Nicron #23
06 марта 1997 |
Programming - a course of study assembler Wlodek Black, continued. Monozagruzchik.
z80 [Continued (in readers' letters)] (C) WLODEK BLACK MONOZAGRUZCHIK ... Hello again, friends. I hope you have not erased files great demos of all time named "DIGITAL TUNE 1"? We return to our ... Hmmm ... Okay, we just come back. In the past (or rather, one might say, the year before ...) once we got to the point where before our eyes appeared 4 files are the compressed data - one for each of the pages 19, 20, 22 and 16. I packed LZPAC-ohm, and I turned the following figures: dt1.19 <- 4472 bytes, 18 sectors; dt1.20 <- 4812 bytes, 19 sectors; dt1.22 <- 4494 bytes, 18 sectors; dt1.16 <- 6410 bytes, 26 sectors. I used the names for files built on the principle: "dt1" - the words "digital tune 1" "19" (also "20", "22", "16") - number page RAM "<" - means that the file is packed (ie, became less "). Of course, you can use any other names. Anyway in the end everything will turn into a single file. Now let's merge these 4 files into one. Download the "dt1.16 <" address 28964, and subsequent files ship close to each groomsman, ie "dt1.20 <" ship to address is 28964 4472, and so on. Then unload the big file: SAVE "dt1. <" CODE 28964,20188. Check the following: 28964 20188 = 49152, ie, the boundary started switching pages of RAM. In this case, the memory is the place to take immediately the entire volume of packed codes. Then start the program "raspihaet" individual pieces of code block on page 19, 20 and 22. By the way, we still have packed a picture! A set of standard functions TR DOS. For programmers writing in assembler, TR DOS provides fairly extensive set of so-called standard functions that perform these necessary actions, such as working with files and separate tracks and sectors - search, read, write - and more. A complete list of features can be found in any instruction to the computer, which provides guidance on the use of TR DOS, so here I will not repeat. I can only say that to refer to the standard functions TR DOS to Record number calls a subroutine in register C and perform CALL # 3D13, a pre zanesya input parameters in other registers. For us now it is of interest feature number 5 - reading group sectors. Input parameters for it are starting track and sector and the number of read sectors, as well as the address to which you begin to download data: DE - initial track / sector (E - Sector, D - Track); B - number of read sectors; HL - address of the boot. File structure of disk TR DOS is very simple. Files are stored on disk in the order they appear in the directory. Each subsequent file starts with the track / sector, going beyond the last sector of the file. System variable TR DOS, located at # 5CF4 (two-byte word), keeps track number and sector, following after the last read sector. Upon completion of download of any file in this cell will be like a pointer to the beginning of the next file. Based on the above, it is easy to assume that you'd like to download the following file (or any part thereof) - we must take meaning of a word from a cell # 5CF4 and put it in a couple of DE as the "track / sector" for the function 5: LD HL, adres_zagruzki LD DE, (# 5CF4) LD BC, # XX05; where XX - number of loaded sectors CALL # 3D13. To use such admission must comply with the simplest condition - the files to the boot sequence should be recorded one after another without having erased files between them. And now - please! With the file type "BASIC program" TR DOS operates with one interesting feature: when downloading Beysikprogrammy for execution TR DOS takes from the disk directory file length in b and d t and x, not paying attention to the length in sectors. It calculates the number of sectors corresponding to the specified directory in length, in bytes, and the ship just enough. If Beysikovy loader has a length of, say, 209 bytes and the length of the sectors listed, for example, 68 - on command "RUN" or "LOAD" will be loaded only one sector corresponding to the size file of 209 bytes. That this implies a great opportunity to join together into one file and Beysikovy loader, followed by a block of code. You can do this, of course, vruchnuyuslozhit length boot sectors and the subsequent file (s) Record the result in the file length in sectors BASIC loader, and carefully remove from the catalog of obsolete pointers (handles) on the data files. And then adjust data in the 9-m sector, so that the number of files has been turned out and match the options "the first free track / sector", "number of free sectors" carried in themselves the true values. This can be done by any "disk doctor". Work, of course, not too complicated, but if you make a mistake, the very first new recording on the disc will fail! Fortunately, there are tools with which to "merge" the files at the touch of a button, and without any risk. One of the most famous of these is the Advanced Disk Monitor - ADM 7.08. To merge files in the ADM point to the initial file, and then Symbol Shift + C (connect - connect). In your eyes lower part of the directory "tighten" to the original file, subsequent to the the initial file will disappear, and the initial file popolneet the value volume of "missing" file. Operation can be repeated for podlivaniya more than one file, etc. Consolidate the changes made by using the rename operation: press N; if necessary, rename the file, press Enter. The result is written to a directory on disk. In conclusion, cite the full text of the loader and start the program for the demos "DIGITAL TUNE 1" with comments: DI LD HL, 50000; load address packed pictures LD DE, (# 5CF4); track / sector LD BC, # 0F05; 1915 (# 0F) sectors to read XOR A CALL # 3D13; call TR DOS CALL 50000; unboxing pictures on the screen DI LD HL, 28964; load address of the main unit LD DE, (# 5CF4); track / sector LD BC, # 4F05; 1979 (# 4F) of sectors to read XOR A CALL # 3D13 DI LD A, 19, page number LD HL, 35374; start address data for page 3 LD DE, 4472, the block length codes CALL LDIRDT; sends to the third page LD A, 20, also for 4-th page LD DE, 4812 CALL LDIRDT LD A, 22, also for 6-th page LD DE, 4494 CALL LDIRDT LD HL, 35373; move LD DE, 37641, in its place LD BC, 6410; block codes LDDR; main memory CALL 31232; extract the main unit LD A, 23; includes 7-th page (as necessary) LD BC, 32765 OUT (C), A EI CALL 31238; initialize music LOOP: CALL 31232; losing DeMouy JR LOOP LDIRDT: LD BC, 32765; routine raspihivaniya from memory PUSH BC OUT (C), A; includes a page LD C, E; transfer from DE to BC, how many bytes ... LD B, D LD DE, # C000; ... should be forwarded to the address # C000 ... LDIR; ... and forwards PUSH HL CALL # C000; extract POP HL; restore HL and BC POP BC LD A, 16, restoring the main memory OUT (C), A RET; return. That's it. Bye! [Continuing the theme of "assembler" should be].
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