01 сентября 2001

     .  -  -Credits+--- .       
   FOX / AIS / Savers Alliance  
. . .- ------------+------------
------------------- -- -   -    
Idea...         70% Fox Fluffy's
                30% Sinus       
Design,,,       70% Fox Fluffy's
                30% Sinus       
Code...        100% Sinus       
GFX...           0%             
Music...       100% Fox Fluffy's
Техт...         S0% Fox Fluffy's
                S0% Sinus       
-----------------  --- -  -     
Idea...        100% Fox Fluffy'S
Design...       70% Fox Fluffy's
                30% Sinus       
Code...        100% Sinus       
GFX...         100% Fox Fluffy's
Music...       100% Fox Fluffy's
Техт painter...100% Sinus/рс    
Техт Paint...  100% Fox Fluffy's
Main Editor...      Fox Fluffy's

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В этот день...   3 December