Nicron #63
20 ноября 1997 |
Polls - Questionnaire for spektrumistov from "Havigatopa Igpovogo mipa.
Navigator Online: Questionnaire for spektrumistov The questionnaire was distributed in ehokonferentsii ZX.SPECTRUM. We are reprinting it easy to bring it to a wider readership. (C) Peter Davidov Good evening! I would like to ask the esteemed subscribers ekhi, whether they know such a magazine as a "Game World Navigator"? Likely most do not know, so that, in a nutshell, this is one of major Russian magazines devoted to computer games to PC. So, some time ago we decided to tell you about the Spectrum. The result was a large review article in which provided details about the history of this computer, its architecture, as well as well-known games of past days. The result is a material from which readers will learn how wonderful computer _byl_ Spectrum. But not a word has not yet been said about that and now it does not only not dead, but on the contrary, all vividly alive. Therefore, we decided to postpone the publication of this article and communicate with those and who now faces at home this computer. Below are questions which we hope to get answers. If you have what to say, do not be lazy and write their answers to me by Netmail'u. In preparing the material will be given all those participated in this interview. Of course, provided that you do not ask do not call your name. These are the questions, your thoughts on which we would like to know: 1) Is there any company (name not required) producing _seychas_ Spectrum-compatible machine? And if so, is not whether this is copyright infringement? 2) How prevalent is now the Spectrum-compatible machine? Say, how many of them about in Moscow? Across Russia? It is known that the development of new programs for the Spectrum did not even stop thinking. What are the program's (including games) are now? To whom they are designed (especially non-gaming program)? 3) Is it only in Russia is now a new software software? Are there any in the West relative to large firms are developing now, at least for some software Software for Spectrum? Of course, this does not sure that the company engaged in _isklyuchitelno_ it. It is interesting that there is any. 4) For the Spectrum there is even a modem. Is it possible with the help of him access to the network? Say, for Fido or Internet? 5) What tasks Spectrum can not be fulfilled, and are there any? 6) Only if the high price of IBM-compatible machines stopping you from replacing the Spectrum on a PC? 7) For any purpose other than gaming, you are using the Spectrum? 8) Yesterday, the Spectrum was the most popular home computer. How do you see yourself Spectrum today and tomorrow? 9) is developed to somehow architecture of the Spectrum? Are there some of its improvement? Even in the handicraft conditions ... 10) How do you assess the numerous Spectrum emulator on a PC? Why, in your opinion, the owner of PC may be needed now Spectrum? In advance thank you to all those who take part in preparation of our material and find a moment of his time, To answer these questions. Once again, thank you, all. P.S. I'd love to personally interact with game developers. If you know someone fidoshnye or e-mail'ovye address, tell them, please us. If it reads some of themselves developers, we would have been very pleased with your consent talk on creating games for the Spectrum. Sincerely, Peter Davidov Peter Davidov (2:5020 / 896)
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