Micro #27
24 февраля 2000

Variety hypnosis - Tutorial: Hypnosis on Stage (Part Two).

<b>Variety hypnosis</b> - Tutorial: Hypnosis on Stage (Part Two).
              VM Kandyba

             STAGE Hypnosis

  Continued. Beginning in room 26.

And now a little more about the psychophysiological mechanisms 
gipnogennogo contact ie contact, generating a hypnotic state.

The language of the right brain, on which
goes mainly effect when you hover
emotional hypnosis, are the images
(Views) and emotion.

As a specialist in a pop hypnosis
must learn psychotechnique emotional hypnosis, the first thing 
you should learn to do - is to be able to form as a themselves 
and have a hypnotic as possible bright instilled in pictures 
and images, and sincerely and most powerful emotions, so many 
who have tried to master the techniques of ancient magic, were 
unable to do it because I do not know the secret power to 
impose the image, and it is the strongest emotion. And although 
many researchers knew that telepathic transmission of images to 
life spontaneously observed only at critical moments,

for example, at the time of death, murder, fire,
etc., but none of those who do not know
Russian Vedas, I could not think of yourself to the necessary 
psycho and necessary conditions for the transfer of power and 
imposing image. Very close to unlocking the secrets of the 
great explorers were in the XX century, when the first serious 
encounter with this man, who could only demonstrate this kind 
of human ability - with Ninel Kulagina Sergeyevna. But neither 
the researcher did not understand although clearly saw that all 
phenomena were performed at the time of non-human emotional 
stress, when the pulse reaches 250 beats per minute, like a 
weight lifter at the time of setting the world record. 

Thus, for mastering the technique of force or
emotional hypnosis must first master the art of forming images, 
and emotions. Let's start with images or ideas.

Submission - these are images of people, objects, events, 
sounds, movements, etc., arise in the mind when the people 
themselves, objects, effects, sounds, movements and others not 
directly act on the bodies feelings.

Representation is called the secondary images stored in memory. 
The primary images are the sensations and perceptions. 

Compared with the sensations and perceptions
submission of pale, fragile, fragmented, TS fragmentary. This 
is true, if we consider the representation out of touch with 
the activities and their significance for humans. In one study, 
for example, a student of Grade 9 questioned imagine and 
verbally describe the portrait of his homeroom teacher. He 
said: "The low growth.'s Face elongated. ... No blue eyes, 
blue-gray. Blond hair smooth. Big mouth. Speaks loudly. "After 
a pause, added:" I vaguely remember, but certainly I can not 
say, I try to remember, but lips somehow escape - something 
like I see them then they spread out. "

However, the image representations can be
stable, and vibrant, and cohesive. This
depends, firstly, the value of representation in the structure 
of concrete actions and human activity, and secondly, from the 
problem that confronts protagonist. Very clearly set out in 
sports psychology. At the competition all the outstanding 
gymnasts in front of each kind of all-round do all the 
combination of "mind", ie, in the view. The image of the 
specific movements of elements, their bundles are always 
bright, distinct, stable, coherent. 

By C. Ushinsky - the great Russian teacher - wrote: "A clear 
presentation of the motion in all its details is the same

distinct execution. "The provision
justifiably may be extended to other kinds of representations: 
visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, palpable.

Representations - sensual images of reality, but they are 
permeated thinking processes. The study shows that in view of 
the flip in gymnastics - masters of sports was 60.9% sensitive

components and 63,6% rechemyslitelnyh. This
means that the image of the representation, as
Images perceptions are meaningful.

Presentation - the generalized images of objects and phenomena 
of reality. Usually the same thing or similar to it

subjects perceived many times. In
compiled and more impressed the most conspicuous in size, 
shape, color and other features elements of a subject or 
subjects, as well as properties that are most important for the 
implementation action with the subject. Generalization is 
limited commonality in the representations of some external 
signs of belonging to particular group, whether subjects 
appliances, furniture, variety of inventory, etc. 

Since the representations are characterized and
sensuality and sensibility, they are the intermediate link in 
the transition from sensation to thought.

Diverse representation. They are differentiated on grounds of 
origin and the degree of generalization in which certain groups 
of objects or phenomena. 

On grounds of origin identify the following types of 
representations: visual, auditory, motor, tactile, olfactory, 
gustatory, etc. The collection of these types of ideas forms 
the basis sense of man's knowledge of reality and of himself, 
which is very important for guidance in a variety of life, 
business and other situations, to regulate their own actions, 
behavior, and also the behavior and actions of others.

By the degree of generalized image emit
submission of individual and general. Single
representation - an image of any particular object, phenomenon, 
human. Single view helps to know the external differences of 
the human subject from all others, relating to the same group.

General idea - it's a generalized image
subject to certain groups on the outside
similar grounds. General presentation
to distinguish one group of subjects
on the other, even related to a similar category. Therefore, 
if, for example, a person in sporting goods stores will ask: "Do

you sell the balls? "- he will answer the question:" What? "

There are also various types of professional performances. 
Such, for example, topographic representation. They mental 
movements are the chosen route, repeating "myself" real way. 
Topographical representations are important in the work of 
geologists, scouts, guides to the mountains, orienteering, etc.

Any representation - visual, auditory, olfactory, tactile, etc. 
- has a certain content. Them is

endless variety of features available
objects and phenomena, which were reflected
in the images of sensations and perceptions. Has a definite 
content and presentation of motions, especially in the power 
hypnosis when there is a need to impose a hypnotic

ideomotor image motion, such as
Olesya has done in the novel A. Kuprin.

Submission of motions - these are images of and movements in 
space and time own body and its parts

or positions and movements of other people. So
characterized by the presentation of motions in
the most general terms. More specifically, the representation 
of movement - is primarily an image type of motor actions: 
locomotor, jump, attack, etc. The ability to "shape" of the 
motion - the basis of the power of hypnosis. 

In the image appear, and other features related to the nature 
of movement: straight or curved, uniform, accelerated, 
rotational, etc. 

The image also contains spatial
(Direction, amplitude), time (speed, duration, simultaneity, 
sequence) and power (voltage, relaxation) signs of movement.

All of this - a very important substantive characteristics of 
movements and motor actions, as the regulation of motor 
activity of man and is managing his own proper motion and 
actions in the parameters space time and intensity of effort, 
according to their consistency. Ideomotor merger with hypnotics 
allows you to force the imposition of movement. 

Representations of motion have one feature not found in other 
kinds of views. It briefly, but eloquently described by Pavlov: 
"It has long been observed and scientifically proven that if 
you think about a certain move ... you could not help it, not 
noticing produce." 

This kind of reactions that arise when
representation, ie, the idea of ​​movement, called the 
ideomotor reactions or acts. They are invisible to the eye, 
they can not even feel myself representing the motion 
hypnotist, but they are objectively recorded subtle 
electrophysiological devices. 

In presenting the movements do not occur
ideomotor only (ie, muscle-movement, but ideovegetativnye 
reaction: increased heart rate, respiration, etc. They are 
similar to those that occur in real traffic. They, too, are 
minimal in intensity, but also recorded objectively. 

The mechanism of ideomotor and ideovegetativnyh
reactions - the conditioned reflex. However, the excitement 
arises here is central, ie is, directly into the brain cells of 
the motor analyzer. This means that the transfer of ideomotor 
movement occurs automatically and unconsciously

for both - and a hypnotist and hypnotic.
The main secret power of hypnosis - is the ability to "play" of 
imagination and images in themselves.

A Programming ideomotor function of images and ideas expressed 
in the fact that representation for a person serves as an 
ideal, ie, arising consciousness, the image of the real action

which he must master, or the result which it must achieve.

We must bear in mind that the process of forming ideas of both 
the Programme of Action and hypnotic behavior difficult and 
requires long training and developed imagination in itself a 
hypnotist. When trained myself to this art, the required

from me to literally transform
in addition, anyone want to act.

Thus, the main component of the program representation. It 
incorporated all that is necessary for the implementation of, 
say, some particular action. Next come the links

control (self-) evaluation (self-) implementation of the 
action, if necessary, and its correction. 

Monitoring and evaluation are made by comparing the real 
execution of hypnotics in the submission-program based on 
feedback information. Its yield, mainly , the musculo-motor 
experience and perception. They receive a positive evaluation, 
and the action continues, or assessment of corrective, then 
they are making necessary amendments in the course of execution

action, if possible. In the regulatory functions of the 
representation of important role ideomotor response. They are 
aimed at correcting errors and to improve technology performance

action. But all this only after its completion. The first 
scientific experiment to simulate techniques targeting power of 
motion in animals and humans performed Durov and B. Bekhterev, 
so would advise to read the book Vladimir Bechterew "Hypnosis. 
Suggestion. Telepathy." 

Shaped the practice of ideomotor effects on animals and man, I 
bring to example of an authoritative narrative of the scientist 
- W. Bechterew:

"The transfer of thoughts at a distance from human
to the man known as telepathy, taking
beginning of the spiritualists, who, after clarifying the issue 
of so-called mind-reading by means of touch, open the first time

Brown began to demonstrate the possibility of transmission of 
thought in the absence of contact between two individuals. From 
the perspective of the spiritualists, the case goes to the 
special forces, or "Spirit" through which people can

engage in intercourse over distance, and
moreover, directly, ie without the participation of
perceive their bodies, the mental world of another person, even 
with the spirits dead people.

For the men of science hypothesis in this form are not
may be considered acceptable for before
of either the existence of special forces, nor the existence of 
spirits of dead people was not proved, and most experiments 
were not reported convincing.

In terms of pure knowledge, the hypothesis
may be acceptable evidence of the day find out only that part 
which deals with the direct or so-called "mental" effects at a 
distance of one person to another or even with hand man in 
relation to another living creature.

But in this form, this hypothesis is no longer
be a spiritualistic and substance, and regarding its origin, 
because it certainly existed in the minds of people outside 
connection with the teachings of spiritualists and, 
incidentally, was a picture found in some of the literary works.

According to the teachings of spiritualists special ability
perceive and communicate ideas through
distance have though mainly for its exceptional qualities of 
the people called mediums. They can occur in a particular 
mental state known as trance, in which they are often 
referenced above capacity. But this "force" is not the 
exclusive membership of mediums. She dormant in other people, 
for mediums in able to bring this capability to

other people and act on that ability reinforcing manner.

In these judgments we may be interested,
however, the mediums with their supernatural phenomena during 
trance, and the hypothesis itself the direct transfer of 
thought from one person to another person or any living 
creature. Intriguing scientist world with its assurances and 
using unscientific methods to prove their statements, 
spiritualists stirred one way or another interest from the 
scientific world to the issue of direct transmission of 
thoughts. We see that a number of scientists, including

mathematicians, physicists, physiologists, psychologists, 
neurologists and psychiatrists, among which we call Zellner, 
Crookes, Fere, Grasset, C. Richet, P. Janet, Forel, Moplya, 
Vogt, Flyurnua, Butlerova Wagner Sr., and several others, 
became so way in the number of people who wanted to find out

the aforesaid issue from a scientific point of view.

Baseline and at the same time, the central point of these 
studies were experiments with guessing conceived objects or, 
more precisely, their location or the performance one or the 
other planned actions, For example: Take a tone of a musical 
instrument, do one or the other movement, etc. It turned out 
that is guessing, if can be done, then this ability is commonly 
found in a particular state of man, which is usually called a 
hypnotic, For the so-called trans spiritualists must

be understood as a state of hypnosis,
or gipnoidnoe.

What's the matter?

There is reason to believe that in an ordinary, ie, in the 
waking, state continuously showing people the process of active 
concentration, which is excited under the influence of other 
external impressions, so that correlative Human activities are 
in constant tension, and it largely prevents the direct effects 
one person to another. 

For all that such a direct impact, apparently, is not excluded 
from person in the waking state, but is seen only in 
exceptional cases, as examples show the impact of first 
impressions, or instances the so-called clairvoyant in some

persons of a nervous temperament, but it still requires special 
studies. Particularly useful to produce a comprehensive and 
systematic research in this area over those of the nervous 
people who are themselves over notice is the ability of 

Such studies have already produced,
eg., etc., we have - Dr. Hovrin,
Beetle, etc., but these studies have not yet
brought back to a completely convincing results.

Facts, which currently has
Science, show that guessing thoughts
or clairvoyance, is based on extremely
increased susceptibility of individuals,
that somehow recognize conceived by others. In this sense, 
increased susceptibility, which is proved to the hypnotic 
state, explained to us why guessing thoughts usually occurs in

hypnosis, even though incomplete, and
if it is a matter of professional diviner thought, then noticed 
that they introduced themselves spontaneously into a state 
which You can call polugipnoticheskim, or even

the state avtogipnoza, what we have
in the form of a trance mediums.

If the people in the waking state is particularly susceptible 
and which can easily get rid of the active concentration in 
relation to external impressions, as we have seen, for example. 
patients, it is easy suggestible in the waking state, can 
sometimes guessing thoughts, then this case, the method of 
guessing is reduced as if to vosprinimaniyu elusive other motor 
impulses produced involuntarily inductor with a voltage 
focusing on a specific subject, as allowed by many authors. 
These nezamechaemymi motor impulses between the incidentally, 
also explains the known experiments with wallpapers - and 

The available earlier in the circle of my observation
cases, as I mention in the book "Hypnosis,
suggestion and psychotherapy, "they say in favor of
the same explanation. Yet this question can not be considered a 
final clarification, and do not exclude the possibility of such 
cases of direct transmission of nervous or brain power from one 
person another.

But if the experience of the so-called mental
suggestions people have so far not led to
a positive decision at
least to the extent that, in favor of the latter mode of 
transmission were given for open-minded people is quite 
conclusive evidence, and besides the existing literature on the 
subject, full of variety of information, despite their apparent 
importance, does not allow to carry out proper checks then asks 
whether this problem is solvable by means of experiment on 

Ability to use in this regard
animals seems to me all the more feasible, as is well known, 
they are easily hypnotic, and I myself have had to hypnotize 
easily lizards, pigs and chickens in a lecture to the students. 
As you know, even the wild animals mere glance can be stubborn

to such an extent ukroschaemy that they are dropping
eyes, with lowered tail away from the person.

Besides the animals, for example. Dogs may
be easily priuchaemy through training to
unquestioning obedience, and this condition is very favorable 
for the production of such experiments. 

Finally, it is a question in this case, the hypothesis that 
came to an explanation of the facts established in experiments 
on krallevskimi horses himself, Dr. Kotik such experiments is 
not producing and testing them did not participate,

and yet this fact is of considerable importance in the 
evaluation of the experiments themselves. 

That is why in relation to the justification of the hypothesis 
of Dr. Kitty, which he detailed develops in the preface to the 
book "Thinking animals, there is quite natural

skepticism. Nevertheless, this hypothesis
have to be taken entirely without reference to any other facts 
and deal with it in terms of greater or less justification for 
explanations of mysterious phenomena, detectable in experiments 
with krallevskimi horses. And yet, as we know, in relation to 
krallevskim horses, more precisely, the explanation makes them 
complex mathematical calculations, including the extraction of 
cubic and the square roots of large numbers and 
self-expression, demonstrating logical thinking animals, were 
created various hypotheses. Of these, the principal,

if you tilt the skeptical views toward himself facts 
established by the studies are as follows:

1) availability of real ability,
once and admits he Krall, with whom
not without reservations agrees Claparede;

2) the hypothesis of involuntary signs, which
adheres Pfungst;

3) telepathic hypothesis of mental
suggestion, which develops, Dr. Kotik.

However Claparede, watching himself experiments with
krallevskimi horses, meant that
last hypothesis, and yet opposes it, as against the theory
involuntary signs, especially
because we do not know whether there is a general telepathy. 
And then, Claparede'a statement, even admitting the transfer of 
thoughts, one would still find out that it is passed - the 
numbers or words. The latter implies in fact a cash

a horse that is reason for removal
by resorting to the hypothesis of telepathy.
Or do we assume that transmitted only orders to stop 
otstukivanie foot. But how the horse understands this order?

Dr. Katik took note of this objection, but disputes the 
argument is mainly relative obscurity of telepathy, while the 
available observations, in his opinion, they say, at most, a 
contentious unproven or transmission of thoughts

distance, and in turn accuses Claparede'a for "a huge leap into 
the unknown, giving preference to one hypothesis, which 
contradicts the theory of species evolution and gives the 
horses ability to perform complex mental operations and 
explained by signs in human language. "

It should be noted, however, that both authors do not
recognized by each of them a hypothesis
for the final and, obviously, have expressed
it as only a possibility, no
more. So, in conclusion, the proposed hypothesis of telepathic 
Dr. Kotik said: "I do not know whether our interpretation of 
satisfied readers, but when we have to choose between two 
hypotheses, one of which tries to explain all the facts of the 
transfer of psychomotor energy, the existence of which the 
transmission distance proved In many cases, while another 
hypothesis gives horses an almost human intelligence and 
ability to think logically, it has a strangeness of the second 
hypothesis, overturning all our ideas and contrary to our whole 
experience and all our Scientific observations of the animals 
should force us to give preference first

hypothesis, on the side of a large and
simplicity, and I think most validity. But anyway, I'm far from
In order to consider the matter in this sense
explanation; the contrary, I reiterate
all made my first considerations
do not allow in principle to deny the possibility of reason and 
independent thinking animals, and I'll be ready to fully to 
join the author's view, if the facts compel me to do it. " 

Another author is not less certain, having finished its case on 
the hypothesis states: "But why continue this argument, and

the already protracted, it is clear that all
what we know about the psychology of animals, can not allow cash
This mental activity in horses Crull, but at the same time, 
nothing speaks strongly against such a possibility. "And 
further:" I willingly admit that this case, the strength of 
evidence does not match the strangeness of the facts. This 
evidence is still, unfortunately, based only on subjective 
assessment of the observer "(ibid., pp. 225). 

From my point of view, neither the one nor the other hypothesis 
is not applicable to krallevskim horses because they can not 
explain all the facts, but and for other reasons can not be

considered sufficiently justified. There is no need of the 
human mind in horses or mental suggestion, produced a lower,

rather than the higher consciousness or subconscious.
Enough of the way they are. Samouprazhnenie is the method that 
we use for other purposes in our laboratory, in the form of 
training of motor associative reflexes in dogs. Difference only 
in the fact that in our experiments raise legs of a dog called 
electric irritation, stimulating normal

defensive reflex.

In krallevskih horses it is a matter of raising
feet, but the movement of the character of the same
thing. This is a movement in our experiments with
dog is associated with one or another external stimulus, and in 
experiments on krallevskimi horses - with the alphabet, with 
numbers and certain forms of digital relationships. With enough 
exercise, and produced more accurately - is brought up, 
associative reflex to the letters, numbers, and digital 
relationships, whether these latter are expressed in the form 
of arithmetic addition, in the form of roots

or exponentiation. It is not in action, and in one form or 
another sign, with which to associate a certain action after 
sufficient exercise. 

From the standpoint of Reflexologic case
is the development of associative motor reflex to these signs, 
and more. C subjectivist point of view, there can

be it only the good development of motor memory in horses, 
which she is indeed a beautiful and

other everyday observations. Between
Incidentally, the article provides S1ararede'a
indication de Madau, consisting in the fact that
horse, who committed in one coal mine
30 rounds, after the 30 th round (but never
earlier) do leave work and heading to the stables. By Madau, 
there was no account in the literal sense, but came

unconscious by, or say the words
reflexology, the horses brought up a certain associative motor 
reflex, there was, if anything, a certain propulsion system. If 
we take into note that the legs in the life of a horse, you can

say all, because they provide her
the wild salvation by escaping from
enemies and at the same time are the main
body assault by hammering hoof, then we can not wonder that the 
upbringing of associative motor reflexes, or propulsion system, 
the horse must be developed to perfection, and probably even 
better than humans. 

The fact that a person exceeds a horse
their intelligence, rather than within the motor reflexes, 
because intelligence involves the ability to operate the 
numbers for receipt of certain mathematical conclusions, and 
not by even the score, which achieved in the end, or at

least, can be achieved mechanically
schooling. Standing on this point, we do not
will become a dead end to observations on krallevskimi horses, 
but we will not reassess the most facts. Say simple: in the 
experiments Krall on horses, so smote outside observers, there 
is no reason, no telepathy, and that's the whole point.

(Do not forget that samoschislenie,
ie, assimilation and perfect use
method of reckoning, in itself, is not talking about ability or 
intelligence, are known for excellent performance counters, for 
example. Inaudi, Fleury and others, who, however. Nothing 
themselves have not shown as mathematicians, whereas Poincaré, 
the famous mathematician as he says, is not able to

simple addition without an error.)

But we have strayed far from the main theme
our report. If we're talking about krallevskih horses, with the 
sole purpose of highlight this issue in terms of its 
relationship to mental suggestion, as well as the whole line of 
reasoning leads us to the conclusion that in this case we have 
nothing relating to mental suggestion, then

thereby we have exhausted our sightseeing
krallevskie stables.

In any event, the question of an immediate, wordless, or 
so-called mentally, to animals deserves special attention, and 
I have long sought an opportunity to explore this question by 
clarifying the respective experiments. The case for this I 
introduced a few years ago, shortly before the Great War, and 
here for what reason. 

Quite by chance, after years of perfect indifferentism for 
circus representations, I visited the circus "Modern" at

Petrograd side. It turned out that along with other views in 
the evening showed the audience his trained Animal Durov. They 
demonstrated small animal pig breeds, which

under the gaze of AD and buried by his own counsels began to 
chew on and continued to chew on as long as he inspired.

Next was presented a large dog of
St. Bernard breed, which is believed to 9.
A dog named Lord was very quiet and solid under his liking. 
Furnishing demonstration consisted of the following: Durov 
offers anyone in the audience to write any terms, in order to 
figure of no more than 9, because, in his statement that his 
Lord is not able to properly consider over 9. Two or three 
terms are written someone on paper or slate,

shows that Durova, who at the same time
is the dog back. After that, the dog
by the inspiration of Durova immediately starts barking
celebrate a sum of terms. The experiments were conducted many 
times and always had complete success: the dog uniformly, 
accurately and loudly otlaivala sum of terms. There was no 
doubt that dog within the job carried out its

the role perfectly.

Other articles:

Advertising - Free Advertising and announcements.

Prohodilka - passing Die Feuerfaust 3-4.

Variety hypnosis - Tutorial: Hypnosis on Stage (Part Two).

AD & D - DM'a Thoughts on the development of AD & D.

AD & D - description of all the standard collection of magical items and spells AD & D.

AD & D - a variety of monsters for your campaign, "Dragons Dungeon."

AD & D - descriptions of monsters AD & D (Part 4).

Chronicle of Arda - Black Chronicle of Arda.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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