Micro #24
04 января 2000

Gray - Gray Human-Spy (Thief, Part One).

<b>Gray</b> - Gray Human-Spy (Thief, Part One).
         Gray Human-Spy (Thief)

Player: Kuznya DM: Max World: SwordsLand


  The street was dirty. However, what
still be a street in the Capital? Slop, but because of th #
night vases, just dirt ... Civilization ...
No, of course I love Civilization, so that
there is love - just love it! But when manage to climb up your 
favorite boots in a pile shit on the street ... Night even more 
fun - can spill right on the head ... And we have to endure ... 
from the conspiracy. 

  Venue. Companions, I already knew and
looking through their eyes. Original Company:
Black paladin with Vasily
his sidekick Petka - Draconids (winged lizards) in chain mail 
with a balalaika, and Espadonom (as he calls his Mechische with

width of the blade in the foot!) and squire Bard Kolchak. To 
them what I should "join in on the Central Square" and they 
must "provide all possible assistance in the purification of 
the forest brigand of Thieves" ("Clear the forest of green 

  VI was in place, others were not. Hello. I looked at his 
dejected soiled boots, that did not benefit much in

shit of a nobleman or his last slave, but there was nothing to 
wipe out: grass nearby nebylo (and with what it be

on the cobbled square?). Oh well. Dry - itself no longer! No 
paper, in the end it all wiped off. Maybe down the road find

pool cleaner - wash. Or so outside of town ...

  - Vasily Ivanovich, and where the rest ...
um ... people?

  Here they are, dear. Drunk in x # ny.
Nothing Ave. Bard is aware that drunk GUITARS (and weapons with 
him for some reason can not see ...) and begins on the street 
to express their remorse. Petka, barely moving his his 
drakonidskim language soothes drinking companion and gives him 
his balalaika. Both arranged on a cart, and after a while, with 
the tailgate hear snoring dimensional two drunken creatures, 
covering the sound of hoofs and wheels. They did not interfere

shaking on the uneven pavement. We are on the road.
Petya curled up and turned around
tail. (I wonder what and how much it took for him to go into 
such a state? "How much and in general as alcohol acts on 
Draconids?) Kolchak in a dream presses the balalaika to the 
chest, not letting it knock on the cart. Vasily Ivanovich 
vigilantly looks into the distance (watching the road or

forward approach of communism? ;). Obviously learn more about 
the robbers may be the nearest of their forest village, about 
two days' journey south of the capital. There is what we aim to 
heavy fighting Vasily Ivanovich horse-drawn cart in the banal. 
Oh, do not forget to wash Boots ...


  Horizon flees from us by the Chief
Highway to the south, but he could not tear myself away
possible, as you can not, and we catch up with him.
Fleeing, he flung back the power of the dust cloud, which is 
approaching, turns into a group of riders. (Well, nonsense!) 
I'm from caution pull out the bow, giving the reins to Paladin, 
place an arrow. At the tailgate snoring, but they now had more 
harm than good - some people have a common reaction to 
Draconids? However, my bow, too alerted travelers (well, I 
forgot to remove it, as soon as they saw it caravan). They 
brought it Paladin. Polite and courteous. They responded to him 
accordingly. I inquired about the goods. Shit! well, and 
prices! Well, I certainly understand - hide lizards, but not on 
the same 100gp per sqm. meter! .. SKINS lizards - their 
happiness, that Petka asleep! .. (And it, too ...). VI 
suggested that liquid to clean the glass rear window form 
(which is on his helmet). What liquid!? We have on hand 31gp! 
They tell us more oh, how handy! And in life, and the extraction

information ... Behind, .. more flooded, ..
at the fair ... What $@#&^* God created komivoyazherov?


  Night crept silently over ...("...
manure steam rose ,..." - "Pinocchio"
prim.sostavitelya) Steppe range ...
From the fire from the grass no sense, then
fire will not. 4 dagger into the ground at the corners of the 
square around the wagon. Them the ropes. On the ropes bells. 
Vasily Ivanovich shook his squire, he apologized for the long 
drinking party, and promised to reform. Helped remove the Full 
Plate. Dogovorlis on the order of duty: Kolchak, VI, Petya, and 
if you do not oversleep at the time, then I am. C one side of 
the village of course Dangle to me, but who hears the best? 
Although that can happen in the center of the Empire at night

steppe 4-armed (and how to account
Bard?) peasants, having a soul 31gp
(Unless you take a Full Plate'a
4-10kgp). Stowed beneath the cart. Armor
not available - it does not interfere with me, and broke.


  The neighing of a horse. Whispers of the satellites. Noise 
with the side opposite the road (ie

east). "E-e-e-ah-ah-ah!" Creek covers the bells on the ropes. 
Even slightly surrounded. 4 +4 +1 +1. 10 Ork.

  First, clean the rear. Somersault. Throw
dagger. Opp. Throw ... STOP! - Petya
already finished it off. Ork to survive after such a
shock!? Do not tell my slippers! 9. Kolchak
trying to wield a balalaika - no good. V.I.zabralsya on a horse 
with two swords (short arm). Around him the crowd. A horse 
that, if pressure be? E-me! He also without Plate'a!

  Orcs flee to the cart. Choose the nearest.
Daggers. At the bow there is no time. Throw. Past.
Throw. Past. Shit! Petya jumps on
cart and razrubyvaet one. 8. Orcs on
cart beat Petya - poorly. A crowd of Orcs
stabs horse. He falls on his side. Ivanovich time to cut 
dvuruchem 2 orc jump off the horse. Well done! But the horse 
Ugra bastards. 6. Kolchak rolls under cart. That's right, not a 
balalaika same beat. 

  VI begins to treat the horse superimposition
hands. Beat him two orc. He's no armor at all! Throw. Opp. 
Throw. Opp. One end! 5. Petya espadonom waving, but to no 
avail. The orcs are trying to get it. One lucky ... Spooky 
punch punch helmet. $#^^@$#! At this time, a miracle (a fact 
not a miracle because a miracle is a violation of causation) 
animated horse jumps up and hits the hoofs of the neighboring 
orc. 4. 

  Petka still alive and may even move.
He is very reloaded over the edge of the wagon. Snatching 
daggers from his belt (especially fencing), and cast the cart to

one of the orcs. 2 hit, but he was alive.
Petya puts forward Mechische so yes,
that breaks the cart, at the tip naparyvaetsya one of the orcs 
in pursuit of him. Fatal. What more do you expect? 3. In this 
Kolchak time pops out of the cart and balalaika beats one of 
the orcs. Balalaika no more. Orca, I think, too. 2. VI

one. Dvuruch stuck in the ground. Onions are already stretched. 
Shot. Opp. 

  There are 2 wounded orc, still rushing into the half-dead 
Petka and butt not noticing me. I am behind their backs. Petya 
weak beats paw. By ... 2 Orc ... 2 dagger ... 2 Orc ... Orc is 
preparing to strike Petya ... 2 dagger ... Beau ... Orc falls 
... Ready ... Go on! .. An orc ... Beat ... IS!

  Vasily Ivanovich discharges the onions ... Kolchak
Petka pulls on them holed
cart. Espadon removed from the wagon and give Petka. He hisses 
at me about the dagger orke ... Even now, trying to help! 

  And this-is-balalaika was
stronger her - alive. I am well connected to it.
Searched. I am ashamed to say: 3cp. His inferior Short was 
lying on the ground. Kolchak has already picked it up and put 
in a bunch of 9 and other of the same. Near a lot of 9 Orochi 

  Vasily Ivanovich Kolchak sang something
sad and went to sleep. I like the most alive
left guard until the morning. SwordsLand'ovskaya quiet night 
... In the morning he remembered the boots, but all had long 
dried up and fallen off ... 


  Sunrise in the desert. In the east begins
lighter, and then redden the sky ... I do not
able to describe it in words. This must be
SEE. How long have I not seen this!
This-is-balalaika starts ochuhivatsya, tossing and turning, 
injures cart. Crippled cart preprotivneyshim way creaks. The 
charm of dawn was gone. Maybe it's for the best. 

  "The peculiarity of the moment ... to the second stage," ie, 
to be questioned. This-is-balalaika, opens one eye, but 
noticing that I was going to him again closes - faking it. 
Spook me Prisoner undesirable. "Hey, wake up ...".

  Prisoner opened his eyes and the hour-the same:

  - I want to guzzle! - Brazen and quarrelsome.

  - You could be fed, but food from
We are not a lot, and if you still will have to
penalty, it will perevodnyak. So -
still be tolerated.

  (Horse oklimalas, but restores more strength you need. We 
were going to rest day (and maybe more). In addition

we have not yet reached a fork. Horseradish
know - how many more to go.)

  - Stupid people! - Took their money, grub can not buy! And 
anyway, lots of food is - the port! - Indicates the corpses. 

  - You eat a fellow?

  - And eat them, and many who eat ... Humans'y but tasty ...

(Irregular shape, right "Human'y"
or "Humans", but most likely the orcs and
say "Humans'y", "Jeans'y", "Bucks'y.
Ca. originator).

  (He is, in general, human - which corpses rot?!
But how would react to it my friends? Not
I will make that decision himself?)

  - It is important that you understand - your fate is in
now depends on whether (and perhaps
only on), how honest and straight
you will answer my questions. You promise
answer honestly?

  (For the successful control of the truly intelligent beings 
is necessary and sufficient skillful application of 2 things - 
"Whiplash" and "Carrot". Or execute - a dagger in the heart,

or return it to the property and leave
group - perhaps useful. Issue in the country - clearly 
zamochat, I think - brutally, as usually happens when the Court 
Lynch. Release - allow / force to rob further until not catch / 
kill ... Considering that he is one very soon).

  - Yeah. - (Not clear - it is still "yes"? Well
yes it does not matter - I warned him).

  - Let's start with the easiest ... What have you
was at the time of the attack?

  - Well .. Uh ... Short'ushnik.

  - How was the money? - He did notice
that he had no money ("... took their money,
grub can not buy !.."). probably felt like I was searching him.

  - Oh ma-a-lo ...

  - How much?

  - Very little ...- seems he is not
TRUE reasonable, and it seems only reasonable (as
Or maybe I do not know how to apply the "stick" and "Spice")?

  - How much is it? - Is beginning to get tired.

  - Well, three pennies I had.

  - Well ... How did you get here?

  - Oh come across to me that the goblin that
said: "The white people of the Empire ZHI-AND-IRNYYA,
Besouro-U-UZHNYYA ...", moistened us specifically, few of us 
left, and want to eat ... I WANT to eat-at-Y!

  - How you been?

  - A lot .. We had a lot! Well, never mind ..
Priydut more ... And release me! And you zamochat!

  - But before the attack on us?

  - Ten ...

  - How much did you have money? - (Suspicious that Kolchak 
could not find a copper coin, the at least say that I only 
found the swords!) 

  - I WANT to eat! Monsters! Grub nearby - A

    Screams still wake Petya. For
night he had recovered slightly and was able to slowly
move. For some reason he got out of the cart
and headed toward us.

  - Draconid! You are EVIL you kill me! -
just noticed ... but where were your eyes in
a fight? - Or forget?

  - If I was angry, then you have not already
it was live! - Petya begins.

  Start arguing / swearing. What the fuck
I spoil the interrogation! - Distract / scare -

  - Excuse me please, Petka, but nothing
I here some people try to interrogate? If
like you can talk to him about how much
fit, but if it is possible later. - Petya
"Puffed up" and stopped.

  - How much did you have money and who was the leader? - 

  - ... I! I took all the money! I am the master! Kill me not! I
must be taken to the Raider's Forest! There for
I was well paid!

  - Why are there because of you paid? Who do you

  - And for you to relatives do not pay? - Poor members of your 

  - Petya intervenes again - And who is behind
I will pay?

  - For you! Yes, for you to pay any circus! - I do not stand 
up and begin to laugh Well it POTIPU Yes, it is precisely 

  - Petya grinds sharp teeth - I schA
forget it, sho is not evil!

  - Petya, I'm sorry, but the mud, he said
the truth!

  - Orc - red meat, like red meat,
never tried it! - Is suitable Vasily Ivanovich.

  - Grey! I would ask ... - Is at the expense of
CIRCUS. And what am I? " I'm not offended when
say that the orcs especially appreciate the taste
quality of human flesh! What offended

  - ZHRA-ah-ah-ah-ah-A-AT!

  - Gray, why did you not feed him?

  - Normal food is short. He does not mind eating orchatiny I 
vobschem "for", but I I do not know how to this ... will treat 


  Associates strongly Scriven. Paladin
offered his own feed Orc
ration with a spoon (for security reasons), and Petya 
sacrificed "their" diet (which we will not share with him, or 
what? Or is he going to divide the group on their own and 
others'. I thought that it belongs to the group ...). I

argued that no real danger
This bound can not be an orc
even if unleash his hands - so that
let him eat by himself. But it's better still was
would give him orchatiny ...

  Ork ate and grumpily demanded supplements.
I again offered to give him orchatiny. Both
sent. Both politely. I was a little more

  Then came Kolchak and became refined mock orc, he replied, 
multi-story mate - Bard. 

  Questioning, apparently over. I
I do not believe that heathens that he KRUTOI
Leaders, but to expose the lie can not.

  I'm trying to start a conversation about his future:

  - Theoretically, we could let you go, but you will attack 
people ... 

  - Give me my money and ZHRACHKU - and I
there is no need to attack others. ...
Zhrachku even can not give - and so it
full - indicates the corpses.

  Far away on the road there a cloud of dust -
likely to riders.

  - This is me! Ha-ha! .. - (Mean Orcs
on horseback! .. meaning for him? .. - Dude, you
I was brought up!)

  Cold look in his eyes, firmly: -
You are responsible for your words?

  Eyes darted ... - Hide ... Les ...
Redemption ...

  - You lied! - You still have time
admit exactly where ...

  - I lied a little ... - .... I forgot where exactly ...

  Tie all that in case of battle
do not disturb. But I will not hide. Kolchak helped
VI wear Full Plate. The riders are approaching, but there's 
still time. 

  - Kolchak, I heard that you can work Short'om - offering him 
one of the trophy.

  - Thank you - (for what? Swords that are not mine, but
general!) - ... I drank my old ... By the way, I found the orcs 
coppers (7cp), take? 

  Take the pennies - and then put to the cashier. (Why did not 
you used to say, dear? "Yes, and ork, it turns out provralsya 
... Time does not exist deal now.)

  Take out my bow, put an arrow, but, taught by
unpleasant experiences with merchants, put it on
edge of the cart - why annoy people surpass the size (and 
much)? Petka and Vasily Ivanovich on the road. At Arms. 


  Stopped ... Next man in the left
Shell asked who we are and what a pile of corpses.

  - We are travelers who are heading towards the village.

  - With You Draconid?

  - I think you've heard about the odd couple
- A black and Paladin Draconid. Anyway
case, to my knowledge, they have already
are a living legend. - Said leaving
because of the carts myself. Petya had already put his
Espadon a proof of their good intentions.

  - As for the dead - the night we were
attacked by orcs.

  - About a hundred orcs attacked the village -
explains Warrior - fortunately we had time - they just broke 
the fence. Detachment defeated. Small group managed to escape. 
She then, perhaps, and attacked you. By the way, I see

you have a captive orc?

  - Yes, he is likely to last.

  Warrior ordered and a few men began to bury the corpses.
  - IDIOTS! Why spoil food! - Yelled

  - I would like to take your prisoner to
obtain information from him through
QUALIFIED questioning. Do not worry, torture is not - will 
Detect Lie. 

  - And on what basis should we think
that gives it the right hands? asked Vasily Ivanovich.

  Warrior said that is the chief
Northern (Metropolitan) Garrison and show your relevant 
document. In the paper I not looked, but believe the Soldier - 
a very seems to be true. Bandits hardly dared to walk because 
of the empire, ordinary citizens and nothing to do with some 
kind of orc (Unless, of course, it can not be lynched). 
Companions liked the idea to give Orca, but I objected in the 
first place after the interrogation, he is likely to be 
executed, and secondly I was hoping shake out of it something 
else. I even asked where to direct the Warrior, in the hope

that we will be on the way and I can attend the interview. 
Thought he all still somehow connected with the Raider

forest. But I remained in the minority.

  The warrior asked our goals for
what we said they were not sure of the right
disclose them. I asked him what he can
tell Raider forest.

  Mentally, going back, I think
that he had acted entirely properly. Well connected
it is our goal with the forest. Yes, he will return to
Capital, and if he wants, he knows everything!
Where and why send the Black Paladin
with Draconids known throughout the guild of warriors!
As far as I know, the order read out in
common room with large crowds.
So what is it in x # ny secret!

  Well of course I could still recall, at the
though that, asshole-orc buzz me this
woods all the brains (and that does not true)
but it is in my opinion sounded unconvincing to (caution) or 
lightly (Tendency to otshuchivaniyu). Yes, what kind of

conspiracy generally can speak with such conspicuous Group.

  But it's all hindsight. Then I acted instinctively. Garrison 
commander in good mood (got someone else

prisoner). He should know about the forest, and we
this info is even useful. Yes, and I have reason to nebylo 
great caution than usual. And in general, took the prisoner, so 
let at least some benefit bring!

  The results were impressive and frightening

  Through the woods, was a trade road (in
Dark Empire). In the forest, gathered person whose presence and 
gives the name of the Forest. They try to knock out already for 
20 years - with zero (Personality not found) or negative

(Search did not return) with success. (All except the second 
category of "success" has been known me so). Much more 
interesting: Forest FEW bands, which are divided

TERRITORY! rumor has it that the robbers
have a roof (top) (not clear - among
Or death among the Gods). Results knocked me out of the rut. 
And the forest should WE clean.

  Orc - Prisoner of personal belongings must follow him, we do 
not make decisions flaw of his. And the decision on his fate

We did not take. I said that this prisoner owned Short and 3cp. 
Warrior said that we can keep it. I This confused and I asked 
him to officially attest to the fact that property. He said 
that the property is unlikely orku to be necessary, but if I 
insist he will donate it to the temple, although the risk of 
being expelled from the aforementioned institutions for

mockery. Then he was approached by Paladin
and something he said quietly. The warrior shrugged and
I took "ownership". This is how
they're going to make him talk
the truth or just talk, if not
use of torture and now belong to
him like a dead body? I do not see a carrot I see only the 
"stick" which can not be avoided. I, too, "QUALIFIED 
INTERROGATION! And the orc to the same remarkably nesgovorchiv 
... I wanted to learn his fate, and I called him on his behalf. 
"My name is Eleanor the Great" - was the answer. NachGarn 
goodbye to us and thanked for their assistance and displays of 
civil courage. Riders set off in the direction of Capital. 
"Eleanor Great" lying across the Horses screamed 
"grub-ah-ah-ah!". Riders entrained into the distance ...


  Riders entrained into the distance, and with them our rope! 
"$$^@^$%#!- Rope! " "Yes, Gray would be better if you gave them 
one more sword ... "grimly said the VI"


  The riders have turned into a cloud of dust that have already 
picked up on the horizon and, shortly, has been absorbed by 
them ... 


  20. Several gangs. Perhaps they will come together with a 
universal threat ... On a mission detach the third (Kolchak - 
squire for VI - do not believe. And whether the order received

Petya?) Clearly weak servants. (This
only assumed that paladins are guided only by domestic law and 
not serve anyone! Paladin to manage a very

even easy. Declared to high-end,
score? order, and asked permission. But what
he Paladin if it denies!?

  The conclusion is terrible:

  Somewhere above rely on our destruction!


  Afternoon, we there seems to be going to rest.
Ate. I searched and found the spring. Replaced
water in a barrel. The brain was screaming Orca. 
"Grub-ah-ah-ah-ah!". I looked at the loosening of the earth 
over the grave. Hell, Orcs right! Why would a dead body? If 
orcs quite admit eating corpses associates, I do not nanoshu 
absolutely no insult to the memory of the dead (orcs) when eat 
their body! In a strange monastery with its charter, not walk. 
When dealing with the media another culture can be considered 
normal in relation to them what they think

normal with respect to each other, not
demand from them that they abide by your culture and do not be 
surprised when they come to you on the standards of their not

YOUR culture. This is called a COURTESY!

  Kolchak goes without armor, VI almost
turned down, because that took Full Plate,
Petka need nahvostnik with thorns, to me, in
After all, hunting is to make a high quality Leather Armor! 
Everything! Hide the following orphan oroch'ego corpse will be 
used and not given to sedenie worms! I I can not look at it, 
both because some idiotic prejudices squandered

helpful resources! (A dead body on a large
account a hell that would happen to him if
this is something not Raise Dead!).

  Read Next> text if interested.

Other articles:

Happy New Year - the first number in the coming year.

Interview - an interview with the main coder of one of the authors of the magazine Playboy: Vladimir Kramarenko.

Gray - Gray Human-Spy (Thief, Part One).

Gray - Gray Human-Spy (Thief, Part Two).

AD & D - descriptions of monsters AD & D (Part One).

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   29 April