Nicron #50
28 августа 1997

Graphics - picture-in ANSI graphics.

<b>Graphics</b> - picture-in ANSI graphics.

Hello to all our readers, today we have significant
day, and Owned anniversary, and we wish you all hotem 
nailuchshigo in This day of our entire group. Today you will 
see a picture of ANSI graphics.

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          J.a ^ "., Ammmmmmn,." ^ N.k
          a 'jP ~. adAP *^^'""`^^* VAbn. ~ ^ K `n
         d '.. . DMP ~., AmAMMAmn,. ~ TMb. .. `B
         H, d '. DMP'. AAMOMMMMMGMMMMAn. `TMb. `B, H
       d V ', MF' dMMMMMMGOMMMMMMGMMMb `MA. `V b
      `K, J" ME. M M MM M MA "b, d '
      . `V" iM! J MMM M l! Ml "V '.
      k i [M [H MMM M H] M] i d
      ^ N.ik lMl l MMM M M l lMl Hi.a ^
       "YMP` Mb `M M o M 'jM' VMP"
       `Tn.A` HA. VMMOM MMM MMMMMMP, dH 'A.aP'
         `V '. `Mb. ^ MMM MMMM M MMMM ^, dM ', `V'
          ., Jb `VMn` ^ Y M MY ^ 'aMV' dk,.
           "^ V.` VAn, '"" ^' ". AAV '. V ^ "
        . jb "^ TM, ... A AMT ^" dk.
          "^ V. ~" ^ ^ TUUUUP ^ ^ "~, V ^"
              JGan,. ., Na8K.
             "~ ^ YMD = = OMY ^ ~"
               ~ "~ ~" ~

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Humor - Jeans Dzhordash.

Graphics - picture-in ANSI graphics.

Humor - Night FIDO. Scenario.

Story - D00MER.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Feedback - contact the publisher.
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В этот день...   30 April