Micro #19
28 мая 1999

Doomdarks - Revenge - the continuation of the description.

<b>Doomdarks</b> - Revenge - the continuation of the description.


The enemy's strategy

7.4 bits of each element in Table 13
describe the movement of the hero's number from 0 to
3 as follows:

0: Go to the lord of the hero (if the hero
dead, then go to his lord, etc. If
All seniors are dead, then go to the Luxor).

1: Go to the enemy hero (if the hero
dead, then go to his lord, etc. to
empty set)

2: Go to weapons or magical items
hero, if they are on the ground. In another case
move toward a fortress or town hero.

3: Go to the fortress and hero city, except
Charette is going to the city Glireonu (Glireon)

During the night, all the forces loyal to Prince Lunar move 
according to given rules, but the first number may change

as follows:

 - If the hero has a lady who moves with the code 0 or 1, the 
hero moves from Code 0

 - If a random number from 0 to 15 less
4, the code hero is changed to that number. If it is equal to 
4, the hero is not moving. 

The hero along the way picks up any object lying on the ground. 
He moves to the end of the night or until he gets tired (very)

or it does not find the enemy. In these cases it
stop. The hero is always trying to negotiate with the enemy, if 
only 2 of the hero in lokatsii.Esli dawn, and the hero

was an enemy and is located in the same location, the hero will 
leave with a probability of 50%. 

Location and character
------------------- Example: G Imgarorn (Imgarorn) Fortress / 
City Imgarorna Giant. Exceptions are listed below. 

A = Ice Lord (Icelord)
G = Giant (Giant)
P = Cave Dwarf (Dwarf)
B = Barbarian (Barbarian)
O = Doomed (Fey)
C = Special (Special)

All names of places are created algorithmically from
card. There is a fixed point in
upper left corner of the map and trace
regarding the situation from this point, are all unique names 
(table names will be shown below) for each zone

(Plains, forests, etc.), the Citadel or Fortress considered a 
zone and receives the name of such the same way. There is 128 
places and 124 owner. The first 5 places special, and their

owners are not heroes with the same name
a place name (for others). There are 5 special characters: 
Lunar Luxor Prince Morkin Free, Taritel Doomed, Rorthron Wise 
and Charette Pohititelnitsa serdets.Sharet own city Imirielem 
(Imiriel). The other four cities are independent. 

A complete table of Heroes:

 0 S Luxor 64 D Torormarg
 1 S Morkin 65 I Ushangrane
 2 S Tarithel 66 I Fangrorn
 3 S Rorthron 67 I Carangresh
 4 S Shareth 68 G Anvildrak
 5 G Imgarorn 69 I Anvarorn
 6 G Ingormad 70 D Hagudril
 7 I Malisane 71 G Ganigrorn
 8 I Anvireon 72 D Berangrorn
 9 I Talormane 73 G Fenorn
10 I Imildrorn 74 G Sildrorn
11 I Carorthad 75 D Carorthay
12 I Ushudrarg 76 B Glortharg
13 G Glormeon 77 B Thortheon
14 G Thormuk 78 D Glormane
15 I Imgaril 79 D Gloruk
16 G Obularg 80 D Gludreon
17 I Thigrim 81 D Thudrun
18 I Lorelorn 82 D Torelorn
19 I Kagangrorn 83 D Thatruk
20 I Malirarg 84 B Carormand
21 G Imatrorn 85 D Lorangrarg
22 G Asorthane 86 D Thelak
23 I Imasharg 87 D Imangruk
24 I Torangrorn 88 D Glidril
25 I Sortharg 89 B Thangrad
26 I Zarashand 90 D Imulorn
27 I Glororn 91 D Thigrak
28 I Malorthand 92 B Lorangrorn
29 G Varangrim 93 B Varatrarg
30 I Sigrorn 94 D Imelorn
31 I Hagudrak 95 D Ulfangrak
32 I Berudrarg 96 B Thorthak
33 I Imgudrur 97 F Thormand
34 I Talorthane 98 B Anvorthun
35 I Morangrim 99 F Imgormand
36 G Obortharg 100 F Carorthorn
37 G Glortheon 101 B Imgorad
38 I Ulfangruk 102 F Tororthane
39 I Malarorn 103 F Imorthorn
40 I Ganormarg 104 F Berormorn
41 G Berorthim 105 B Firak
42 I Firim 106 F Morildrane
43 I Glireon 107 F Thigrand
44 I Kahangriel 108 B Kahudrarg
45 I Kahudruk 109 F Lorangriel
46 I Lororthane 110 F Carorthane
47 I Malirane 111 F Thorthand
48 I Kahudrun 112 F Berormane
49 G Ulformane 113 F Ingormiel
50 D Hagildrorn 114 B Careneon
51 I Thildresh 115 B Varangrand
52 I Glormarg 116 F Imgorthand
53 I Carorand 117 F Lorangrim
54 G Carangrane 118 F Tharand
55 G Thangrorn 119 B Torinarg
56 I Malormun 120 F Imorthesh
57 I Varormane 121 B Anvortheon
58 G Imgenarg 122 F Obireon
59 G Thorarg 123 G Obigrorn
60 I Thirium 124 I Imgasharg
61 I Fenarg 125 I Thangrarg
62 D Imgorarg 126 B Kahudrak
63 H Torelak 127 F Carorthand

All names are arranged from north to south.
It can serve as a clue to the distribution of the races in 

          Format to save the game

All the addresses listed below desyatichnye.Sohranyaemye data 
starts at address 39,933 and have a length of 9219 bayt.Tuda 

- The index of a hero
- Count days 2
- 24 tables (128 bytes each), 3072
- Map (64 * 96) 6144


Address 39933 contains the number of character you used in this 
moment.Adresa 39934, 39935 contains the number of days with the 
time when Lunar Prince entered the Icemark ".

Map and several tables are located on. They are the reason that
after death need to download the recorded game to restart (no 
room for two copies of all data). Below you will find

All tablitsy.Oni all have a length of 128 bytes and
Indexes of places and characters in them are similar
top of the table.

Tablitsy0 / 1 (39936/40064): Coordinates of places

Table 0 contains the coordinates of X (map)
for 128 seats, and table 1 coordinate Y. They
not listed below, as having the card can be
easily find them.

Each location belongs to the hero with the same
name except:

0 Fortress Varenand> Lorangrim Doomed

1 City Carudrium> Karorvay cave gnome

2 Fortress Thigrorn> Lorangriel Doomed
                           LIMITED (109)
3 Fortress Finorn> Karangran Giant (54)
4 City Imiriel> Charette Pohititelnitsa

                         Hearts (4)

Table 2 / 3 (40192/40320): Coordinates before

Similar tables 0 and 1, only
subjects. Unlike table 0.1, these are not
fixed and random set in the early
game. Each object has its owner
and can be used only once. Anyone who owns the object, but is 
not its owner can not use it, but

gets a slight advantage. Subjects
can be used to attract
new characters (giving the object of his present
master you are doing the latter more supportive of the 
transition to your side). 

Items 5-128 are oruzhiem.Ih force
manifests itself in the battles and they belong to characters 
with the same nomerom.Eto spears (for Barbarians), bows (for 
the doomed), axes (For the cave gnomes), hammers (dly giants) 
and swords (for Ice Lords). All of them provide advantages in 

Items 0-4 are spetsialnymi.Nizhe
described their main forces:

0 Crown Varenanda: Used Luxor
to transfer all of its people in one location
with him.

1 crown Karudriuma: Used Morkinym
for transfer of Luxor and all its people
this location

2 Spell Vigrorna: Used Taritel and transfers of any in the city 

3 Rune Finorna: Use Rorthronom and
increase the strength of all forces of the Moon Prince.

4 Crown Imiriela: Used for Charette
Luxor and transfer all of its people in one
location with it.

Spell simply takes the hero using it (read Taritel) in a 
location where is Morkin (koneno she can get away from 
nego.Esli same Morkin remain trapped, then between them will 
begin battle). runes give holiday each hero, who is loyal to 
the Lunar Prince - like a weapon that uses a hero, but the 
latter acts only on most geroya.Geroy is "not

tired "and" not depressed. "

Crowns are not the main force Ubezhdeniya.Oni allow better 
negotiate with heroes. Keep in mind that the Runes and Spell 
also have their own power. 

Spell is not the main force of the rapidity
(More moves per day).

The runes are not the main force of Protection. Owner (not 
necessarily the owner) can not be killed in battle.

When an object is a hero, the number of the last recorded in 
Table 3 and Table 2 is the number 255.

Table 4 (40448): Number of enemies killed in last battle

Table 5 (40576): The number of people lost in the final battle

Table 6 (40704): Size of the Army

Table 7 (40832): Size of the home army
(In a city or fortress)

All these tables contain the number divided by 5. Ie 15 
indicates 75 people and 255 (max) - 1275 people.

Table 8 (40960): Type of soldiers (based on

               Table 13)

0-5: Moon Guard
6-7: Doomed
8-9: Barbara
10, 11, 14: Ice Guard
13: The Giants
15: Cave Dwarves

Other values ​​are not used

Table 9 (41088): The owner of each place

The initial owners were described somewhere
vyshe.Eta table contains the current owners.

Table 11.10 (41216/41344): Coordinates


X and Y, respectively. At the beginning of every hero in his 
hometown or Fortress.


Luxor: Gates Varenorna
Morkin: City Imiriel
Taritel: Forest Fangrim
Rorthron: Gates Varenorna
Charette: City Imgaril

Table 12 (41472): Mixed I
a) The five upper bits store information about
remaining daytime:

0: Overnight
1: Hour
2-9: Two hours
10-12: Three hours
13-16: Four hours
17-20: Five hours
21-24: Six hours
25-27: Seven hours
28-30: Eight hours
31: Dawn

You've probably already noticed that this table
not quite complete. In it the number one must understand how 
the number of remaining quarters hours before the night. When 
this information is displayed on the screen, then it is rounded 
in the direction of greater (ie if you have left 2.25 an hour, 
then displays the 3 hours). 

b) The bottom three bits contain information about
direction where the hero looks:

0: North 4: South
1: North East 5: South West
2: East 6: The West
3: Southeast 7: North-west

Table 13 (41600): Types of Heroes
This table is used mainly for
graphic characters:

 0: Luxor (in horses)
 1: Luxor (foot)
 2: Morkin (a horse)
 3: Morkin (foot)
 4: Rorthron (a horse)
 5: Rorthron (foot)
 6: Doomed (a horse)
 7: Doomed (foot)
 8: The Barbarian (on horseback)
 9: The Barbarian (foot)
10: Ice Lord (on horseback)
11: Ice Lord (on foot)
12: Taritel (always on a horse)
13: Giant (always on foot)
14: Charette (always on a horse)
15: Dwarf Cave (always on foot)

There are also codes that are not used in
this table, but I included them for completeness. So, here are 
independent codes.

16: Dragon
17: wolf
18: Troll
19: Skulkrin
20: Horse

Table 14 (41728): Mixed II
Bits 0-2: 0 = Faithful Luxor

                 1 = Charette

                 2 = doomed

                 3 = Barbara

                 4 = Giants

                 5 = Cave Dwarves

                 (6, 7, daemon)

Bit 3: Killed by an enemy in the final battle
Bit 4: Was the battle (bits 3 and 5 do not have
No matter if this bit is not included)
Bit 5: Win a final battle (1 -
Bit 6: Located in the tunnel
Bit 7: Used his subject (perhaps
only once)

          To be continued ...

Text translated Maxim Vishnevskiy.29.05.1999

Other articles:

Doomdarks - Revenge - the continuation of the description.

Internet - a brief introduction before the real work on the Internet.

ZX Word - description text editor ZX Word 2.5.

Humor from fido - Skateptyu dopozhka.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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В этот день...   2 May