Generation Z #03
06 ноября 2002

Census - the first stage of the shares vsespektrumovskoy census.

<b>Census</b> - the first stage of the shares vsespektrumovskoy census.
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                                pulsar ^ lsg ^ oca · --- - - -

here and now summarize the first stage I have proposed in
the second issue of Hensen's shares vsespektrumovskoy census.

over time since the release of Hensen's time for us to come in 
April letters in support of the action, from:

 xmus ^ osf

    nik-o ^ tl

  alx ^ bw
aleksey tarasow

Many thanks for your support! as cyberjack ^ tbk promised
collect from their Old in the event of the campaign. Plus I hope
to support all of our friends! and ostolnye us catch up.

to get the most objective and the result should be more
better to raise questions. I propose a variant of the issues and
I beg of them to work and send the result! also need to be
select the name of action.

all this must be solved before 18 December 2oo2, then come the 
extraordinary issue of Hensen's, with a full version of the 
questions, and schedule of the action! at the same time 
vote's-list poyavitya on zx sites, I hope risk'er strikes 
because I have no such possibility: ( 

More time. Hey, people, voice to a very civilized ought to 
issue vote's-list and translated into English, we have 
unfortunately is not possible to perform these tasks at a high 
level: ( 

accept any assistance in the Project that the variant

I can guarantee a responsible approach to the debriefing, soak 
time, everything else depends on you! 

here it is the first version of questions:

name, nickname, group?


     how many years?


   country, city,
contact address



How many years occupy
   maeshsya cakes?



                    [] Code [] gfx [] sound [] design

                    [] Metal [] Gamer [] lamer [] sceners

    configuration computer?

                    [] Pentagon [] skorp [] profi [] kay

                    [] Sprinter [] other

                    [] 48 [] 128 [] 256 [] 512 [] 1024

                    [] Other

                    [] Ay / ym [] beeper [] covox

                    [] Sound drive [] gs [] other

                    [] 5.25 "[] 3.5" [] hdd [] tape

                    [] Other

                    [] Pc keybord [] k.joystik [] k.mouse

                    [] Ay mouse [] giga screen

                    [] Flash color [] printer [] turbo

                    [] Modem [] other

      speccy alive?

                    [] Yep [] nop

what prog needed


                    [] Game [] system [] press [] demo

                    [] Other

    how many hours

     spend on

     Spectrum in


                    [] 1-5 [] 10/05 [] 10-20 [] 20-30

                    [] 30-50 [] more

ps: add yourself to the history of the Spectrum! not people's 
full participation 

      in the action has no meaning, it's not chart any!

Other articles:

of us - next few words from the authors.

Events - news: virtaualno pati Antique Toy, Belarus Spectrum died, is preparing a new edition IzhNews.

Census - the first stage of the shares vsespektrumovskoy census.

review software - AC Editor 0.666, Body 3C, Horror word 1.02, paragraph 13, Psyhoz 1912, Video Studio 0.3, Lamergy Special.

Your Game - a review of games from the contest "Your Game 2002".

Gods - an interview with one of the most productive people on the Spectrum: Alone Coder / Dmitry Bystrov.

at a Glance - thoughts on the conduct of our demopatey.

Again a party - a detailed analysis of graphics and music with Millennium'1902.

Again party 2 - Overview of Rostov demopati Paradox'2002.

Again party 3 - a new virtual party for Spectrum: Antique Toy 2002

from you - readers' letters: Alone Coder, Aleksey Tarasow, Arhon, CJ_Flexo, Misha Brom, Macros, Miguel, n1k-o, ALX, Newart, Axor, Cyberjack, Tiden, X-Mus, Restorer, Stanly, POP HL, Kreestaj.

End - passed the reading genz'a.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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