Generation Z #01
01 апреля 2002

Lotus - transparent thoughts about your favorite Spectrum.

<b>Lotus</b> - transparent thoughts about your favorite Spectrum.
 - -
| Lotus |
 - - - - · O8.o4.o2 |

                                      luka ^ oca · --- - - -

   sigh, exhale, impuls.vzdoh heart, breath, heart impuls.i
sigh again, cost could be worse. artificial arrangements
breathing more work and spec breathes and even tries to get up 
and walk, but do not zamechet nobody except close other 

   and medical specialists divorce, his hands leaving the 
chamber. although speccy alive, and hope for its existence has 
never died and will not die!

   yes, do not die!

   not die?

   huh? not?

   talk, all talk: you do need to do everything to
specc lived. but in fact it exists, and nobody does anything. we
just put all the glasses that distort reality: every one
differently. a reality series and it manifests itself more and
more. and skazhdoy minute it comes out of our ranks of people,
who loved speccy and did everything for him, they could. 
although they are not that great, the best remain forever. worst

also remain, and trash all the bright, sparkling with ideas.

   shit a masterpiece and you will know, but it will not mean 
that people for you to draw. importantly, you will remember, 
and the rest is not important or not so important. Do not tell 
me that they say is an art. in this There is nothing from him, 
as this monkey envy and animal desire, in the worst 
manifestation of himself. 

   we! Who are we?

   scene, huh?

   huh? not?

   here it is - the word scene. for someone else it means a lot 
for someone it's annoying hearing the word, but for someone it 
is zero and nothing means. and it's worse than everything else 
put together. as these pasties are not even able to understand 
all that for what it's all to me, or us.

   they do not know, do not understand and do not want to 
understand. for what? 

   but we are not better than them. that what we do? we
we destroy ourselves. Reluctantly, we understand the reality 
that can pull hard on us so fast that we can not anything with 
it do. I say sechas that we drive themselves to a corner, which 
is becoming more acute and which would be difficult to hold out 
all of us. 

   we are the body that day from the day of more and faster 
decrepit. Although the body and regenerate, but very, very 




   party, as many good and different! the slogan is good. but?
Yes, there is always a but. and it is but it translates into 
what people are doing for just one party. for his or short, but 
for others zero? it turns out that a small amount of work, or 
work poor quality. and no communication with the people who 
live daleko.i the reasons can not come, because the work has 
been exhibited and go sort of like no reason. although this is 
probably all wrong, and this my brain quirks.

   we make software?

   we do!

   like we do!?

   so soft it is, we need it for sure. but who will do the 
software, if for it does not pay. Yes, the software produced. 
but the real reason is that the author makes software for the 
sake of fame on stage. By and large this is the whole point. 
Yes, we are interested in this. 

   but if we paid for the software, at least some money, then 
the software enough, and got the spirit of those who make the 
bend. and this in turn turn would be reflected in the positive 
wave on the stage and us. 

   thoughts, ideas, small bursts of consciousness after his 
sobriety. that this, no matter how senile. or it must be so, 
but for someone or something?! because want to be sober, to 
understand the essence, 

                                    though this haze no effect!

   in this murkiness voobsche nothing. it is empty, black and 
cold. it just burn all that is intended to be or exist in space 
and time. 

   everything on it I finish my written speech, and say goodbye.

   I hope at least someone touched or affected.

Other articles:

of us - a few words from the authors.

about the software - fresh warez: ZX Time 7, Body 35-36, Adventurer, 13 Opener, Hewly Font Editor, Target 10, ACedit 0.60, Moorhuhn, MSF 23.

RC Rulez - a few vague ideas about the Real Commander.

Deja vu - a word in defense of the famous magazine of Barnaul.

PC vs Speccy - Clash of the Titans? (Monsters trying to break us ...)

Spectrum everything and nothing - Future Speccy.

Lotus - transparent thoughts about your favorite Spectrum.

Gods - an interview with a famous musician Krasnodar nq (nik-o).

Our music - "on our stage had very few true 'artists' musical creativity. "

Nostalgie - the past, where are you?

Rat romp - a full analysis of feces - the magazine "Scream 2".

Internet - "can be divided into two halves spektrumistov - those associated with the networks and those that these networks had never seen."

Jokes - rasslabuha.

End - an epilogue.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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