Forever Young #01
21 июля 1998

Soft - description boot'a "SCARLET" OR "SHITVER".

<b>Soft</b> - description boot'a



  "SCARLET". This "bootoglyuk was
made in March this year. In
It has a "feature", (-
works correctly only with independent
glued discs (read catalogs
n disk). Once found glued drive - off
RC-survey method and the lost opportunity to reread the 
directory (it works only on the execution of files). In 
"SCARLET" used IM2-loader by UNWINDER.

  "SHITVER". "SCARLET" "refused" to work on PENTAGON'ah, so "in 
haste" was "slya Pan "this version (or rather," edge

for "ta;). The name says" ca
model for itself:). This "revision"
generally precluded contradict the
Tyva directory, but it does not work
only SCORP'ah. Used
# 3D2F-loader.


  In addition to "standard" ("Q", "A",
"9", "8" "" "", "0", "ENTER", "SPA
CE ") management used the following
following additional keys:
"W", "S", "D", "G", "H", "F" - microdemo-side ("L" - output).
"T. VIDEO" - ALL / BIG font (for ne
rechityvanii directory disk takes into account
Vaeth / BASIC-ignore files that start with small letters).
"I. VIDEO" - 48/128Kb mode (actually, this option does not 
always lead to the desired result "). 


  Indication of the latter two options
displayed in the upper left corner. If you prefer, you can 
change the color of "windows" and the curb, the change Neve 
four bytes from address # 5E15 / 24,085 (see first section).

Other articles:

Welcome - the first newspaper.

Control keys - Control in the newspaper.

Greeting - greetings.

Programming - a procedure in Basic Calendar.

five roles to choose from - a psychological test a fairy tale.

Games - the passing game "Venturama".

Soft - description boot'a "SCARLET" OR "SHITVER".

Games - a description of the new game "NUMBEROLOGY N1 & 2".

Games - a description of the new game "JAZZY RABBIT".

Epilogue - humor.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

Similar articles:
Hall of Fame - a way to convert tricolor images for Spectrum.
Forum - questionnaires, Alexei Lebedev (CONDOR SOFT) among users of ZX Spectrum in 1997
Editorial - vystupitelnoe word from Random.

В этот день...   6 May