ZX Pilot #32
29 мая 1999

Swapping - From letters to parcels, or how to become a real swaper'om.

<b>Swapping</b> - From letters to parcels, or how to become a real swaper'om.
               S W A P I N G


        From letters to parcels, or

      how to become a real swaper'om.

   This little article is for those who wish to do swap'om or 
in Russian exchange programs via email.

   Let's first understand, why all
this is for you. For example, I started swap'om only because of 
what he wanted to find friends in other Spektrumistov cities 
(as well as fresh - soft'a fuck ;-) Because other way to get to 
know I'm not seen :-( And I got it!

   ... By the way, now just need to
introduce a new term for those people who
simply overwritten or rewritten, and
produce some exchange programs.
So swaper - is someone who deals only with exchange programs in 
the mail. Let's call the people who correspond and exchange 
programs - correspondent'ami If you do not agree with it or you 
have a more attractive offer - contact us

in a newspaper ...

   I hope you decide for yourself, for what
do you need a swap: to acquire new
friends, to exchange programs, or for their
buying and selling. Of course, maybe all
together or in different combinations :-)

   Go ahead. So where do I start? And it all begins with having 
to find the addresses to which you write your first letter. Few 
will help you with this. 

   Addresses can be found in popular magazines and newspapers, 
but, though not in all. So such as ZX-Format'e or Spectrum

Expert'e young swap'er not find for himself
:-( But nothing interesting is the required
Information in Deja Vu, or Adventurer'e. A
in general, of course, you need to climb to the very
fresh electronic publications and find the
the address and advertisements that interest you.

   There is one more option. Can be very
put an ad in one or more magazines. But in this case is not 
known how long it will until the magazine will be published and 
well spread. 

   Long ago I gave a similar announcement
in Spectrofon. And, as it is not strange, had
to the latest release. The most interesting is the fact that 
the letters on the Speak I get so far!

   Well, you have chosen as their address or even
a few, but what to do next? A
continue to write the letter. Yes, yes, writing. Why? Hmmm ... 
Of course, you can just send a couple of floppies, but in this

If your answer is not guaranteed. And now
why - unfortunately, there are still such
despicable people who give their ads
of correspondence, absolutely do not want to answer.
What is it, known only to them, they may have liked your discs, 
they can you felt lamer and unworthy to be in correspondence 
with them ... One word - you decide. And these people we know

almost in the face, and most interestingly,
They have not gone away and continue to sit
for Speccy: -7 order not to disgrace them, we will not poke 
your finger into them, and they themselves not a bad thing 
learned ... 

   And by the way, what a floppy disk to send, too
you decide. Of course, I would not advise
send zero floppy. Why? Main
- Information to be kept, and then himself
more will come ;-)

   Well, they sent you a letter (only
For God's sake, do not find room in his letter
two lines, which then formed an impression about you man?) and, 
after some time (an average of two weeks or longer)

received a welcome response.

   Of course, the answer is the answer strife. Someone
immediately send you a disc with soft'om. And someone
just send a letter to the willingness to further correspondence.

   What do you do next? First, determine what is your new friend
or that he asked you to write. If
anything that is not found, then the first
time you can safely write to him those programs that you find 
yourself in novem. 

   All o.k. Discs you've recorded (by the way, their
number you define yourself: from one
things and to pack :-) reply letter
dashed off, what next?

   Incidentally, the letters should stay
separately. First: you like to read
letters? That is, other people also love :-)
And therefore, do not skimp on the words and the gel paste ;-) 
Second: if you have a gnarled hand and on the discs are not 
full-disk bend, it is possible to fill a letter in which a text 
editor (ZX-Word, ZX-IBM-Editor, etc.). If the disk is clogged 
and you do not want to spend under this business another, you 
can write on paper or printed.

   Where were we? And, you already
everything is ready. Here again the choice, as
send your message. Go tell
that send regular mail, even in
large envelope, you should not. The fact is
that if such a letter gets lost, then all you will not find :-( 
So whether it ordered. Well, if you are already Zatar these 
very large envelope (size A5), we can send it all as a 
registered letter, not forgetting to put cardboard for the 
preservation drive. In the event that you drive four or more, 
it is more convenient send a registered mail (which,

By the way, is also necessary to protect the cardboard). And in 
the first and the second case you will be given a receipt, 
which confirms registered item.

   Well, we can assume that the first step
to establish contacts with the outside world
you have done. What to do next, you decide.
And yet, at parting, I will give you a couple more

   Of course, if you want to get a new one
(As well as any other) soft, then
need new and send it. Well, if your
a friend collector, and writes all
Streak whether New Super Tetris 300 in 1
or STAG 3. Anything yet, if this one myself
ordered you to catalog these prog, but otherwise ...

   Do yourself a catalog. Of course, quite
not necessarily to take over the Alasm 4.1 and
kodit start, just use
one of the many universal programs for
create their own catalogs disks. I
For example, I use the prog Super Catalog
v1.22, and what you wish for.

   Money. Surely you have at least
times, but send money. And if you do not want to give almost 
10%, then you can safely put dibs in registered mail (available 
in letter, but this is risky). 

   And once again about the money and patience. You
should be reserved and that and another. First
because it is only 2.5 at the beginning of the ruble
for you will seem a trifle. But then,
God forbid, when you have to send
a week to ten parcels ... But then, of course, everything 
depends on your "intensity" of finding friends ;-) And second, 
because people are different: one response immediately and you 
will receive a reply after a couple of weeks, the second can 
answer in a month, and even more ...

   We would like to say about 3.5 "
disks, receiving in recent times
more common among Spektrumistov. When you send a 5.25 "disks, 
then happens, you can do without the protective cardboard, but 
when you make even a few 3.5 " drives them to be protected 
because may be damaged plastic envelopes themselves (and who 
ever saw the iron? ;-) 

   And now I bring to your attention a small table, which shows 
prices different types of mail. About CIS can say that prices 
will be several times :-(

     Kovrov site postal services
 reported rates for sending written
correspondence forwarded to Russia.
 Rates effective from 2.1.1999, the

                         Population Hozras
                         of, and even,

                         op nye-cal

                         ganiza organs
                         tion tion

Sending postcard:
- A simple 0-90 1-15
- Custom-made and additional 1-20 1-50

Sending letters and parcels:
- A simple letter weighing 1-20 1-50
20 g
- Custom-made and additional 1-80 2-45
- A valuable letter to the 20 g 3-00 3-80
- Simple wrapper to 2-10 2-45
20 g
- Custom-made and additional 2-40 3-00

For each subsequent 0-15 0-20
complete or incomplete 20 g
a simple, custom and
short-paid letters and parcels

For each subsequent 0-24 0-24
complete or incomplete 20 g
valuable letter

When sending a simple letter population
on the envelope must be pasted stamps
1 rub. 20 kopecks., On post card,
postcard - 0-90 cop. (Excluding the cost of envelopes and 

     For more information on fees can be

  available at the central post and an

    offices of the city and district.

   Here is a shew was placed in our
the city's main newspaper. It is worth noting
that all the above applies to any
city ​​of the Russian Federation, as well as the prices remain 
the same throughout Russia. You can learn at their e-mail 

   I was thinking and came to the conclusion that
We not only do people write letters and send parcels, but also 
get a phone call, and particularly rich visit each other's 
homes! ;-) And so is not bad if you know how much will cost you 
minutes of talking to some settlement. I brought the table 
below, where everything is clear and accessible described. 

   Of course, you can call for free ...
If you want to know how urgently looking for a file
free'em!. Z

   By the way, prices for long distance flights
will be published the following article ;-))

area office. days of the slave. days of the slave. days of the 
slave. days 

     weeks weeks weeks weeks

     from 8.00 to 9.00 from 20.00 to 23.00

     to 9.00 to 17.00 and 23.00 to 8.00

     17.00 resurrection
     20.00 senie,

     Saturday celebration
     20.00 boundary

     24.00 days

 1. 1-50 2-99 1-20 0-75

 2. 2-99 5-99 2-39 1-50

 3. 3-74 7-49 2-99 1-87

 4. 4-49 8-98 3-59 2-25

 5. 5-99 11-97 4-79 2-29

 6. 7-49 14-96 5-99 3-74

   Note. When talking to long distance payphone price of one 
minute should be take the first column.

   How and when sending messages, the cost of
conversations with the CIS will be more expensive :-(

 Zone 1 to 100 kilometers

 Zone 2 from 101 to 600 kilometers

 Zone 3 from 601 to 1200 kilometers

 Zone 4 from 1201 to 3000 km

 zone 5 from 3001 to 5000 kilometers

 Zone 6 from 5001 to 7000 kilometers

   If you vaguely imagine the distance in kilometers, for 
example, I announce that, from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod around 
560 km. 

   I would also like to say that all this
article written swaper with the experience - for nearly two 
hundred receipts postings (Not counting the large number of 
ordinary letters that I sent ;-) 

   That's all. If you have any
Questions, additions or corrections, write and
call will be very glad to any of your responses on this topic.

   If it is not laziness, and particularly requested,
then the next time I'll write an article about
under the title "How to find a similar Spektrumistov in his 
hometown." Article would affect the same problemma that

This is only a local character.

   p.s. Here wrote all this, but here again
talking about another price increase
communication services :-(

                 With best regards and wishes

                       successful swaping'a,


Other articles:

Contents - the contents of rooms.

News - News Spectrum affairs in Kovrov, and not only ...

CC 9 9 9 I - Information on demoparti Chaos Constructions 999.

CC 9 9 9 II - Information on demoparti Chaos Constructions 999.

Our Guest - Max of Compu-Studio Ltd

Comics - Ivan.

Amiga - vrechatleniya Mitchell / HardWave Crew from the Amiga.

Swapping - From letters to parcels, or how to become a real swaper'om.

Birthday - congratulate Birthdays those of our readers who born in March, April and May.

about different - about the conflicts of neophytes and advanced users, the bad English in the games, buy KAY!

about different - "For a party going friends?".

about different - Sergius Puzzler and disassembly of the Predator Delirium Tremens.

DIY - - Do-user himself.

Advertising - rekalama and announcements of carpets and more.

Credits - the authors of the paper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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