Micro #14
13 февраля 1999

Litstranichka - Maximilian Voloshin: From the "Ways of Cain."

<b>Litstranichka</b> - Maximilian Voloshin: From the

           Maximilian Voloshin

         From the series "Ways of Cain"



Flesh of man - a scroll, on which
Marked all the dates being.

As milestones, leaving the road
Stragglers brothers
Birds, animals and fish,
By fire, he walked through the nature
Blood - the first sign of the world's rebellion
A sign of the second -
Inflated by the wind torch.

At first there was one ocean,
Dymivshiysya on the hot bed.
And in this hot lap ensued
Insoluble knot of life: the flesh,
Pierced by breathing and heartbeat.
Planet froze.
Life raged.
Our forefather, that of chilled water
Her fish skeleton dragged on the ground,
In himself took the whole of ancient ocean
With the breathing of the tides,
With the primary heat and salt water -
Live blood flowing in his veins.

Monstrous creature bred
In the shallows.
Exacting sculptor
Washed away from the face of the earth and re-created
Guises and forms.
Was visible among the world's herds.
Sliding from the poles, and the solid ice
Inconveniencing life kipevshuyu in the valleys.
Ogon then lit a fire
Notified about a person animal.

There are two lights: the manual fire shelter,
Fire lamps and offerings,
Blacksmith forges, furnaces and kilns,
Fire hearts - an invisible and dark,
Lighted in the depths of the underground lava.
And there's a fire burning and fires,
Steppe fires, camping grounds, lighthouses,
Fire licked witches and wizards,
Fire chiefs, alchemists, prophets,
Violent flames of insurgency,
Indomitable torch of Prometheus,
Lighted them from the thunderous boom.

Bonfire of the beast burned man
And alloys blood of the first family.
And the woman - blyustitelnitsa ash
From ancient female faces revealed

      Sisters and mothers,

      Vestal Virgin and the whore.
Since Agni rdyanoe nest

      Waviness in the ashes of the hearth -

      The cave became a temple

      Meal - a sacrament,

      Ohnište - altar
Home Appliances - prayers.

      And mankind


      And bred

      Before the eye of the redoubtable

      I sought God.
And in the hearth defended alloys
Of silver, gold, bronze:
Civil order, religion, family.

Goals fiery culture
Have passed since the first man
Built a roof over the nest of the Firebird,
And in the fiery tunes Rigveda
Pramanta - pestle in a wooden hole,
Spinning vein Teteven, became familiar willfulness -

And the man knew a fire,
Riveted to close the prison of the flesh.

January 25, 1923



The unknown in the shallows of the sea
Sinbad the wanderer picked up the bottle


       Solomon's seal
And, having opened it, suddenly fell into the power
It closed a fierce Jinnah.
Release and unbridled not difficult
Unknown dormant will:
Hard to get them to obey.

When people Unawakened
Still sucked out of sleep benefits of nature
And rosy dreams was covered
Daylight vision of the world, Plowman
Closing his eyes so as not to see
Perebegayushego field Faune,
A road was easier to meet
God than man,
And the shepherd
Listening to noise, distinguish
In the breath of wind someone's prophetic voice

      When the dismembered

      Then the consciousness of the power
He were in the original guises
And he went into the fight and in the treaties
Living wills, which fanned the
His focus, rotate the wheel
Tselili flesh, pointed out the water, then he knew how to 
prinevolit Currently serve undine and salamander

And within himself, trying to overcome
Their weaknesses and passions.


      But then,
When from dovremennyh dreams of his mind
He awoke to the mean day, blind
From sunlight and lost


      And he began as a child,
Feel and weigh the nature
When a disaster before it disintegrated
Weight and the number - he had forgotten
What's in obezbozhennoy nature alive
All the same forces that seize
And the will and passions of man.

Meanwhile, in the transfiguration of the world
They live.
And hungry kobolds
Alloy steel and protect the ore,
Wrath of the salamander glowing in the hot furnaces,
In the living ray dancing elves
Slide on wire
And the rush to the voiced currents
Possessed of deserts, yellow sand, hurricanes
Rejoice in the vortex of explosions
Slumbered in the mines
And shake the motor vehicles,
Ondine rivers and waterfalls Nix
Work in the turbines and boilers.

But people can not distinguish faces,
Once so familiar, and thoughts
Itself the sole ruler of the elements,
Without seeing what the markets and bazaars
For illusory speculation,
Between the spirits of the elements and man
Not quenched the same old argument,
That the person releasing the force
Perennial equilibria substance
Sam is in their hands a toy.

Therefore, for every new
Exposing the nature of waiting
Thousands of years of slavery and usurpations,
And life teaches us how blind puppies
And pokes his nose long and hard
In the bloody muck raspolzshuyusya,
Meanwhile hatred of the enemy to the enemy
Not be replaced by mutual respect,
Equal strength,
Once shifted to the foundations of man.
Stueni in each field of knowledge
Corresponds to the same degree of
The will of the substance
Must balance love.
And Magic:
Art subject
Spiritual will of the inert nature.

But people nerazumny.Potomu
These laws are written not in books,
A forged in dulah and blades,
The instruments of destruction and machines.

January 30, 1923



Sword created spravedivost.

Violence constrained
Otochenny for vengeance;
He, along with blood fed with the spirit

      Holy and righteous,

      Beheading them.
And she began to handle his ark
For their relics.
(Ephesus raised to his lips, a gesture hitherto military

And this sword was granted to cross -
Pillory, which was
Sacred symbol of love.

The fair were eclipsed
Words of prayer and the commandments of the debt:
"Mary - the Virgin of Mercy - thanks!"
"Do not bared me unnecessarily,
No scabbard without honor! "
"In te, o Domine, speravi!"
Exclaim medieval swords.
Sword sosvyaschenstvoval
Sword be named in the sacrament of baptism.
Their names are "Otkler" and "Dyurandal"

      Sparkle like a blow.

      And in the inventories of weapons
By other hand, the scribe added besides:

      "He - Faerie."

So from a mugger beaten track

      Sword made a knight

      And iron-bound
His face and his flesh, and spirit

      Conducted through the flame initiation
Chronicled in zryaschem heart sword
Burning in the right hand Seraphim:

      A symbol of earthly love,

      Punishing and avenging,
Cutting the world at the "Yes" and "No"
For evil and for good
"Si! Si!", "No! No!"
According to Sydow sword, "Tison"

When the world came to other forces
And once again transformed the person -
Sword not perish, but is split into the spirit:
Defender of Honor has become a sword
(Lancet for sore vanities)

      A sword -
Arbiter of sentences.

      But dishonored,

      He stayed for a crowd

And healer of disease;
And the executioners, having met, buried

      In the forests of Germany

      Tired swords

      Which cut off



      Penalty reformed

      Surgeon and philanthropist,

      And the sword has been replaced by

Introduced into the region of death, and since then

      He became the character,

      Teaching, doctrine
Saint-Just, Robespierre, the guillotine -
Antinomy of Kant's mind.


      On justice,

Scales and a sword! "You're not his only weapon thrown
On the bowl of the world: "Woe - defeated."
Do not believed in justice

To consciousness, which must be destroyed

      For the celebration of its

      First of all people?
Does not justice has always been
Multiplication table, which

      The corpse is multiplied by a corpse

      Murder murder

        And evil for evil?
Not the one who brought "not peace but a sword"
As we breathed fire, which
Yazvit and burns and will burn our spirits,

      Until each
Mysterious words will not suffer:
"Vengeance is me and I will repay the evil."

February 1, 1922



Civil rights wrote fist
Sword - the right of the state, Gunpowder
They are erased and established a military charter.

On the call, the call is not for him,
From the bottom of reort criminal monk

Showed its face and scattered
Armor Knights

      As rusty iron.

"Unfortunate, bring the sword into the kitchen,
A shoulder take arquebus:
Honor, strength, courage - are meaningless.

Last coward became equal
Hrabneyshemu of the knights. "

      - "Oh, how blessed
Century, does not know of gunpowder,
In comparison with our time, when
A handful of ashes and a piece of lead can
To Kill a glorious ... "

      So cried
Raging Orlando and wise Don Quixote -
Latest medieval swords.

Accustomed to sleep in the deep equilibria

Hairline black jack
At the bottom of gun barrels,
In the crater of a mortar, in the trunks of steel

To get to the fury of random awakenings
In the face of the enemy suddenly spit death.

Blurring the dust of construction man
Granulating brick, and stone and metal,
He forced the crowd dispersed
Close ranks, to gather for a strike.
He gave the gun - the sight,
Trunk - thread,
Soldiers - story,
Heroes - discipline
Connected nodes dark depths of the masses,
Mixture of peoples,
Fused state,
In the gorges street barricades rearing.
Will cast know
Erected the townspeople,
Creating the free labor of slaves
For the bourgeois democracies of equality.


      He created an army,

      Barracks and soldiers,
Universal military service,
Unquestioningly, precision, discipline
He knocked heroes helmets and shoulders,
Uniforms, swords, badges, medals,
All plumage tournaments and parades,
And painted in green and brown

      Rutted roads,

    Trampled fields
Gaping streets, rubbish and ashes -
Color of feces and vomit, which
Makes invisible enemies.

But the black powder in the world was a forerunner
Other forces more majesty
He opened the door for them, and here we are

                                on the threshold
Swirling, incredible night
And seeing the horrific images of shadows
Not mentioned, but it is conceivable that
Entrusted the future of the earth.

January 28, 1923




       Steam billowed stream

       Over the first center.
Meanwhile ox pulling the plow and the horse

       Used to take gravity

       He vainly rattled
Tire kettle hissing on the stone,
To draw attention to human

Only a century ago, the owner dogodalsya
Boiler, in which thousands of centuries
Cooked soup, put on wheels
And vzdev collar, harness it to the cart.
Par vyper piston napruzhil lever
And the engine, jerky breathing,

        With the effort has shifted

       And he dragged along the rails
Huge train baggage and people

Thus began a century Para.No humble
Cast iron ox suddenly turned
In voracious Minotaur:

       Pairs sent
Working in the mines - dig ore and coal,
In the swamp - to build mounds in the desert -

       On roads

       Locked Rights
In the dungeons of factories, mines, underground
Soiled sky coal soot

       Ray of sunshine - soot

       And strangled in the mists
Splashed the flames cities.

Par reduced space narrowed the ground,
Pressed oceans, stretched landscape
In the monotonous painted

Hills, fields, trees and houses,
Traveling between the wires;

Expanses of the traveler;

       Deprived feet

       Hot touch

       Unknown road
Eyes - the joy of discovery of new vistas,
Palm - Staff and nostrils - Wind


       The road, which became


       Mileage, stress,
The shortest distance between points
Stormed into the city, a break Exploits
And clearing the sacred maze,
Rassekla thick stone turned
Lane, square, street - in a ditch
For flow velocities of wild,
Up Bridges drove pedestrians
Breakthrough Rat tunnels under the river
And lifted her overhead track.

Hiss, rumble, clatter, the movement - drowned
Live human speech,
Unthinkable did prayer
Conversation, meditation, transformed
King of the universe in the oiler of wheels.


       Adam was carved

       Following the model of the Creator,
But the steam boiler considered unworthy

       Divine nudity

       And recreate
In his own image rights:
Clothed in his livery, without which
He has no right to appear

       In the sanctuaries of culture.
He gave a human torso

       Similarity of the boiler

       Decorated with rivets;
On his head put on chimney,
Losnyaschiyysya shiny with soot;


       Stesal as the two pillars

       Thrust his hands into the pipe,
Clothing banned all colors except
Shades of dirt, soot and smoke
And, taking showers, people breathed steam.

February 8, 1922



Constellations gleaming brow,
Rising above the chaos,
Reverse shadow in the depths of the lower waters.
Opened up two smezhennyh night eyes -
And sprinkled light.
Two fire beam
Scratch in the water
Formed in the hexagram.
Nemotnye parted lips,
And rose from the depths of silence
And the hosts of spirits erupted neighborhood
From the first breath of the universal.
Right hand raised continents
A left-allocated water
From the loins multiplied earthly creature
Of living - plants,
From the bone - rock
And the twins -
Heavenly and earthly -
Come into contact with wet feet.
Lord breathed on the lowest pit face,
And the lower the werewolf was Adam.
Adam was the world
The world as was Adam.
He thought the sky,
Thought clouds
He clay plotstvoval,
The plant is grown,
Kostenel stones,
Zverel passions
He saw the sun,
Dreaming dreams of the Moon
Boomed planets
Breathing winds.
And it all -
Above, as below, Performed high concordance.

Timeless disintegrated in the rain Ages
And leaked thousands of centuries.
World of conical hill
Rested in the bosom of the ocean.
From the high towers,
Composed of people
From the obese fat clay mezhirechy
Cain himself had forgotten assorted
Cuneiform shimmering constellations.
Swarmed the sky star-beasts
The temples with winged bulls.
Sought a fiery sun paths
By ruts stadium Zodiac.
Crystal revolving heavens
And strain bronze arc
And move along the rim of a complex
One inserted into another sphere,
And the seven planets of their daily mileage
Diamond orbits accomplishes.
And in the deltas of the Chaldean astrologer
And the shepherds the Iranian plateau,
Listening to music worlds
Spheres to Buzz
And to thin stellar ping
By prophetic combination of light
Determined the fate of kingdoms and the world.
All of the transient was only a sign
Age-old mysteries
Inscribed on the sky.

Then he locked the slot heaven.
The world has become an arena bathed in sunshine,
Palestro for Olympics
Under the dome of black ether
Supported on the shoulder Atlantov

On the background of wine and purple sea
And the red ocher jagged land
Playing the copper muscles, athletes
Wings sweep anoint bodies
Flashed in the sun bronze wheels
Droning verses
And calls theorems

And there were no indigo distances,
Gone are no prospects for eternity:
Everything was palpable and close -
Spirit thought flesh
And felt the volume
Kneaded clay finger
And the reason was measuring the earth.

Disposal of cypress columns,
Vescheny cedar zakurennyh chapels
Acropolis in the diversity of animal,
Faded painted marble statues
And the dark marble altars, sticky,
And rust, and bronze gilded roofs,
Black, cinnabar, and sepia, and bile -
Ground colors were clear eye
Blinded to the blue sky,
Who forgot the alphabets of the constellations.
When is the soul of gymnasts and wrestlers
In the world of dovremennoy night responded
And immersed in the frenetic dream -
Plexus hands
And tension of ligaments
Knitting torsos in graceful knots
Tragic metope and epodov
Eshilovyh and Pindarovyh stanzas.

Mir said the size of a man
And the man was the measure of all things.

Clot overnight.
Burial ground
Cast out the bones of our forefather Adam
And Cain.
In breaking clouds
Could see the hill
And three of the cross -
The last hope of being.
The Earth was motionless dark ball
Around it revolved the seven heavens,
Above them the sky of stars
And Pervosily,
And all include presvetly Emporium.
From under the Calvary
Inside the earth - a funnel -
Dante led the way for concentrated evil.
God was the circle,
A center for the Devil
Raspyalenny in the depths of matter.

Violent ups portals
Away from the earth sought to man.
The steps of empires and churches,
Celestial spheres and circles of hell
Schley ringed links hierarchies
And piled stones Bible -
Display ten centuries:
Cyclones faith
Squalls of heresies,
Tornadoes peoples -
The Huns and the Mongols.
And fires
One hundred forty-dads
And sixty-dynasties
Hundred and emperors
Seven hundred kings,
And through the mirage of molten okonnits
On a gold heraldic shields -
Pipe Court
And a black ray of Calvary.
In space and in time the land
Was centered universe:
Ecumenical spirit was crucified
Ishlestannoy and ulcerated flesh.

Was slim and beautiful liturgical
Medieval world.
But Galileo
Tore it
Clutched in his fist
And the earth
Soared over heels
According to the vortex loop
Grown tremendously around the Sun.
The world was thrown open to tsentilony times.
Relations have changed wildly,
The depths Star Galaxy,
And only God is not enough space.
Inquisitive spirit of the Apostle Thomas,
Resurrected when he said:
"I do not believe
Meanwhile finger in the wound is not nested, smashed thousands 
of years of faith. He apparently adjusting the number

He has color and sound
Checked the touch,
He weighed the light
Measured the running beam
He suffered all the dogmas of theology
At the incarnation of forces and matter.

The matter was infinite,
Consubstantial to different natures,
The fishery began
Universal gravitation,
Became an eternal atom
Omnipresent - ether:
Slippery -
"His are never seen again and nowhere."

Calculated by Laplace and Newton,
The world has become the finest synthesis of wheels
Ellipses, spheres, parabolas -
Themselves zavedshim once and for all
According to the principles of conservation
Matter and Force.

Hungry dalyu numbers and spaces
Was drunk unbelief -
Worst of the faiths.
And around him tossing and swarmed
Covered by spasm of the substance.
Creator and slave
Summarized writhings critters
They identified the logic of
Of the inertia of matter,
He thought
As a black negative:
Nothingness, shiny light
And essentially, shrouded in darkness.
So would just realized the world
Herself befell the machine.

But the irrepressible mind spread
And this world,
Built on the touch
Penetrate and measure our finger.

Everything is relative:
And delusions, and knowledge.
Term life truths -
Twenty - thirty years,
The age limit vodovoznoy horse.
We are looking for a computational convenience,
And in fact we know nothing:
No capacity
No sense of gravitation,
No mass planets,
Neither the shape of their orbits,
At vyzvezdivshem sky we can not
Eye to distinguish the "tomorrow" on "yesterday".
No matter -
There is a whirlwind of force;
No hardness -
There is a tension of the strings;
None of the atom -
There is a field of tension
(Whirlwind small "no" around the big "YES").
No density
No weight
No size -
There is a function of different velocities.
All there is difference of pressure,
Jet flow times uneven;
Space - a variety of forms;
There is not one
A lot of math;
We exist in space, where all
Nothing is created;
Light, electricity and heat -
Only forms of decomposition and decay,
A person -
Mogilny parasite
World rot bacterium.
The universe is not operational, not an organism,
A waterfall burning worlds
Where solar zavert - just a case of
In the middle of irreversible jets.
No immortality.
Matter is finite.
Number Worlds exhausted long ago.
All thirty-five zillion Suns
In a single moment,
And perish all at once.
All being accidentally and instantaneously.
Phenomena of life - a brief episode
Between the immensity of death.
Consciousness - a flash of lightning in the night;
Aerolite feature in the atmosphere,
Span through the flames blistered fire
Random birds, torn from the storm
Again nyrnuvshey in a snowstorm.

As an eye on the sprawling world of
Free to impose term
Air distances,
Cloud scenes
And on the horizon brings parallels
Introducing the picture of logic and order, so the mind amidst 
the chaos phenomena Distributes them to the stairs

Causality, time, space
And strengthens the arches of the number.
We erecting cathedrals cosmogony
Not external to them, display the world
And only the faces of our ignorance.
Systems in the world -
Casts of Ancient souls
Mirror delirium vzaimootrazheny
Two contrasting depths.
There is no exit from the labyrinth of knowledge.
And people will not ever
Other than that in which he passionately believes.

So whether it is itself the creator of the universe!
Conscious of a divine and eternal
And floating worlds of bilge shower and faiths.
Be bold architect of the towers of Babylon,
You - charmer sphinxes, chimeras! ..
June 12, 1923



            Set, united in one

    represented by the state - civitas.

           This is the origin of Leviathan,

          or, more respectfully - this

                           mortal god.

                         Hobbes. "Leviathan"

Rebellious pride in bold,
Deprived of his possessions and children,
Stretched out over Stogniy cities
At gnoische desecrated the universe,
I - Job - the Lord said:

Here's the king of beasts, of all creatures completion -
You razverznu vision
To have you seen both outside and inside
Parts of it according to the structure
And the glory of the truth of my wisdom. "

And now, as the mainland, from the depths of the foam,
Vzmyv Ocean, climbed Beast of Beasts,
Monstrous, ferocious, polynomials ...
In the savage depths of my eye could distinguish
Heavy millstones gyre,
The whirlwind of blades, mirrors, flickering,
And a quick fire, and lightning radiation.

"He is the seventh day I was sotvoren.Skazal gentlemen, all of 
life origin It marvelously soglasovany.Lishen

Consciousness - he was all digestion.
And mankind eternally included
In the plexus veins the blood on the tree
Its range, and moves in it is
The great millstone of the heart.
Dull, inert
You see him. Rdyanoyu River
Streak of light, shimmering in the huge
Sensory organ;
A deeper - into the abyss of the dark -
Yawning hunger of longing.
That in these depths, slow and nasty,
Love and thought mysteriously appeal,
I will make creatures like him
And I will give them the power to devour each other. "

And I saw how deep the ocean
Cast up into the world hungry octopus army:
Boiled abyss and became Bagryana.
Well I started to curse birthday.

I said:

          "Why should I mind
You're in the outer darkness illuminated
And the spirit of the living breathing in my breath,
Permit to be a slave of heartless forces
To be slime lived ferment juices splanchnic
In the guts of a monster? "

In peals of angry
Lord of the storm, said:
"Who are you,
To weigh the scales world hustle
And the meaning of blaspheme my destiny?
Fly ashes, the whole raft planted me
Would not the purest of lights,
When Love melts the earthly world?
Now stagnant bodies of alkanes and anger -
Only the first step toward the conflagration of love.
I myself went down at you like into the bowels of the tomb,
I myself am haunted by the fire in your blood.
Like me - you, so you vzyskuesh ground.
Burning - burn!
Closed in a coffin - live!
So my world priemlesh it? "

                          "Accept ..."



Dust - dust ...
I became a long-land ...
Flowered plants
The sun was shining
All that was made flesh,
Dissipated as the rainbow dust
Live, nameless.
And the ocean is the time
Rolled surf centuries ...

Call Archangel
Shining through
Circles of copper sounds
Shook the universe;
And he remembered himself
I have every particle
Scattered around the world.
In a whirlwind of flesh pipe
Decaying bloomed in the graves of the bone.
In the womb of the earth
Life began to stir.
And the grass Väli,
Dried up trees,
Rays dark,
Grew cold sun.
Great Silence.
In saffron
And the dim twilight land lay
Gaping cemetery.
How brown sores,
Mounds swelled, rent with,
Stems pale flesh.
Sprouts thin fingers
Stretched from the earth;
Palm pinker;
Stems of hands and feet with an effort to sprout,
Rose torsos, the muscles swelled,
And rapidly rising
Niva Live flesh
Agitated and rustling ...

When dark tubers
In the lumps of earth and tangled oxen
Opened head
And the dead had opened his eyes, - the sky
Rent, as the curtain
Dried up time
Space wrinkled
And ceased to be ...
And each
Inside I saw the sun
In terms of animal ...
And he judged himself ...

February 5, 1915

Text stuffed on the book "The Shadow ecumenical"

 Maxim Vishnevsky 07.03.1998

Other articles:

Credits - a list of authors of music and graphics used in the previous rooms.

Hint - The reality of the association Amazing Software Making (A. SM)

Emulators - Review Spectrum emulator.

Litstranichka - Maximilian Voloshin: From the "Ways of Cain."

Humor from Fido - Funny compilation of texts.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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