Insanity #05
28 февраля 2000

with the bat on the world - on the history of spektrumizma.

<b>with the bat on the world</b> - on the history of spektrumizma.
                        Batting THE WORLD

    (C) Dr.C0dex

   the ruins of the century ...

                               "... Not every bastard sees 

                                 in the mirror, but all it knows

                               "... If people were beasts, then

                               Animals people would never have 
become " 

                                              Paradoxes of Dr.C

In our section, which, judging from the reviews, many had to
taste, I'll take it on a historical truth. The essence of all
underwritten very realestichna. I have not read one very
amusing little book, do not you just have relished these lines. 
In general, By and large, I will tell it like it is in reality. 
One has only to you ask - and maybe all this fuss about? - Dust 
in the eyes? ravings of a madman? ... And 35 famous people - it 
is then that as a fact?

Got my hands on a volume of the series of books about the 
origin of rights of a British publisher, and what I'm in it

such _ubitogo_ (a word derived from the name column) subtracted,
you ask? And this is what you are not killed my ...

I must admit I would have you scanned the whole book, and 
without fail would put here, but this act of significance could 
be would be considered boorish.

Wasting no time, I tell you! If you read the entire proposed
material, besides, if you have an analogy with the analysis and 
all order, then certainly in front of you should open all the 
beauty ambiguity. The beauty of what?

Namely that much text is painfully reminiscent of the recent 
period history of spektrumizma. Or am I wrong? In fact,

You can think of everything and the editor can be cunning, but 
not reading may not be an association with reality! Although, in

Indeed magnetism excerpt from the book is available. After all, 
it can be used not only as a guide to biology, anthropology,

spektrumizma stories, but also as a pre-election
monologue excursions into the past is _not_ know what and 
kogo_. In the beginning material I present my cynical 
zaskoblennye comments, but then take off this work on your wit 
and practical level cognition. Any coincidence with reality 
please consider random and not to take seriously. Here it 
seemed to his fancy that if I do, I can not say, but do know 
one thing about recently ...


    ... Cambrian period has left us a very rich treasure
fossils (indeed, there is to argue - their detriment)
especially compared to Precambrian times from which there
remained nothing but the stromatolites (. tap. sna. z80).
Scenery compared to the Precambrian world has changed little
(Scene gets old and covered with a layer of dust enveloped a web
it is not clear just what. Whether www, whether in the literal 
sense). Climate still remained a tropical and did not know the 
seasonal changes; salty ocean is still girded the only 
continent of bare rock. But here's the list of actors in the 
era of life gradually increased to infinity (softmeykery grow as

in yeast), and they met in the Cambrian seas everywhere 
(straight netmany any).

    The most numerous of these were trilobites, outwardly 
similar with cancers: they accounted for 60% of the Cambrian

fossils (Vasiliev Anton, Wallsoft, Andy Chernikov). These
arthropods with many legs and a segmented
body, hidden under a hard chitinous shell differed
udivitlnym variety of forms. They had a dozen eyes, others
treated at all without them, some of them, as if there were
even without a head (crazy fellow) ... Almost all were not
large - the largest colossus of his time, had a length of
round head to the same blunt tail not more than half.
All of them are long extinct. But at the same time with them 
there other, more promising types of marine animals. From some

do not have even the fossils, as all of their body was soft,
as worms and sponges, but their descendants still exist.
Others sought shelter in the shells, like mussels and snails, 
and others shells and the shape of the current napominaki 

    Calm the Cambrian period is now over - the new period
Ordovician, brought floods, which have since our world is 
already did not know. Sea, flooded the land, constantly opening 
up new opportunities for life. The seabed is covered with 
velvety green a carpet of algae. Primitive flow waved thick bowl

long, covered with slime ribbons on the surface of the algae
formed green floating islands that drift in
surface in a constant oscillation waves, lit by the sun,
then wrapped in darkness of the night, drew up a different way 
of life compared with the inhabitants of the deeper waters, 
accustomed to the gloom and even temperature.

    Living in the cold depths of the sea have adapted to a huge
pressure and glow in the dark, but at the bottom of a sow from 
the top too soft detritus feeding creatures.

    Some Ordovician organisms such as corals,
double-molluscs, jellyfish and sea urchins, have lived up to our
days. Other somewhat resemble familiar to us inhabitants of the 
sea, but very different from their sizes, or what some

characteristic features. An example would be the first true
Marine giant - nautiloid, cephalopods molluscs ('m not ......
.. Et it?), A relative, the cuttlefish, but protected by a huge
hard shell, which sometimes reaches a length of almost five

    Some animals had not played in the Ordovician Sea noticeable
role, yet very important, because they heralded appearance
coming tomorrow. Mostly they were small numbers
original Kosyakova fish - they were the first among animals
got a backbone, which now serves as a support remya
skeletons of all the higher beings.

     In the Silurian period, which replaced the Ordovician, fish
becomes larger, but especially impressive impression they do not
produce. These ancient fish - ostrakodermy - rarely achieved in
length 30 cm They did not have jaws and a toothless mouth was 
fit only then to absorb nutrients from the bottom

silt, and instead of these paired fins they were simply
skin growths.

    Ostrakodermov hardened skin, forming a protective shell 
with no which they would have to be evil. Relatively harmless 
creatures such as trilobites and nautiloidov already left the 
stage, giving place a strong and voracious predators.

    The most serious eurypterids or rakoskorpiony,
which are considered the ancestors of modern scorpions, unlike
They live on land. Modern Scorpion - creating a rather
terrible, but his ancestor was the largest animal rakoskorpion
Silurian sea and the world. At length he reached over two 
meters, has a powerful veslopodobnym tail and was armed with a 
long pincers resembling the claws of cancer (cancer but the 
2-meter), and its sawtooth-shaped mouthparts of the joke was 
torn apart by the strongest armor bezchelyustnyh small fish. At 
first glance it might seem that weak fishes, served as prey to 
this monster was not no chance to survive.

    However, they survived and, indeed, ultimately the top
left behind them. First they were vertebrates and swam
fast and maneuverable hunt them invertebrates
rakoskorpionov. Secondly, they were in the process of evolution 
and more adapted to the conditions of their existence.

Themselves agnathans fish floating on the bottom and
sucking mud, not have a great future, among a few of their
children can be deprived of the dam shell lamprey, which feeds
prisasyvayas round mouth of a live fish of other species. By 
the end of Silurian widespread other fish - from the jaws

capable of biting. At length she dostgala and ten centimeters,
but certainly it was a predator as well as the harbinger
further years of evolution superclass of fish.

    The appearance of this fish is much better suited at the end
Silurian coincided with another sign of the future, as
maloprimetnym and equally important: the first plants appear on 
the shores of the seas. Scientists know almost nothing about 
these first terrestrial plants, even evidence that they are 
generally existed, extremely poor: how much can be judged that

best, were very modest bushes.

    This is a new landmark event in the history of life 
coincided with the significant changes in the proper shape of 
the Earth. At the end of siluriskogo and early Devonian crust

repeatedly to break, dropping and bloat.
Gradually the land was raised above, there are new mountains. 
Water oceans that were offensive to the land, then retreated 
again. Retreating, they left behind thick layers of humus and 
silt that accumulated over millions of years. So formed

Platform ...

Other articles:

Help - description of a new shell of the newspaper.

Fifth Column - on the fifth issue gezety.

Local News - news from Glazov and Perm.

SS 999.99 - summed Complex Compo 1999.

I can not remain silent - "who first said that the Spectrum is not a tenant?"

Brand Name - "Household Computer Companion" - the history of Izhevsk clone ZX Spectrum'a.

Lamers Must Die - the copyright on the Spectrum.

Midi Interface 2 - the continuation of the description of the Midi interface.

Look insanity - instruction for those who are going to make a newspaper on the Spectrum.

Cyber Punk 4 - Our neural Chernobyl.

Playing in the sand - story of the discovery of fractals.

with the bat on the world - on the history of spektrumizma.

Backyards Insanity - addresses of the authors of the paper.

Zakroma homeland - Application of the newspaper.

Темы: Игры, Программное обеспечение, Пресса, Аппаратное обеспечение, Сеть, Демосцена, Люди, Программирование

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