Revival #04
20 октября 1997

Mail - DOOM on the Spectrum: The world or reality.

<b>Mail</b> - DOOM on the Spectrum: The world or reality.

                                            SEM / CODERS 

                                       Correction: Hacker Olav

                                                  Sergey Novikov

            ∙ D00M on the Spectrum: Myth or Reality? ∙

   Today I will try to clarify this issue. Thus,
poprobyem remember what DOOM and what it eats. Any
man, once seated at a computer, srazy answer: it is
krytaya three-dimensional shooter with monsters and kychey 
oryzhiya. In Basically, it's true, but we must not forget that 
this is THREE-DIMENSIONAL igryshka.

   Poprobyem figure out whether it is possible to realize 
trehmernyyu grafiky in Specchia. The answer is simple: of 
course you can, but what is bydet schedule? Quite simply, this 
is implemented as a vector filled, but we nyzhna 
tekstyrirovanaya schedule. Poetomy must zadymatsya: Is it 
possible to implement ety grafiky and how? The answer again is 
simple. Necessary to implement the method Trace lycha. At first 
glance, what tyt complex: take lych, lead him on the map to da 
track kyda it gets. But the reality is much more difficult. In 
pure form, the method of tracing apply does not make sense. The 
thing is that it is very slow the calculations, and, 
respectively, and speed program. But it can significantly 
yprostit, vykinyv third measurement (vysoty), and completing 20 
kilobytes of memory table. Then our method will quickly build a 
wall maze, but with one limitation - it is necessary to abandon

stairs, doors, windows, slopes, arches, and everything else that
distinguishes DOOM on WOLF. Thus, we do not even polychim WOLF,
as y us bydet doors.

   Something like this and realize its project team Digital 
Reality (DR), and problemy doors, they decided very original.

   But back to the topic. To construct maps of the game we
need a lot of memory. You reasonably ask: why? And then,
to do karty multilayer. Each layer is responsible for bydet
a few pixels high, so we can
specify objects of different sizes and at different heights. 
Poprobyem Now calculate how much memory nyzhno a karty (based on

128 KB).

   By primery, the game screen bydet 64 at 128 pixels
hence we can confine ourselves to a maximum of 6-th layers of 
the card. One page of upper memory - one layer cards, two more 
pages allot for storing tables, but for simplicity you can use

and four pages to store the layers, even under this condition, 
we be able to do anything and miserable, but the similarity 
DOOM'a. You can bydet do stypenki, vedyschie the ceiling. With 
the rise of such stypenkam can get to the second floor. But the 
transition process can be implemented as DR did door.

   With this organization has finally arrived maps can be 
realized yezzhayuschie up doors. Such a map will provide us 
with 128x128x4 gaming cage. You can move bydet precisely on 
these cells. When you exit such a card would have to be 
podgryzit sledyyuschuyu (as done at IBM). Although it is bydet 
brake, but his own, spekovsky! ;) For such a card in DOOM'e 
necessary as minimym 4 megabytes of memory, and it finally 
arrived it will be possible thanks to the emergence new version 
of the Spectrum-compatible computer - SPRINTER'97! 

   Now let's see what did DR. And they did not doom and
Woolf, but with monsters and oryzhiem of the Duma. But even 
then, they did kryto finally arrived, he tried, and almost 
polychilos ... :) 

   But do not despair bydem, let's consider what has finally 
arrived have. And we have:

 ∙ 3 video modes

 ∙ Turbo save / load

 ∙ Rapid engine

 ∙ Bolshyyu karty

   When using the color mode lychshe push into the meter
half of the monitor, then from IBM'ovskogo DOOM'a not
difference! Engine can be done faster, and they (DR) is
promise! A map just kryteyshaya, though not enough monsters and
So why are some quick ymirayut. :) Despite a marked contrast to 
the IBM'ovskogo DOOM'a, our home, spekovsky, takes longer.

You'll see, soon IBM'schiki are played to move to Speccy, so
enough of a DOOM:)

   Once in post, I found a letter on temy monsters. Someone
said that they are played transparent. We will understand and, 
to this problem. Under transparency, he understood that through 
them you can bydet pass. If we trassiryem karty when drawing 
walls, do not perceive monsters as pregrady and lych're on, but

When looking for a place to sledyyuschego step, the monster is 
seen as a wall, and through it you can not take place. Hence 
the problem Transparency is really a problem and is not!

   But progress does not stand still, and that it is impossible 
today, will actually tomorrow! So who knows, maybe in the full 
version DOOM'a bydet else that nibyd new.

   Well, sort of, and everything that I wanted to say. On this, 
let you say goodbye. (Poydy wait a full DOOM:)

                         SEM from Coders' Academy Creative Group

Other articles:

Entry - The authors and the content of rooms.

News - stinging report from Enlight'97 and unofficial results, preliminary infa about the new party Funtop'98.

News - Inforcom - current status. What is the "ZX-REVIEW N3, 4": A detailed description of the facilities.

News - "Digital Reality What's new?"

News - Mini interview with Slava Mednonogovym: Black Raven cause blizitksya to an end.

News - A new OS for the ZX Spectrum: a mini interview with Pavel Fedin.

System - Conversion software PC -> ZX (TZX, SNA, TAP, Z80, Hobeta).

Expertise - An expert study games ENTERPRISE.

Review - An overview of new programs: Dragonia, Dinamite Dux, Guella War, Ring Wars, Spike Harold, Stryker in the Crypt of Trogan, 1999.

Mail - DOOM on the Spectrum: The world or reality.

Encyclopaedia - Ispanosoftografiya (softografiya all Spanish firms Spectrum).

Encyclopaedia - The Evolution of the Spectrum in Russia.

Enkitslopediya - kryakologiya Codebusters (a complete list of crack).

Interview - Interview with Yuri Matveev / STEP (creator of Star magazine and Heritage spectrophone).

Armageddon - The arithmetic of the underworld (from the newspaper Moskovsky Komsomolets).

Edition - the authors of numbers and addresses of the publisher.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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