Nicron #23
06 марта 1997

Humor - anecdotes.

<b>Humor</b> - anecdotes.
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 - There was a divorce, the child gave his wife, and that is 
unfair.  - Why?

 - Well ... Here you omit the machine a penny, and he gives
 you a glass with syrup ...
 - Well?
 - What - well? So whose is the glass - or your machine?

   From an interview with the owner of a brothel.
 - And we started simply: I am a wife and mother-in-law ...

   At the front door quite crowded with people is the bus
girl. She was a passenger says:
 - Why are you entering the front door?
 - I'm pregnant.
 - Something is not visible?
 - Do you want an hour later it was evident?

   Wife with her lover in the bedroom. Includes husband.
 - Aha! All clear! I'm not wanted here!
 - Why, dear, at the time. This soon ends ...

   She: - You do not kiss anyone's lips, but mine?

   He: - None. And yours are the sweetest!

 - Give me a ticket to Sochi, at the worst in Evpatoria.
 - The Evpatoria, with a thin end, too, do nothing.

   Evening. Dusk. Lover embraces her.
 - Darling! I love you so much!
 - Oh, what are you doing! Do not go! I'll scream!
 - But then we can hear your parents.
 - Oh, my God! I reported this as something not thought of.

   Slut in bed with a cadet.
 - I swear to you my first man, whom I love.
 - I believe, my dear.
 - Strangely, you're the first man to believe it!

   Night park in the city. Attending guard when he hears a 
whisper in bushes: - Ivan, take off your glasses, you are my 
stockings tear! The guard listened and heard in a minute: - 
Vanya, dress better glasses, you're a bench lizhesh ...

   The old man with a young mistress: - Oh, Vitochka, I love 
you like his own daughter!

   She: - Strange you, however, the methods of education!

 - Peter, we are familiar with only two hours, and you have 
metish in my heart!

 - No, dear, just half a meter below ..

   In the pastry shop girl says saleswoman:
 - Give me some chocolate figures for three rubles.
 - Are you a boy or a girl?
 - Of course, a boy, there are more chocolate!

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms and poems.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

Programming - a course of study assembler Wlodek Black, continued. Monozagruzchik.

solve the problem - restore a disk, Disk error trk.0 sect.8 (9).

Graphics - Image ANSI graphics.

Humor - From the readers' letters to the journal "Health".

Humor - anecdotes.

Search - search for game programs.

Humor - marasmus.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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