Generation Z #01
01 апреля 2002

Internet - "can be divided into two halves spektrumistov - those associated with the networks and those that these networks had never seen."

<b>Internet</b> -
 - -
| I'net |
 - - - - · |

                                  risk ^ lsg ^ oca · --- - - -

in fact, this article as an answer to an article unbeliever/x7m,
published in the journal Creek # 2.
the article is nothing personal, so do not all take to
heart ... sorry all who inadvertently offended.

won the internet!

certainly in our time can be divided in spektrumistov
two halves - those who are directly connected to networks and
those that these networks had never seen. I also agree with
unbeliever'om that neither those nor the other can not be 
blamed on the account. However, in recent spektrumisty 
associated with an Internet, and more so with their own 
web-pages, as it may Paradoxically, stop doing that or for a 
real Spectrum, while regularly updating your web sayt.i 
eventually turns out that Spectrum slowly creeps like a 
computer on the Internet. a little more and Spectrum will 
remain as emul-web platform. surely all this brilliance and 
dostupnot web sites privekaet to himself many people, but it is 
not Spectrum. 

won the internet!

and this victory came quickly to us. Almost nobody
waiting for this, but it happened, and it is just as real as
The Chernobyl disaster. No one expected this, but none
however it is a reality - harsh but realnot.

won the internet!

most spektrumistov not think about how to quickly
complete any project, as it better and better
do - they think about how better to make a web page,
how colorful it would issue as to attract more
visitors and other things related only web.
No, I do not mean those who want to download soft Ineta, 
although they (Including me) is mainly to blame for that zx-web

Portals stnovyatsya so popular.
No, I do not mind 2-3 zx web portals, entirely
on zx-spectrum'u and everything connected with it. Just in
Recently discovered not to have a healthy trend
each own web page and regularly update it. but, as I have
mentioned above, this is only half the trouble. the trouble is 
that with the advent This web stranitsy in 50% -60% of the real 
Spectrum begins fade into the background, giving way to pc. in 
our time, as turns out to be as pc'shnikom not easy.

I'm also not against zpixel - very appropriate site. here as
anywhere else, you can calmly look at the gallery of famous
artists and discuss what a vital issue for
forum. Here you can also place an ad, if your group
need gfx artist.

in other words I am not against useful sites - and their 

although, perhaps, the spektrumist, which is to create a web
pages, to some extent is already beginning to move away from a 
Spectrum perhaps not quite consciously, but nonetheless, the 
first step in enormous gulf, called the web, he has thereby do. 
and Only a few come out of this abyss alive ...

won the internet!

Believe me, I'm very hard to say this, but the truth is not
run away, it still reaches the depths of the soul and say that
Once this truth, and nothing more. you try to escape from
this, but it still overtake you, and with a fierce squeal
announced that it is - it's true ...

won the internet!

Ah ... I like you so and do not believe ...
Well ...
as an example, consider a few popular web sites.

pos wt. Nothing was left virtually no one who would work closely
interacted with a real Spectrum.
proper name of the group speaks for itself - web team.
but what can I say, there is only himik, which, though
that is trying to do for the Spectrum, but not for web. although
Value web / speccy him 7:3, respectively.

The situation, as you see here is fully consistent
the reality that I described above.

survivor as there does not count, because it is almost nothing 
connects with web technologies ...

scenergy. loud ascent magazine, which I still
I think the best on the Spectrum, a brief moment of glory and 
the abyss ... gap, which so attracted to him - web.

No past projects, there is the desire of the former, though, as 
he said flying / dr they did not score on the Spectrum, and 
their silence is associated only component breakdowns ... Yes, 
and dr is as such there - only ubiquitous and not dying ideal 
Organizer arty and flying, as his only pupil ...

sad but true - for Spectrum is virtually no
place, though perhaps only temporarily ...

zx. da. ru. But there has long been clear - site author paul
pavlov have long forgotten what a real Spectrum, not to mention
already on when the last time he did something for the Spectrum 

won the internet!

but there is still time to fix everything, stop worrying about
Internet, and to recall at least for a moment that the real
Spectrum is in need of our support, and how we
behave in the future and will depend on his fate!

somehow, unbeliever/x7m, in borndead # 0F said - "do not have 
this Neglect of soap "- then he is very correctly observed that 
the soap - is just a soulless piece of bytes, but now ... Now a 
new time, a new worldview, which has touched and unbeliever'a 
... although, now it's not about that ...

won the internet?

you know, I myself doubt it. After all, if he wins
- The concept of "Spectrum" no longer would. but you should not 
relax, since the urgency of the problem a chur great and 
dominance Internet - this is not the ghost than before ...

won the friendship?

unlikely, since the Spectrum could gradually withdraw at this
"Friendship" in the background, and this is unacceptable, since 
the effect of PCs on life cake, and so is large enough, but in 
this situation of affairs, and does turn into domination!

can only be naive to hope that at least someone will read this
article and realize that for us to be more important - the 
Internet, or Still beloved, dear, ever break down, but the 
Spectrum, and not a lot of some stuff.

[2 unbeliever/x7m) - Max, sorry. against you personally, I do 
not I have, I just do not agree with your opinion, in 
connection with which wrote this article. so do not take this 
slizhkom close to heart:)]

man, the choice for you - or the Spectrum or the HRC - the 
average is not was given a single living soul.

Other articles:

of us - a few words from the authors.

about the software - fresh warez: ZX Time 7, Body 35-36, Adventurer, 13 Opener, Hewly Font Editor, Target 10, ACedit 0.60, Moorhuhn, MSF 23.

RC Rulez - a few vague ideas about the Real Commander.

Deja vu - a word in defense of the famous magazine of Barnaul.

PC vs Speccy - Clash of the Titans? (Monsters trying to break us ...)

Spectrum everything and nothing - Future Speccy.

Lotus - transparent thoughts about your favorite Spectrum.

Gods - an interview with a famous musician Krasnodar nq (nik-o).

Our music - "on our stage had very few true 'artists' musical creativity. "

Nostalgie - the past, where are you?

Rat romp - a full analysis of feces - the magazine "Scream 2".

Internet - "can be divided into two halves spektrumistov - those associated with the networks and those that these networks had never seen."

Jokes - rasslabuha.

End - an epilogue.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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