Move #02
03 февраля 1997

Reflections - Delusional thoughts on the further development of the shell of the newspaper. Why newspaper "irregular".

<b>Reflections</b> - Delusional thoughts on the further development of the shell of the newspaper.
 Why newspaper
              Delusional thoughts

(C) Alexander Nikiforov

   In this short article, I decided to present some of my 
thoughts on various topics. 

   - Thinking room again:

   Some information about our newspaper.
As you can see for this issue of the newspaper I had written 
new shell (in the first issue as the shell was used to create 
my files of every help'ov). This version of the shell is not is 
final and the following issue of the newspaper it will be 
slightly improved. In this connection, you can call and tell me 
about your wishes (but This does not mean that I uchtu all your 
comments ;-)) and seen a glitch which I hope is not here. By 
the way, this shell is best rulitsya with kempston mouse, as I 
tried to do easy to use interface especially for this

device (I use them myself), and support
Keyboard is not the point ;-). So if you do not have a mouse, I 
advise you to buy it. 

   - Thinking room is twice the previous one:

   Why do you think our newspaper is published irregularly, and 
with such a big break? Not sure? I answered: "Everything is 
done slowly and is more expensive (the beginning of the fourth

thermodynamics). But seriously, because
lack of information. Therefore offer:
If you have something to tell people (not
necessarily on the computer theme), then call us and you know 
the whole world :-) 

   - Thinking number two with palovay: If you
cool music maker, you can throw
a couple of their Mouzon for our newspaper.

   - Thinking room following:

   Do you think for what is written help'y?
"In order that-be stupid nick read them, and
that in fact they can not understand them without
how to work with the program "- you will say and
're wrong. Help'y written order
something they take up disk space. AND EVERYTHING!
I am convinced in it. For example, some individuals do not read 
the description of the C-DOS'a immediately call to the server 
under a different phone number (as it is replaced by a do not 
they just know) or even as a result of their experimentation 
"hang" the server. Why STALKER makes the new version of the 
STS?. After our cool coders do not need help'y and therefore 
the gifted are not aware of the many small but very useful 
commands STS. AND just seeing how they enjoyed someone

the other, they ask: "And how do you
done? ". And there are quite steep man'ov
a lot.

   - Thinking room last:

   What I do not like in our paper is the censorship imposed 
Stinger'om, but apparently it right after all.

Other articles:

Foreword - A new shell of the newspaper.

List BBS - A list of running BBS Minsk.

Reflections - Delusional thoughts on the further development of the shell of the newspaper. Why newspaper "irregular".

Review - Review of devices for SPECCY: Video port. The controller of any IBM keyboard.

Programmers - Writing Multicolor ...


Interview - An Interview with Nicholas Kezhevnikovym (NICK SOFT)

Test - Test "Can you listen to the interlocutor."

Advertising - Advertising and announcements.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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