence of noise and distortion compared to synthesis of single-channel linear 8bit'nogo sound. - Complete absence of high-frequency whistle. - Synthesis of 99 shades of digitization of the 256 possible. A general description of the MCC method: - A basis the standard formula preorazovaniya 8bit'no second signal in 4bit'ny. LET AY = (LN (V +1) / LN 2) * 2-1: IF AY <0 THEN LET AY = 0 AY (0 .. 15); V (0 .. 255) In my opinion the most correct. In this regard, I fully solidarity with Oldman'om. - In the channels "A" and "C" (extreme), or only in "A" or only in the "C", reproduced in the transformed higher at piped formula (corrected) 8bit'naya digitization ka. On average, channel "B" is reproduced Adjustment signal, reducing the deviation of output from the original tional, pre-a calculated for each gradation 8bit ' Nogo signal. Wash easily and can not be, and higher-quality playback for 4bit'nogo muses. coprocessor. True, there are several minor restrictions in the MCC. Correction signal must be played only on the average channel AY (for the minimum noise level), so any software that uses this method should ask the user which channel is in his Speccy medium (such as order: ABC or ACB?) Average channel should be smiksovan with the extreme in this regard: A and C = 100% B = 72% (again, for a minimum level of noise). Otherwise, you can score on these restrictions, or, if still not broke, re-calculate the table transformation for a specific scheme mixing channels. For comments and questions related to theory MCC method, write to the newspaper (address on last page). This method is completely frivaren, but preferably in a software product that uses this method, we mentioned his name (MCC) and its author (Monster / Sage Group). At lamer this request does not apply. MCC are looking for all the sources in Fido, and on pages I-Net. To demonstrate the capabilities METHOD KEEP THE "SPACE" at boot time NEWSPAPERS -------------------------------------------------- ------------- Authors in this issue: -------------------------------------------------- ------------- ___ MONSTER / / SAGE GROUP - all codes, some text MMCM ___ / / SAGE GROUP - music, logo MARKET SOFT \ \ / / SAGE GROUP - intro gfx, correction UnBEL! EVER \ \ / / EXTREME - all texts, main idea \ \ / \ __ \ / RuleZ Forever!!! -------------------------------------------------- ------------- Contact addresses: -------------------------------------------------- ------------- Post: 443074 A / H 9966 Muchkaevu Maxim Alekseevich (UnBEL! EVER) Phone: (8462) 941-595 Sergei (MMCM) Telegraph: -------------------------------------------------- -------------
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