Nicron #24
13 марта 1997

Feedback - contact the publisher.

<b>Feedback</b> - contact the publisher.
  For communication with the newspaper NICRON please write to 
the editor by 

  BBS, accept mail for the newspaper. Confidential file> NICRON.

  Use of materials - only with the consent of the authors. When

  reprint of the information link to NICRON required.

   For users of the network address of FIDO Editorial

   Newspaper NICRON: 2:5020 / 178.19

              The paper prepared by:

1. Alex MDF HACKER tel. 499-90-54 QUAKE BBS
2. Vladimir WLODEK BLACK tel. 462-89-02 RABBIT BBS
3. Victor FARAON 1 tel. 372-05-31 FARAON a BBS
4. Alex OSCAR tel. 554-15-82 FARAON 2 BBS
5. Alexander RUSSOS tel. 461-84-81 FARAON 3 BBS
6. Alexander DELEALAN tel. 160-55-06 QUAKE 2 BBS
7. Michael WHALE tel. 413-75-00 WHALE BBS
8. Michael MERCURY tel. 192-77-98 MERCURY BBS

 ∙ ∙
           Chief editor and editor columns:
           'Images ANSII graphics' is
          MDF HACKER same-Alex 499-90-54.
       Zam.glavnogo editor and editor columns:
    'Password', 'Advertising: selling, give, give' is
         OSCAR same-Alex 554-15-82.

     Editor of 'The course of study the assembly' is
          WLODEK BLACK same-Vladimir 462-89-02.
          Editor of 'games' is
          MERCURY same-Mihail 192-77-98.
          Editor of 'List of BBS' is
         RUSSOS same-Alexander 461-84-81.
        Editor column on games is
          FARAON same-Victor 372-05-31.
          Editor of 'Anegdoty' is
           DELEALAN same-Alexandr 160-55-06.
        Editor of 'Congratulations' is
          WHALE same-Michael 413-75-00.
 ∙ ∙

 ∙ Links -= NICRON =- comes from 03/10/96 ∙

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Programming - KR580VV55A.

Graphics - Image ANSI graphics.

Humor - the laws of female logic.

Secrets games - control without secrets.

Search - search for game programs.

Announcement - a program for sisopov.

Humor - anecdotes.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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