Nicron #24
13 марта 1997

Humor - the laws of female logic.

<b>Humor</b> - the laws of female logic.
                      Laws of female logic

(C) MDF hacker

Here you decided to put on display a small text-laws of women.
Maybe after the holidays you have not yet found a suitable woman
while with the vagaries of ihnimi some problems, want to please 
them, if you have a printer, then print it out, and when you go 
to a meeting, Take this piece of paper and show it or read it.

Refultat on lefo fffff! <

1.Zhenschiny ill-equipped to work in a team: their inadequate 
response makes a constant element of tension. 2.He too 
emotional: they have little sound. 3.Im can not make a point: 
they are either snarls and allow his abusive language, which 
makes them unattractive, or start to cry hysterically. 4.Oni 
full of prejudice. 5.Zhenschiny love to do stupid 
generalizations. 6.U female stereotyping.

7.Delo conceived by a woman carries a man.
8.Muzhchina to build a house - a woman destroys the woman home 
postroiti devil does not destroy it. 9.Mstitelnost in the 
nature of women. 10.Ischite woman!

11.Sladka revenge, especially for women.
12.Chtoby you say women seeking an answer right away;
otherwise it will take a hot bath, changed clothes, and all 
necessary start again.

13.YA I strongly advise you to seek the woman's immediate 
response. Otherwise, you will often be confused in front of an 
unexpected new word. 14.Net man in the world that could boast 
of an exhaustive answer to the question, what is "woman." 
15.Zhenschina always knows what she wants, but he never knows 
what she wants.

16.Kogda woman under the rule of men - she fights for her 
freedom, but when it dominates - she wants to obey! 18.U women 
- the cat's gift turned into a shelter anywhere in space. 
19.Samoe uninteresting to women being - the man who 
surrendered, predictable, as a mechanism to tame, those caught 
in its same spaced snare.

20.Usta women always lie, but deeds are always truthful.
21.Pri communicating with a woman in his speeches to be 
careful, but in deeds - bold. 22.Zhenschina is evil in one case 
only: when she was unhappy in love. 23.Zhenschina loves ears, 
unlike a man who loves his eyes. 24.I men and women at risk for 
some reason, react faster to the female voice. 25.Muzhskoe 
attention to women is necessary as air. 26.Esli woman about 
something asks, you have to give her otherwise - she will 
itself. 27.Byt woman - a great move, madden - heroism.

28.Chasche all women is not advisable to skip as is done;
it can only show what has been done.
29.Zhenschine need constant festive miracle, albeit small, but 
definitely committed for her sake. 30.Zhenschiny easier to 
endure hunger. 31.Vsledstvie high emotionality of an all-female 
team more malleable to the general mood. Here is stronger than 
any conflict flares up, longer lasting joy, deeper than the 
pain perceived by a stranger. 32.Dlya women usually desire for 
order in daily life borders on pettiness. 33.Stereotip male 
perception of women: - the graceful, charming, sweet but also: 
- arrogant, hysterical, petty, sneaky, capricious, deceitful, 
evil language, inconsistent, vindictive, revengeful. 34.Pochti 
that the main argument in the mouths of women - "because". " 
35.Ne count on the stupidity of women - all women in love smart.

36.Net terrible anger than angry women.
37.Pokornaya smile women split granite.
38.Zhensky mind as elegant as lace and as thin as the edge
39.Esli you want to convince women of anything important from 
your point of view, try to please her. 

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Programming - KR580VV55A.

Graphics - Image ANSI graphics.

Humor - the laws of female logic.

Secrets games - control without secrets.

Search - search for game programs.

Announcement - a program for sisopov.

Humor - anecdotes.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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