Nicron #19
06 февраля 1997

Humor - anecdotes.

<b>Humor</b> - anecdotes.
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Two Englishmen fish. In one bite, it is cut down and pulls out 
a lovely mermaid. After admiring it, he removes it from hook 
and throws it back into the water. The second is surprised: - 
But why? - But how?

The guy in the film festival met a girl-Spaniard
and invited her to his home in the evening for a visit. During 
the day he resorted to his friend - a doctor:

- You know, I Spaniard in the evening, invited guests, and you 
know - there are so sultry woman ... Well, in general, would 
you give me something to this, that I did not disgrace himself 
in front of her. Physician friend gave him pills, the guy took 
them, as was specified in the recipe. The next day they meet 
again: - Well, tell me, how did you do yesterday?

- OK, eight times.
- And it?
- And she did not come ...

- Girl, you just go?
- Just go crazy.
- Well, then you go out?
- Issued only in marriage.
- Well, what do you do then?
- Climbs!
- Oh, sorry, I did not know that you have a birthday today! ..

Talk to two friends:
- Why do not you go fishing?
- Yes here, you know, the wife will not let me.
- And you do as I do. On Friday, all harvested in the morning 
on Saturday threw back the curtains blankets, looking at the 
back of his wife and say: "Well Butt. "She is offended, we 
quarrel. I am for the bait - and fishing. Buddy did. Prepared 
to tackle the evening. Morning threw canopy of quilts:

- Well, ass ... Come on it, that fishing trip!

Other articles:

Entry - the contents of rooms.

BBS - list of stations BBS ZXNet.

History - computers MSX, Yegor Ascension.

Graphics - Image ANSI graphics.

Humor - anecdotes.

Humor - Small Encyclopedia of Computer beings, Antonov and Maverick, a sequel.

Search - search for game programs.

Humor - 1001 question about it.

Congratulations - greetings and poems.

Advertising - advertising and announcements.

Feedback - contact the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   6 May