DonNews #01
10 января 1999 |
Nove - On updates: ZX-Format # 8, Faultless # 8, Adventurer # 7, Mirror, Oberon # 5, Deja Vu # 4, ZX-Club # 7, Depth # 2, Monstrland, Operation RR Art Work, E.S.E. v1.2, Consul Commander v1.6, TVTest, MSP v1.4, UltraSonic v1.00
NOVE (C) Dimon Here I will describe the program, who have recently arrived in our city. Let's start with the magazines. ZX Format # 8 XL Design Incorporated Standard Shell, articles and even music in every nomere.Ne argue that his shell has become an informal standard for zhurnalov.No this one-sidedness begins already nadoedat.Kak I think the potential magazine articles gradually istoschaetsya.Iz I noted an article on how to connect IDE hard drive to the Spectrum (the scheme is enclosed) and all the pozhaluy.Na surprisingly good app, but it's true for me a bit old. Faultless Magazine # 8 Reflection and Etc groups It turns out that the magazine continues vyhodit.K Unfortunately the articles leaves much to be desired, to steal music. Shell well, just very genuine, more like a shell gazety.Prezhnie rates were much interesnee.Edinstvennoe that saves the log-so it's just great application. Adventurer # 7 Cuber Punks Unity Poistene becomes one of the most interesting zhurnalov.Otlichnoe content of the articles, and shell on urovne.I all thanks to a very flexible system of cooperation polzovatelyami.Zhurnal with two floppy disks. Very good prilozhenie.Odin of the few magazines that are fun to read. Oberon 5 Speed That came out a long-awaited 5th nomer.Tak turned out that the magazine is on the 2 disketah.Tochnee on the 2nd floppy is Hidden part and one statya.Mne Journal very cool ponravilsya.Ochen prilozhenie.Tak that all advise to get it. DE JA VU # 4 Playgear Company Probably the most frequently vyhodimy today zhurnal.Obolochka unchanged 1 nomera.Smotritsya basically Journal neploho.No and I have nothing good to say nemogu.Udruchaet and the fact that more than half articles or any relationship to Spectrum not imeyut.Prilozhenie mostly taken from FIDO and Interneta, so for me it is not considered to be new. ZX Club # 7 Dimentia Corporation In principle, a good magazine, but mostly it affects the interests of users Barnaul and its application is nothing new okresnostey.V virtually none. ZX Element # 2 ZX Legion The only magazine in Belarus, although newspapers, there are more 20.Obolochka same As in the ZX Formate.A article here differ radically for the better storonu.Zhurnal 2 diskety.Prilozhenie very very best, especially programmy.Ochen system is recommended for viewing. Voyager # 0 Dio-Gen Presentation of the new zhurnala.Smotritsya pretty good, the only thing that spoils entire magazine, so it is buggy rasskraska teksta.Edinstvenny journal in which describes the system CP / M.A both left very good impression. Sinclair Expert # 2 X-Trade Journal-solid rulez.Stati just fun to read, and it is not unimportant for zhurnala.Vse articles written just for highest urovne.Osobenno want to mention article on the buffering spektruma.A intrapo I think I'm so cool any more where there is no videl.Samy steep in my opinion magazine. I advise everyone to buy, you will not regret. Depth # 2 Crystal Dream Another cool zhurnal.Intra above all pohval.Da and content is not inferior other zhurnalam.Koroche buy and enjoy. Well, sort of magazines in today. Newspaper I will not describe them, and so very much and they are practically nothing more than from each other not think otlichayutsya.Hotya later in the newspapers devote a special issue of Spectrum separate gazety.Pereydem now for the games. Mirror Art Work 2544 Sector Finally, did you got a cool igra.Esli Remember Star Heritage, then this game you immediately uznaete.Velikolepnaya graphics and predystoriya.Stoit note that this is the only game of this genre, released after the game Star Heritage is one of the best games of the zhanra.Koroche the game is to be commended. Monstrland Rage Creative group 2544 Sector Cool game though looks like an interesting Tehnodrom.Ochen syuzhet.Hotya I not a fan of these games, but this game to me very ponravilas.Koroche recommended all. Operation RR Galaxy 2544 Sector Again, Dizzy such a game of two urovney.Sdelana also very kachestvenno.Vse movement is very realistic, since all fit into one preryvanie.Tak that buy and play. Wordlife Computers Rats group 249 Sector Another version of the game Color Lines.Pravda this has not bylo.Vam need to collect from letters slova.Slovarny reserve program surprisingly enough vysok.Tak that you can play with great gusto. Fast Breed Masters Home Computer group 254 Sector The next logical igra.Grafika in the game Though konverchennaya, but looks very krasivo.Vsego 10 urovney.Vam need to open the same predmety.Igra deserves attention. Mines Vitamin 74 Sector Next miner.Prichem not very good kachestva.Bolshe I have something to say about this game can not. Diamond Dr.Laser 128 Sector Regular text adventyura.Igra certainly not look as though an amateur, so I do not play such nravyatsya.Stoit notice that there is a description used words, and the opening story. Huh, finished with the games. From dem, after Funtora and Doxycona like nothing more came of it. Oh, and lastly move on to new system software. Excess De Lux Paint v1.10 Excess New image editor with a bunch of new graphics capabilities for spektruma.K Unfortunately, some possibilities have not yet available, but the remaining can be judged coolness of this software. One has only to say about such a possibility, as Megascreen.S using it can do multivyuvernye kartinki.V general compared to the Art Studio is already much kruche.A that will be fully versii.Nu oh well, wait and see. Art Work Bytex That's another new image editor, though again, the possibilities here are not available vse.Da and the opportunities that there is not as steep as in the previous redaktore.Nu okay, let's see what will be in future versions. Excess Sample editor v1.2 Excess The new version of the famous editor semplov.Vozmozhnostey increased two times. So, now you can do on a normal Spectrum instrument.Na Today day of the most feature-rich editor of the samples. Consul Commander v3.00 PHF The new version of Commander, but I'm in it have not figured out, but it seems as Commander should be just a bunch of krutoy.Soderzhit overleev.Vneshny form he did not very attractive, but the opportunities that he has, will compensate for the disadvantage. Real commander v1.6 Real Software The new version of the kommandera.Odin top commanders today. Perhaps more than in Convere, plus that is recommended for Ramdisk.Vsem use. TVTest MIX The program displays the number of tables that you can use to customize TV or monitor.Bolshe or anything about this program, I can not say. Ultrasonic v1.00 Omega Hakers group Music editor at Channel 4 under Covox Soundrive.Chastota and mixing in the full version from 7 to 11 khz, depending on the number of functional vozmozhnostey.V turbo mode increases the frequency of play in the half raza.Funktsionalnye features editor shows on the upstream risunke.Podderzhivaetsya additional memory to 256kb.V full version also includes compilers music and music from some converters all other music redaktorov.Iz existing editors, to my mind, UltraSonic most feature-rich in their vozmozhnostyam.Koroche full rulez.Demoversii under Covox and Soundrive are in the annex of the newspaper. Maxsoft Screen Packer v1.4 Speed CO The new version of the packer ekranov.Pravda pack a little slow, but so very much There is one good pakovschik.Pravda glyukposle unpacking the screen, he litter 6kb memory. Pro Sound Creator v1.06 E-mage The new version of the music redaktora.Tak I enjoy just as digital music, then any significant changes I'm not so zametil.A editor, as editor.
Other articles:
Foreword - A new newspaper. |
Local News - A story about team of the city. |
Over the hill - On what was happening outside the city. News of the Spectrum from Europe. |
Nove - On updates: ZX-Format # 8, Faultless # 8, Adventurer # 7, Mirror, Oberon # 5, Deja Vu # 4, ZX-Club # 7, Depth # 2, Monstrland, Operation RR Art Work, E.S.E. v1.2, Consul Commander v1.6, TVTest, MSP v1.4, UltraSonic v1.00 |
Iron - The scheme for a music processor. |
Advertising - Advertising and announcements. |
Afterword - How is this number. |
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