Nicron #72
26 января 1998

Miscellaneous - about cats, save lives.

<b>Miscellaneous</b> - about cats, save lives.

                        Who saves

                      HUMAN LIFE

 Quite often repeated stories about the foresight of cats, 
through which people can avoid accidents. We have heard several 
such stories, but none of them can not be compared with history 
the cat Ricky. Lola Del Costa and her husband, Ernesto, an 
experienced pilot, decided to spend their honeymoon in Spain. 
After the wedding breakfast they went out of Milan's airport on 
his personal plane. The plane was thoroughly prepared, primed 
and tanks fuel was enough for a four-hour flight. But

when to landing was only thirty minutes, and under them all
it was still the Mediterranean Sea, the crash occurred. 
Initially, blew strong head-wind, which slowed down the 
machine, and it reduced the supply of fuel to catastrophically 
low level. Then the engine suddenly stopped, and they were 
forced to sit on the water.  "We were thrown on the windshield, 
and Ernesto hurt his throat, - Lola says - but he remained calm 
and told me to jumped into the sea, and then followed me. "

 They sailed for several hours, Ernesto weakened by the loss of 
sight blood. Finally, knowing that drowning, he cried Lola: 
"Take courage. Escape myself! "And while she desperately tried 
to swim to him, Ernesto disappeared in the waves.  Their last 
before landing on water SOS signal recorded many ships that 
were in the area, they immediately went in search of distress. 
Among these ships was, and "Latuga, an Italian merchant ship 
under the command of Captain Diego sorokashestiletnego Suni. As 
the warm evening medledlenno turned into a black Mediterranean 
night most of the crew members began to lose hope that they will

find a young married couple. Signal for help was sent to
more than three hours ago. The team, sticking to the rail deck 
and peering into the shiny spots of light, which threw the waves

powerful naval searchlight, already thinking about reopening
interrupted the route, when Ricky, ship a cat unexpectedly
took off on his nose and began to meow loudly, excitedly running
back and forth.
 Acting on a hunch, Captain Suni ordered direct spotlight
the water before the nose of the ship. Moments later they saw a 
prostrate on the water body of the girl. Immediately deckhand 
Walter Dzhilliotti dived into the water. Ten minutes later, 
weaken, and which is in deep shock - but in all other respects 
not at all affected - Lola was carefully lifted to board. Her 
life, she must not only brave young sailor, but an amazing 
abilities cat Ricky. 


 Desire Cats use their capabilities to save lives
perfectly illustrated by the following story comes to us
from USA, Australia and Italy.
 One day, dank winter night Virgil McMillan picked up freezing 
the cat who turned on the threshold of his house near the town 
of Birriwa, Arkansas. Raising his trembling from the cold lump 
of fur He brought it into heat and began to nurse. Slouli Cat 
(slow cat), named him as Virgil, his wife Linda, quickly 
regained his strength and stayed in the house, being faithful 
and Smartest. Every evening, Kate Slouli allowed to go outside,

But he always returned home after a few minutes. In one
particularly cold winter night, about two years after
its appearance, Slouli Kate went out and never returned. 
Temperature dropped below 12 degrees, concerned about Virgil 
and Linda unsuccessfully searched the surrounding area.

 The next morning the cat was still not there, and they decided 
to continue searches. After searching the entire yard, Virgil 
came to lying on the ground the old bag. He was going to throw 
it aside as all of a sudden he got the cat, looked at his 
master, and again climbed into the bag.

 Carefully open the bag, Virgil stared in amazement at the fact
what seemed his eyes. The tiny half-starved boy lying at the 
bottom of the bag, and Slouli Kate turned her body around him 
and furiously licked deadly pale face of a child.  Virgil 
bullet sped off with the child in the house and rang the 
emergency medical care. In Berrivillskom hospital almost dull

Child adopted Dr. Alan Randolph. "The body temperature of the 
Child dropped to a critical point - says Dr. Randolph, - we

put him in a special thermostat and use special lamps to warm 
it.  Sure, Slouli Cat rescued from the death of a child, 
abandoned at the fend for themselves in the middle of winter. 
"He would have died - says Dr. Randolph, - though to him in the 
bag does not slip through the cat. Licking and the warmth of 
the animal rescued the child lives. "  But none of those 
involved with this drama, can not explain how Slouli Kate 
learned that the child is thrown into an old bag. No doubt the 
child was not crying, or Virgil and Linda would have heard it 
while searching for the cat. Perhaps it the smell, although the 
specialists with whom I spoke believe that the frozen soil to 
the state of the concrete would make it impossible for cat feel 
at least some odor. All that can be on this about to say - 
Slouli Kate foresaw that he would find in this bag, and finding 
a child, I realized that the boy's life depends from the heat 
of it, the cat body.  Sally - Australian actress, currently 
zhivischaya in London. Once, late on Friday evening, she 
returned to her home in Sydney after the shooting on 
television. Dark streets seemed deserted until Houses were only 
a few blocks away.  Although Sally has never been panikershey 
and a coward, the last a few weeks of her nerves were inflated 
by the news that unknown maniac women strangled and then hung in

corpses on the street lamps. All of the victims - and there 
were eight - were women about the age and appearance, Sally.

 When the doors to the blessed stavalsya only one quarter
Sally for the first time all evening a sigh, more or less 
peacefully. Suddenly she heard a loud, unmistakable cry of a cat

Caramel, which is fiercely mewing somewhere nearby in the dark.
 This surprised Sally because, although the cat had the 
opportunity to to leave the house at any time via a special 
door, five-year "tabby" is usually waiting for the mistress, 
comfortably in your favorite chair.

 When the screams got closer, Sally stopped, the cat saw it. 
Once it did, suddenly from somewhere out of the darkness 
appeared muscular arm and took an iron grip for a woman throat. 
Inability to cry and quickly lose strength, Sally felt her pull 
into the car, parked at the curb. Then she noticed her cat ran 
to him from the sidewalk, continuing with a deafening roar.

 Seeing the animal and for a moment, fearing the noise, the 
assailant several loosened its grip - not for long, just for a 
split second, but it was enough to Sally has published a 
heartbreaking cry of horror.

 The murderer immediately dropped it, jumped in the car and ran 
down the street. Later, police told Sally that she was lucky 
she survived. They did not have the slightest doubt that the 
killer outlined it to his nine victims, and only a deafening 
scream saved her life. Sally, however, knew that her true savior

was Caramel. Somehow she had anticipated the attack and left 
the house to save his owner from certain death. 


 So far, we have considered cases in which the cat used
its ability to prevent bad luck with one particular person. But 
there are many cases where foreseeability cats helped save from 
destruction the whole group of people, warning them of imminent 
danger of a natural disaster.  If you ever happen to visit the 
towns and villages climb the slopes of Vesuvius, on the eastern 
shores of the Gulf of Naples, you will see that the vast 
majority of families, Living here keeps cats. Of course, this 
is partly due love of the townspeople to these wonderful pets, 
but there also another consideration that makes cats especially 
popular among residents whose homes are built on the slopes of 
an active volcano.  Prolonged life ring on the verge of death 
has taught a simple truth: when it comes to predicting 
eruptions, we must rely on pet.

 Just before the volcano is alive, cats and other animals begin 
to behave in an extremely strange, rushing from one corner, 
loudly shouting, asking that their released from the house, and 
receiving such a possibility, arrows fly as far as possible, 
running away from the place where will flow molten lava. Their 
owners if they have at least some reason, rarely behind them.  
The history of Gianni and his black cat Toto is typical, along 
with many others that are prevalent in areas of the volcanoes 
in Europe and the Middle East.  ... Came the end of March 1944 
The war finally - with the advent of allies - came to an end, 
allowing Gianni and his wife, Irma peacefully sleep in his 
rural house on the outskirts of a small town San Sebastian at 
Vesuvius.  House of Gianni, for that matter, and the town 
itself, lay in a hollow on which, in the case of a volcanic 
eruption, lava flowed from the crater area in the valley below. 
And yet this fact has never bothered shestidesyatidvuhletnego 
peasant and his wife just as well, as he did not attach any 
importance to the other inhabitants of San Sebastian. The last 
major eruption, which destroyed most of the city and the 
surrounding countryside Weight happened eighty years ago, and 
nobody in the area did not believe that the eruption of this 
magnitude could be repeated again.  Neither Gianni nor Irma did 
not know - and could not know - that at the very moment when 
they are sleeping - in that cold March night - Vesuvius was on 
the verge of explosion, which became the longest-running, 
fierce and destructive eruption that has ever happened in our 
days.  But knew about it two cat Gianni, Toto. From noon the 
previous day, he could not find a place, did not want to eat, 
refused to in the house. Shortly after midnight on March 21 he 
woke up his master the most effective way: scratching nails on 
the cheek.  Enraged at the unprovoked attack and still half 
asleep, old man, with curses thrown off Toto. But the cat did 
not give up, again and again attacked before until the landlord 
does not jumped out of bed and did not chase the animals across 
the room, threatening to pull from the skin.  Finally, Irma, of 
which it is already sick and tired, "said her husband, that he 
ceased to measure stupidity with the cat and calmed down. Toto 
was always very gentle and friendly creature, and never 
scratched his master without a reason. Deeply religious old 
woman took it as a sign of heaven, which could be only one 
explanation: the volcano is about to explode.

 While Gianni angrily protested, accusing his wife that she is 
so as silly as a cat, finally agreed that we should

dress, loaded on a hand cart and go to the most necessary
through the night to her sister Irma, who lived in the area, 
where usually Laban bleeding.

 Within an hour after they left Mount Vesuvius erupted, and 
after a very little time their house was swept away by the flow 
raslavlennoy lava, which flowed from the crater of a wave of a 
half-mile wide, to focus his fiery eye on San Sebastian. Before 
the wrath of the volcano subsided, he killed almost thirty 
people, most of whom were buried alive under a fire-breathing 
lava and hot ash destroyed the town and several villages, 
leaving more homeless 5,000 people.

 Gianni and Irma survived and even managed to take out their 
most valuable possessions, and all thanks to his visionary 
abilities faithful friend Toto, who sped away in a safe place, 
and later again united with their owners.


 Cats are also versed in the prediction of earthquakes, and in 
these cases, their sixth sense of danger may be far more

reliable than expensive sophisticated electronic monitors.
 For example, in August 1979 over two hundred of these devices 
installed in Kalavers Fault, California, for the registration 
of the first signs of an earthquake, quietly showed "all is 
calm." But these sophisticated technological wonders have not 
been able to predict earthquakes, so powerful that it shook 
buildings in the 130 miles from the epicenter in San Francisco. 
As a result, local residents were unprepared, and many were 
seriously injured.

 Nevertheless, this destruction can look stark contrast to
compared with those strange events that took place just
three years earlier in Friuli, the north-east
Italy on the Adriatic coast.
 Calm cool May evening cats in the area began
behave in a truly strange. They were worn in back and forth
furiously scratching at the door and windows and, having the 
freedom to disappear into darkness. At 9 pm, area has undergone 
intense jolts earthquake.

 Such incidents were repeated many times, especially in those 
parts the world where earthquakes are commonplace. Here, in a 
region of high seismic hazard, local people piously believe in 
the prophetic power of their pets, especially cats, who warn 
them of imminent danger.  These predictions were so accurate 
and so often observed in all sorts of records made in the last 
hundred years that Now scientists all over the world explore 
this phenomenon in the hope to use the unique abilities of 
animals in their noble purposes. The challenge facing 
researchers USA, Russia, China and Germany, find out what, 
exactly, cats and other animals is truly sensitive organ. After 
solving this problem, they is calculated to construct a 
mechanical device, which will have similar effectiveness for 
early warning of cataclysms, although the cost they will surely 
be more expensive than any cat.  One of the researchers, which, 
in particular, are interested in Earthquake in Friuli was Dr. 
Helmut Tribuch, a biochemist at the Max Planck Society for 
Fritz Haber Institute in Berlin. He himself was born in the 
region of Friuli, and specifically investigated the behavior of 
domestic animals in the hours and minutes leading up to the 
earthquake. Dr. Tribuch notes that all the cats in one village 
have fled their homes long before the quake, and back back only 
two days later.  As reported by American researchers, in a 
similar way behaved cat and California on the eve of the 
earthquake of 1979. Not wanting to be trapped for a second 
time, scientists have conducted extensive research work, 
sponsored by the Geological Society of the United States. Two 
researchers, Dr. Leon Otis, practicing psychologist, and Dr. 
William Kautz, an expert in computer technology, did research 
and trained over 10,000 volunteers who are given strict 
instructions vigilantly watching certain members of the animal

peace and keep a detailed record of everything that animals do. 
Observers should note all unusual behavior. If as an animal 
does something particularly unusual, volunteers should 
immediately contact the researchers for pre- reserved a 
"hotline".  Huge amount of data collected during this 
experiment, yet estimated, but the results already show that, 
like, folk stories and popular belief about the abilities of 
animals, particularly cats, to predict with accuracy the 
fantastic natural disasters are not unfounded.  So if you live 
in a dangerous area, do not forget to watch for your cat - 
maybe one day it will save your life.

 A doctor Tribuch argues that the ability of cats to effectively
predict future earthquakes due to the fact that they
can capture in the surrounding positively charged
atoms and ions. Immediately before the earthquake, these 
particles released in large quantities, making the surrounding 
air actually "alive", the boiling of electrostatic activity.

 Because we humans are highly insensitive to the presence of
such particles, even the incredible increase in positive ions
practically does not have any impact on us, except, perhaps, 
mild headache or irritability. But cats, being highly 
susceptible, experiencing frustration as mood and behavior, 
since the surrounding air causes changes in the chemical 
processes in the brain and nervous system. One such change is 
probably the increase in production Serotina, vlyayuschego's 
emotional state.  And although there is sufficient evidence to 
support the theory of increasing ions that affect the behavior 
of cats on the eve of the earthquake or volcanic eruption, Dr. 
Ernst Kilian of the Valdivia University of Chile, which 
collected information about animals and earthquakes since 1960, 
offered a different explanation.  From his point of view, the 
cat may feel - and this feeling has a depressing effect on them 
- a very weak ground shaking, which precedes an earthquake. It 
is possible that tremor possesses some unique characteristics 
that greatly frightened and worried about the cats and other 
animals.  Dr. Killian also believed that cats can feel the 
magnetic phenomena to which people are immune. Changes in the 
ambient magnetic field may become yet another signal early 
warning of strong earthquakes.  But all the same. Let the cats 
are sensitive to positive ions, very finely perceived petty 
petty shake the soil and have ability to detect changes in 
Earth's magnetic field. But how to explain how they are 
anticipating accidents and disaster Drigo types?

 Seem plausible two explanations. First: many of the events
may be associated with the sounds lezhimi outside the range of 
perception the human ear. Explosion of a kinescope, for 
example, it is possible was associated with radiation 
sverhchastotnyh signals directly before the explosion. 
Probably, they have resulted in irritation or fright sleeping 
cat, resigning in protest of the room.  In other cases, perhaps 
a cat perceive signals, frequency which is too low for human 
ears. Because our ears unstable at any given moment, it is very 
difficult to determine upper and lower thresholds of our 
perceptions, but the maximum Sensitivity ranges from 1500 to 
4000 vibrations in second (Hz), although at a sufficiently 
large volume can be heard and better sound. By the age of fifty 
hear the sound frequency of 5000 Hz, about a hundred times more 
difficult than in the twenty- years. Animals have a more subtle 
hearing. Mice, for example, may perceive the squeak of their 
relatives at a frequency of 100000 Hz, and cats of the upper 
and lower thresholds are not less impressive.  Cats have such a 
capacity, important in life, combining the ability to hear very 
quiet sounds, and distinguish them from background Drigo noise. 
Rica, the ship's cat who saved a girl from certain death, 
probably singled out her faint cries from the roar of the 
ship's engine and the sound of waves. Human expressions of fear 
and despair are perceived by animals as alarm calls.  However, 
it is extremely subtle auditory characteristics - just one side 
of the coin, because the cats have at least another one unique 
and extra sensory organ. This is posuschestvu, the sixth sense. 
 Called vomeronasalnym organ or Jacobson's organ, he consists 
of the cartilaginous tube approximately centimeter in length, 
located at the base of the mouth and associated with ambient 
air for through a small hole directly behind the front teeth.

Vestigial traces of body Jacobson, named after the
Danish anatomist of the XIX century, are also present in 
humans, but he is no longer represent a functional value.

 In cats this body forms part of the sense of smell in
It has the nerves that transmit impulses directly to the
olfactory areas of the brain. To take advantage of their
Body Jacobson, a cat must first stop any action
in order to draw air into the hole body. This allows
it to isolate and identify the different types of molecules 
forming flows in the atmosphere. In this sense, the body is 
similar to the perception of taste and smell, but because these 
feelings are already well developed in cats, and considering 
that all created by nature is its meaning, Jacobson organ, 
probably serves a very important additional function of 
perception.  Watch for your cat, look how she enjoys

this body. To do this, note the following features of its 
behavior. Before you draw into this body air cat stops suddenly 
rooted to the spot, half-open mouth and plunging the lips, thus 
allowing the hole to get the largest possible amount of air. 
Expression of the muzzle of a cat in when it performs an action 
that can be compared with a grin or grimace. West German 
experts call This behavior Flehmen (grimace). This usually 
happens during the lazy cat walks on its own territory and can 
soprovodatsya raised front paw hanging pad or other signs of 
interest and wary attention.  Until now, we do not know exactly 
what information gets cat by Jacobson's organ, although it was 
found that it plays its role in registering Fermont, relating 
to the sexual characteristics of other cats. It is also 
possible that this is the sixth sense at least in part, and is 
thus a device that liability for the prediction. If an event 
causes a slight change in the chemical composition of air, for 
example, before volcanic eruption, earthquakes, forest fires 
and so on, "Analysis" vego only a few molecules of a substance 
can be early warning.

 So, we have a cat - an animal that can determine
approximation of the master, with a far distance to hear the 
sounds too high or too low for human perception, to determine

smells that we do not feel, and probably respond to such 
environmental characteristics as changes in electric charge, 
magnetic field or the molecular composition, ie all that is 
past us unnoticed.  But that's not enough to convince the 
owners of cats and numerous experts, that cats do not possess 
supernatural natural abilities. Since most of They are 
convinced that fantastichekie predictions cats can only be 
explained by the fact that they are cats, of course, have some 
form of extrasensory perception. 

                        "The question mark"
                        H. H. Nepomnyashchii
                        February 1993.

                    To be continued ...

Publication prepared by:
Leonid Korolev 095/550.6 :537-4989

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Miscellaneous - about cats, save lives.

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Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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