Revival #03
02 августа 1997

News - stopped going ON-Line. The contents of the log Spectrofon N22, 23.

<b>News</b> - stopped going ON-Line.
 The contents of the log Spectrofon N22, 23.

   The saddest news - ceased publication on-line, ie
85th was the last number. This is due to the acute shortage
time his chief editor, Dmitry Grigoriev.

   More news, this time is very nice - Dune 2 (by Perestroika), 
contrary to all predictions, still come, even though the work 
over her and was frozen at an impressive time. 

   The authors expect to show his creation to Inla, although
may not have time - the work still to be impressive.

   Parallel Perestroika engaged the issue of new disc
versions. So recently left Bloodwych, Chaos, Tau Ceti 3, Time
Gate, etc.

                       Spectrofon 22-23

   Finally, both numbers (the 22nd and 23rd) came out, and 
almost simultaneously. Each occupies an entire disk, and 
nothing inferior to previous issue, even so fortunate as 20 and

21st. As always, excellent design and music, a lot of 
interesting material, and valuable programs in the appendix. 

   Despite all this, the magazine is not even paid off. Those 
crumbs are able to pay our distributors (what can you do,

if such a hard time = (), do not even cover the cost of its
production. And so we can establish the fact that after
how ruined Inforkom, zhurnalostroenie ceased to be
profitable on the Spectrum. For other platforms and say nothing,
which is proved by the fact that electronic journals for them 
in Russia, in fact, are not published and printed, most of 
them, initially at a loss (as seen in the example Tricks PC and 
Amiga Guide). Everything.

   The content of these two rooms to you, I hope we know from
publications in the previous Rivayvelah, as well as their 
demonstration "SPF Promotion" (be sure to take the last one, if 
not seen - will not regret it). I will briefly tell about the 
content of each issue Specifically:

 Spectrophone 22

    - DEBUT: description of role-playing game Bloodwych


    - MIRROR: an interview with Odin Computer Graphics

    - PREMIERE: D00M pre-release (by DR) - finished level

                        the bestseller of all times,

                   SW Commander (by FFC)

    - Expertise: toys Spooked

    - DESIGNER: 3D Construction Kit - editor games, with

                   through which had all the games

                   Company Incentive (Driller, Dark Side, etc.)

    - System: to manage the files of computers

                   Memory Over 128K

    - STORM: translate brand strategy descriptions

                   Games War in Middle Earth

 Spectrophone 23

    - From the world of bat

    - ENCYCLOPEDIA: all about the company Code Masters

    - Fantasy: simply wonderful, from my point of view,

                    novella by Yuri Matveev computer theme

    - PREMIERE: Fast Tracker demo (DR) - a demo of the new

                        music editor

                    ZX ASM v3.10 demo - a demo of the new 

                        known assembler

                    Bytex Font Editor (Bytex) - Editor

                        Font size of 256 characters

                    Plutonium demo - a demo version of 

                        Made in the style of Star Heritage

    - MIRROR: an interview with the leader of the Novgorod

                    Digital Reality - Artem Kharitonov

    - Globe: the story of the firm Hewson Consultants

    - Cache: a bunch of new cheats

    - OPINION: results of a survey on the Spectrum theme

   Buy rates will be possible, in particular, Inforkoma and 
firms Scorpio. But still not too late to purchase a license for 
these rooms at a reasonable price. Contact editorial office can 
be found in any room spectrophone.

Other articles:

From the Author - the correct pronunciation of the name of the newspaper.

News - stopped going ON-Line. The contents of the log Spectrofon N22, 23.

News - miniintervyu Lav aka Dr, Sampler.

News - a new assembler Masm 2.0.

Thoughts aloud - Doom of Inlayte'97: news from the Flash and Softland.

new software - On how to make inappropriately releases of games. List of leaders in one way or another Spectrum of activity. The work of the Novgorod Digital Reality.

System - Marquee on Border'e and foundations Multicolor'a for novice programmers.

Mail - on the Spectrum and Spektrumistah in Taganrog.

Mail - The four groups - Magic Soft, MegaCode, Beermans H.G. and Speed Co. - Merged into the new larger organization - Extreme.

Likbez - As translated Russian names into English.

Cache - Something from POKES for games (small group pokov).

Application - On the games included in the application: Road Runner, G-Man, Master of the Uuniverse, Infection, R.B.I. - 2.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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Our News - The core of "old men" fell apart.
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