Generation Z #04
21 апреля 2003

News - the case of Real Software from Brest situation is not the best way: some people Spectrum has left, leaving the tyranny of one Pawel / rs ...

<b>News</b> - the case of Real Software from Brest situation is not the best way: some people
Spectrum has left, leaving the tyranny of one Pawel / rs ...
                           . · · · · · · · Real software news

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the case of real software situation is not the best way: some 
people Spectrum has left, leaving the tyranny of one pawel / rs 

In general, all of our news published on the site, but I still try to generalize
situation. Today a group of real software does not lead
any developments. since neither cyberex / rs, nor darkmax / rs
Spectrum is no longer interested, then announced the game
empire, as well as player rc amp (the beta version of which was 
in complete with a real commander 2.3) can no longer wait. in 
connection with than looking for someone with experience in 
pleerostroenii and willing continue the venture, of course the 
ideal candidate for this place would sergey zotov;), the author 
is very functional mmcm player. I personally continue to be 
interested in the life of Spectrum, let and Brest, but I still 
have a lot of good friends and spektrumistov familiar, and too 
much has been invested in me forces in the zx, that would be so 
easy to forget him. because speccy now for the majority is not 
just a working tool, this platform which relate best memories 
of life, these people omnibus general enthusiasm. Now for the 
real commander: I want to thank everyone who sent for him

money, your letters and money orders (though
few), gave a good impetus for the development of new
versions. I promise in the future to continue to support rc. "

I personally look forward to new versions of the real 
Commander, so that I want to wish good luck to Paul for all his 
good efforts. 

Other articles:

Entry - from us: the number dalsya us very hard.

End - "we passed a lot, and many more we have to go" ...

Entry - the authors.

Entry - Annex: questionnaire to fill stocks respect, the shell for a newspaper / magazine.

End of the Year - what marked the past year? Overview Spectrum of events each month of 2002.

News - News from Yoshkar-Ola of Brainwave.

News - News from the Krasnodar artist Cannibal.

News - News from the popular band from Rybinsk - CyberPunks Unity.

News - News from the Rostov Group Energy Group.

News - The Belarusian team Ellipse completely ceased creativity on the platform zx

News - News from the creators of the newspaper ZX Time.

News - News from the legends of musical creativity Mmcm from Sage.

News - News from the Krasnodar musician nik-o (nq).

News - came into full decline erstwhile capacity of OCA.

News - Rostov news from Klim / OHG / XXL.

News - Perm news from Diver/4D.

News - a legendary group of Izhevsk POS WT finally passed the position on the Spectrum.

News - a very measured flows the life of the publisher of the paragraph "Perspective Group ...

News - the case of Real Software from Brest situation is not the best way: some people Spectrum has left, leaving the tyranny of one Pawel / rs ...

News - bouts of laziness reached and the Great Game Maker'skoy team Studio Stall.

News Census - a list of participating Spektrumistov obschespektrumovskoy census.

Results of the contest, "Your Game 2002" - on the ground, prizes and winners.

New projects - Netspec: community that connects people who are interested in computer Sinclair ZX Spectrum.

Projects - Printed brochure entitled "Sketches of programming in assembler z-80" (new project from the creator of the newspaper paragraph)

Projects - the story of the game "Demoniada.

Projects - the newspaper "paragraph" to announce the next contest, "Your Game 2oo3".

Projects - Specnet or spectrum network: a project to unite disparate crowd spektrumistov.

Again party - an overview of graphics and music from a virtual party of Antique Toy 2002.

Again party - ASCII'o3 rules.

Again party - Cafe 2003: nominations.

Again party - Cafe 2003: rules.

Again party - Cafe 2003: contact addresses.

Again party - Forever Quattro: results.

Again party - Forever Quattro: a detailed review of the demos, graphics and music.

Again party - news party in Moscow: Paradigmuz 2003

review software - Press: Donnews 18-19, Promised Land 3, Murzilka 8, Nicron 125, Lamergy, Inferno 3, Psyhoz 13-14, ZX-Time 10-11, Bird 1 - 4, IzhNews 0D, Never Mind 1-1.5, FullPull 2, MSF 1925, Genz 4, Paragraph 15. Games: Demoniada, Lord of Dark. Download: Best Viewer 2.15, Horror Word 1.04, Video Studio 0.6.

In measuring ZX - History of the English Spectrum (Part 1).

Jokes - a compilation of anecdotes.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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